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Definitely Absolutely not
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Definitely (1)
 Absolutely not (3)

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Pessimist(182) pic

Is it wise to time travel?

I mean, to travel in a way not pertaining to the standard motion of time.


Side Score: 3

Absolutely not

Side Score: 3

But only in our minds. Time travel is not a reality. It is fun to experience it in our minds.

Side: Definitely

Time travel has fascinated man since man could make cognitive thought, and the idea of time travel brings great excitement, but whether it is wise, this is likely unfavorable because one, nobody has proven it is possible, two, if possible, nobody knows the physical or health implications on the human body, and three, time travel always implies any change in spacetime continuum would result in the butterfly effect.

Side: Absolutely not

The most minor of changes occurring in the "past" would radically alter the future (or rather, "now".)

Say, for instance, a horse gets killed four thousand years ago. That horse was one of the ancestors of Bucephalus. Now, Bucephalus never comes into existence and Alexander the Great's career is altered in some unfathomable way.

Or, for another example, say a person swerves to avoid hitting a dog and, instead, hits and kills a person. Had one of that dog's ancestors been 'altered' by going into the past then that person would not have been killed. If that person had not have been killed, they'd have had an effect on everybody else with whom that person would ever come into contact; thus, the future would be changed.

Side: Absolutely not