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Israel Palestine
Debate Score:533
Total Votes:705
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 Israel (86)
 Palestine (86)

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Zofia(68) pic

Israel versus Palestine

Everything that is happening over there is just crazy. It is never-ending. Nobody can reach any kind of meaningful agreement because each side (and supporters of each side) believe they are right. Let's see who can present the best arguments and the best evidence. I am genuinely curious to hear arguments from BOTH sides.


Side Score: 207


Side Score: 326
19 points

Read about the Hamas charter by clicking the links bellow.

Then tell me again how Hamas is not hell bent on destroying Israel. Tell me again how Hamas only wants the lands stolen in 1967.

Read about the conditions leading up to the war in 1967 and tell me again how Israel instigated that war.

Side: Israel
downvote(53) Disputed
3 points

But then again, innocent palestinians were driven out of their homes.

Side: Palestine
2 points

Agreed. Even if Palestinians got land they wanted, that would not satisfy them. They want destruction of Israel. This is something that will never occur.

Side: Israel
MindRebel(3) Disputed
1 point

Tell me who is winning this war exactly? If that's not even enough, posting who killed who on social media just stepped beyond the boundaries - don't you think? Besides, in times of war, no one is winning. I think it's high time for censorship:

Side: Palestine
8 points

A certain ex-PLO sniper under Yasser Arafat, Taas Saada quoted: "The war in the Middle East is not "political" but rather "spiritual...", no matter what we do as long the Arab nations don't respect the rights of existence of Jews (Israel) as much as the Israel respects their religion (we all know arabs are free to live in Israel and even receive citizenship) the tension will not stop, more lives will be at stake both for Israel and Palestine. As Golda Meir said, "[The Arabs] will stop fighting us when they love their children more than they hate [Jews]." Now, think about it.......

Side: Israel
karimcsf(49) Disputed
0 points

The Palestinians will never accept Israel because every year they are taking parts of their land driving them out of there homes. So i think it is justifiable that they hate Israel which are Jews.They wont stop hating Jews till they stop hating Israel.You can call It lake of education because of there bad situation.As for other Arabs they are not interfering in the situation now so why would anyone think they will if Israel stopped cutting supplies and taking land from the Palestinian people.

Side: Palestine
4 points

The violence in the region was initiated by the Palestinians and the Arab nations bordering the region. Under British rule Palestine was a haven for both Jews and native Arabs. However, in recognition of the long chain of abuses against the Jewish nation throughout the world the United Nations determined to create a sovereign nation for the Jews in the former British protectorate. The Arabic inhabitants of the region refused to accept the plan, though they made no attempt to make their case in the UN or to try and peacefully mediate a new plan. Instead shortly after the Israeli nation was created the Palestinians welcomed an Arab army invading from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq in May of 1948. Many Arabs fled the region (estimated up to 80%), with the promise of a triumphant return when the Jews were utterly defeated. They would be disappointed. The Israelis refused to give up their new state and forced a stalemate ending the war.

Personally I believe that the Israeli and Palestinian nations are entitled to their own states. However, concessions must be made by both sides in order for this to be a practical solution. The UN's original partition plan, or another like it, should be adopted and Jerusalem should become an international territory controlled by neither country. However, this cannot occur until Palestinian terrorism is desisted and both parties become willing to come to the table peacefully.

Side: Israel
Zofia(68) Disputed
2 points

The violence in the region was initiated by the Palestinians and the Arab nations bordering the region

I think this is because the Jews took land and homes from the Palestinians. This is what I am trying to get at: what happened in the beginning? Even if Israel can today say that they have a right to protect their citizens against terrorism, it doesn't excuse them from what they did in the beginning.

