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 Is Globalisation good, bad or are we just misusing it? (6)

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Spadedude(227) pic

Is Globalisation good, bad or are we just misusing it?

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1 point

Globalization is very good and probably one of the few ways that government will never be able to truly regulate the market.

Many people use the globalized market because it's more efficient for them. Less taxed (if any) and less regulated. Poorer countries receive access to modern medicine and technology and actually receive work from a business that is efficient.

Nations with tensions remain allies or neutral because of their business together. In the end, it always comes down to how much technology, information, and money they're willing to give up just to settle a grudge.

Many people attack globalization for two main reasons:

1. Corporations are evil beings who are destroying the planet and manipulating the citizens, and this is just some evil scheme to take over the world. For children and hippies in college, this is a popular reason to hate Globalization. But for people who are pass the whole "let's rebel against rich people" phase, it's a naive argument that obviously holds no ground.

2. Outsourcing and mistreatment of foreign workers. Yes, mistreatment is possible and must be stopped, but I do not advocate a minimum wage or benefits for employees. The whole reason why outsourcing is much more efficient is because benefits are not necessary. Plus, these people had no jobs or extremely shitty jobs with horrible work conditions that you couldn't imagine before big business came and put them in their employment. Are they well off? Probably not, but they surely are BETTER off than without the corporations. As for outsourcing; fuck them. If they want a job so badly, either do more work or work for less pay. Other people, who have shittier lives than you, don't have jobs and the corporations are giving them what they need. If you wanna bitch and moan because you're some union asshole, fuck off.

Side: Very Good
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
2 points

Your beliefs are strong and reasonable, but you needn't act arrogant. Globalization does provide jobs to impoverished nations, but it is not exactly benificary to the economies of those very nations. By having no minimum wage, the standard of living increases not exponentially, but rather minutely. The wages these workers get are menial. Additionally, the lack of regulation overseas ensures the lack of workers rights.


The profit gained by these corporations does not work it's way back to the 'host' economy. Instead, we benefit.

Side: Very Good
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

I never said it works its way back to the host economy. I said they're better off than without the corporations. These people wouldn't have the jobs that they have now if it weren't for globalized corporations. Sure, they pay shit wages and don't provide benefits, but it's better than what they had before (nothing).

Side: Very Good
1 point

It would be impossible at this point to end globalisation... we're in an information age (even though the common sense era has passed) so whether it's good or bad doesn't matter because we're going to have to live with it.

I don't understand the concept of 'mis'using it. Does that mean outsourcing and sweatshops or does that mean cultural and idelogic melting pots or does it mean africans can access porn starring white bitches?

Side: Very Good

Globalization is good when a band of nations pitch together to help those countries that need food, shelter, and medical treatment as well as Education.

Side: Very Good