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 What is to come after capitalism? (5)

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casper3912(1556) pic

What is to come after capitalism?

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2 points

Either socialism or fascism. Socialism because people are tired of being taken advantage of by corporations. Or fascism because some are extremely ignorant to the fact that they are being taken advantage of. I would honestly prefer socialism.

Side: something else

Anarchy. People don't like government telling them what they can and cannot do; they'd rather be allowed to do whatever they want. If they err, so be it.

Side: Anarchy

Socialism. Paul enjoys stealing from Peter, so Paul elects whom agrees with Paul.-----------------------------------------

Side: Socialism

means of production will continue to improve eventually leading to a practical lack of scarcity.

Side: Socialism
1 point

First and for most am sorry for offending those who identify as sasquatches. Hope this helps:)

Side: Socialism