Even David Ben-Gurion admitted this.

in recognition of the long chain of abuses against the Jewish nation throughout the world the United Nations determined to create a sovereign nation for the Jews

That's another thing. The Jews had other options too. I understand the historical significance of the 'Holy Land', but do crimes committed against Jews by people who were not Arabs give the Jews the right to settle wherever they want, even taking over someone else's country? (I realize that Palestine didn't exist as a 'state' but I refer to Palestine as a country because it pretty much was, even if not technically.)

Side: Palestine
jessald(1915) Disputed
3 points

I think the history you mention is largely irrelevant. Maybe the creation of Israel wasn't such a good idea -- but what's done is done. It's not like we can take all the Jews out of Israel and stick them someplace else.

The only solution is for both sides to put the past behind and broker a deal based on present practicalities.

Side: Too much killing
pvtNobody(645) Disputed
2 points

Many of the Israelis went to Palestine during the era of the British protectorate. The Palestinians were not displaced by any Jewish occupation. On the other hand, Jews were forced out of their homeland during Arab occupations of their native lands. Does that give them a legitimate claim? Not necessarily, but clearly the majority of the UN believed that they did have a right to a separate state. As I said before the native Arab population did little to prevent the formation of the state of Israel, instead they waited until the deal was finalized to ask for assistance from surrounding Arab states. There is only one incident that I know of in which Israeli soldiers forced any Arabs from their homes, most abandoned their homes with the belief that the Arab armies would be victorious and they would then return. Their refusal to accept Israel as a legitimate state made them refugees, not the existence of Israel or actions taken by the Israelis.

Yes, the Jews had a right to a nation in their homeland. Historically the Arabs are the invaders, this of course does not make the modern Palestinians invaders, however it should be remembered that the Jews and Arabs have a very long history. Further one has to remember, during British rule thousands, perhaps even millions of Jews fled to Palestine in the hopes of a new future far from the antisemitism that plagued the world in that period. There were conflicts between the Jews, the Arabs and the British. When it was decided that the United Kingdom would relinquish their protectorate the UN needed to find a way to prevent conflicts. The Jews were there, and were as much entrenched into their homes as the "native" Arabs and the UN developed a plan that was intended to give both the Palestinians and the Israelis land to avoid conflict between the two groups. Great care was taken to avoid displacing anyone in the process. Obviously it would have been impossible to prevent all displacement but as I said an effort was made to avoid that unfortunate circumstance. To my knowledge the Palestinians did not participate in that process.

I would be terribly amiss to make any claims that one side or the other is completely without blame for the current circumstances, however history shows us that it was indeed the Arabs that have consistently tried to eliminate the Israeli nation. Consistently Israel has defended itself with whatever force necessary and consistently the Arabs have tried to turn their defeats into a story of oppression by the Jews. I believe that both have a claim to the land and that through reason and compromise a solution that is beneficial to both sides can be reached. However, as long as organizations such as Hamas continue to escalate the Jewish-Arab conflict no such compromise can be reached.

Side: Israel
4 points

This link didn't make it in my previous post.

Side: Israel
4 points

Palestine needs to realize that they are not at fault but the government that they put in power is. The israelis have no problem with them except a lack of trust. If the people can regain israels trust and overthrow the terrorist government there would not be a problem. The israelis gave away their own land to try and help them. They are willing to negotiate

Side: realization
karimcsf(49) Disputed
0 points

If you look at every time is there an Israel Palestinian debate Israel does make it work. And the bad government the Palestinian have is a result of the weak state Israel make it so it can't have no true power.And you call terrorist are a bunch of stupid harmless Muslims trying to defend there homes by home made bombs against tanks and Israel promotes them as terrorists to hide and justify their genocides of Palestinians.

Side: Palestine
3 points

Arab World propaganda=Nazi and Communist propaganda.

