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 Is life real or is it a fallible perceptions? (6)

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Conro(767) pic

Is life real or is it a fallible perceptions?

Can we assume that reality is real? Is it possible to make such a broad conclusion. After all that conclusion is based on sensation and the organized perception of reality, which can be fooled. From this, is it possible that reality is merely invented within our minds and different for each person?

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This reminds me about a theory I spoke to some relatives about. I said, is it possible that your mind is all that is true, and that the rest of the world is your own hallucination?

A prime pop-culture example would be the Star Trek episodes The Menagerie and Shore Leave. Telepathic aliens create a world for some of the crew members out of their memories, and they think that it is real.

1 point

Yeah that's essentially what the debate is.

What do you think though? Is life a hallucination invented by our minds, and our minds are all that's true?

I've thought of it. However, I consider myself more of a fallibilist. I believe that little if any knowledge can be completely verified/accurate. Solipsism is the theory that only the self exists, or can be proven to exist. I do not believe that because I cannot believe that my mind is eccentric, for lack of a better word, to make up some of the things I read on here. You can be sitting down at your computer and thinking that I exist, but are you sure? Are my words simply just a figment of your imagination? I know for a fact that it is not true, but you can not know that I am true and thus my 'facts' are cannot be proven true to you. Sound confusing yet?

I, on the other hand, cannot be certain that you exist. You can say that you exist, but I cannot be 100% positive that it is actually you saying it, not my mind.

Come on, it must be getting confusing by now!

That is all that I'll say for now, don't want to get too grilled for this 'non-sense.' After all, who would not get confused by that?

1 point

It's possible that life is but a dream, but it's also irrelevant. We would live our lives the same either way.

Side: who knows - it doesn't matter
1 point

Common sense tells us that our existence is real. Literally. The sense we hold in common about reality is largely correct, to the limits of our current comprehension of things. (An example of such limits: We can't hear stuff dogs can. Hell, adults can't hear frequencies teens can.)

Why is it largely correct? Because our sense of things is constantly verified by a large number of people, reducing the possibility of substantial error. And basically, errors in our sense of things can lead to harm or death.

In terms of fallible perceptions, lets look at the only two "instincts" (or unlearned behaviors) that have ever been found in humans. A human infant will react with fear to items suddenly presented and to a perceived loss of support from the surface preventing them from falling (this was tested by placing an infant on a board some distance from the floor, covering that with a firmly support piece of clear Plexiglas, and then removing the board blocking the view of the floor below.

This startle response and fear of falling -- fallible perception? Or a survival mechanism?

However, we also need to account for instances of mass hysteria. We can be subject to what is called folly-a-deux, A condition in which symptoms of a mental disorder, such as the same delusional beliefs or ideas, occur simultaneously in two individuals. We could perhaps have occurrences of "folly-a-culture", in which we are all insane. However, instances of that are largely rare.

Except perhaps those who believe in god. Studies have should that we have an innate ability for mystical experiences, which subject us to a need to interpret, and which are commonly understood as an encounter with the holy. A similar shared belief, perhaps from the same source, are superstitions.

I'm not presenting a clear argument one way or another as the situation is complicated. Maybe we experience or life largely grounded in reality, and of course fallible perceptions. Or we can have a thin veneer of sanity, covering a mass pit of "insanity" or illogic. Consider our experience in dreaming...

Oh well. Some food for thought.

Side: who knows - it doesn't matter

Life is real because there are other humans interacting, however, an imaginary mind can perceive fantasy.

Side: who knows - it doesn't matter