Side: Israel
3 points

A note, I do not refer to Palestine, I refer to Israel, the historic name of the land. When there is an actual Palestinian nation for the first time, I will refer to Palestine. The first issue I want to address is the right to the land. The Jews have been in Israel for thousands of years, at least 3,000. The name Palestine was invented about 70 CE by the Romans, who got the name from the Philistines, the enemies of Israel, in an attempt to humiliate the Israelites. Ironically enough, the name comes from the word meaning foreign invaders, which is what they and most modern Palestinians are. Arabs came and conquered the land 633 BCE. After that though, it was never that important. Very few rulers ever came to visit the land, not even for what we are told is an extremely important religious site at al Aqsa mosque. The only time it became important was when the Christians came during the Crusades after the Seljuks started persecuting pilgrims traveling to their holy sites. The only reason they cared was because it was considered an insult for them to relinquish any land to non-Muslims. After that, a succession of empires ruled the land, and never once was there an independent nation of Palestine. Throughout this time, Jews in the Diaspora were constantly returning to their historic land in small groups. In the 19th century, a trend started where more and more Jews immigrated back home. In 1897, the Zionist National Congress made it official business to start the ingathering of the exiles and establish a national Jewish state in Israel. At the time, the land was desolate. Mark Twain visited there and said that it was a complete wasteland and that he never saw a soul while he was there. It was filled with swamps and desert, almost completely arid. The Jews came and started to irrigate the land, drain swamps, and make the land farmable again. The more settlers came, the quicker progress was made. There were small Arab communities there, but they were not as big as the Jewish community, at least at first. When the Arabs of surrounding nations saw the prosperity of the Jews, they came in hopes of also becoming prosperous. Eventually, due to restrictions on Jewish immigration, they outnumbered the Jews. After World War II, it was deemed vital to fix the growing problem in Israel. The hopes for a Jewish nation drove Arabs mad, for the same reason their ancestors got mad about the Crusaders. It was, and still is, deemed an insult for lands once under Muslim control to become controlled by non-Muslims. In 1947, the United Nations made a partition plan, and gave each people the land that they were a majority on. The Jews accepted this. The Arabs flatly rejected it, and began funding terrorist attacks against Israel. When Israel declared independence, 6 nations immediately declared war on it, and attacked with their well supplied, well trained militaries against Israel’s covertly trained settlers that had only what could be smuggled in under the restrictive British laws. The nations arrayed against Israel had tanks, planes, machine guns, everything Israel didn’t have. Israel won, and even gained territory that it was attacked from and that had been originally making the land they were given indefensible. They welcomed the Arabs to stay, but the other nations told them to leave and that they could return when they destroyed Israel. Needless to say, they failed to do that. Instead of allowing them to return, however, they placed all 600,000 of them in refugee camps (a note on that number, most were first of second generation immigrants, not native Palestinians. That number is far smaller). They never tried to integrate them into their society. Israel, on the other hand, integrated 800,000 refugees from Arab countries into its society easily, despite having less land, less money, and less people than the Arab countries who could not integrate Arabic refugees into their society.

The second thing I want to address is who wants peace. Israel has accepted every realistic peace offering made, and the Arabs have rejected every single one. The only peace Arabs have ever accepted is for Israel to return to its original indefensible borders and allow all the Arabs to return to wherever they wanted in the land. Israel accepts terms such as the turning over of Gaza and the West Bank to Palestinian authorities to build their state upon. That is rejected by Arabs. You tell me who wants peace and who doesn’t.

Terrorism. This is a sensitive issue in the Mid East, especially in Israel. People accuse Israel of state sponsored terrorism. This is a complete lie. Israel has not once targeted civilians on purpose. I have heard so many times that Israel goes and bombs mosques, schools, hospitals and homes just for the hell of it, or goes around shooting civilians for fun. That is ridiculous. These lies have gotten worse after Operation Cast Lead. Cast Lead was launched against the Gaza strip following years of rocket and mortar attacks against southern Israel, over 8,000 total. Many were launched during a cease fire that only Israel really honored. Hamas, who violently overthrew the legitimate government of Gaza, never honored it as it is in their charter to not acknowledge Israel and to attempt to destroy it at all times. Israel then proceeded to bomb the places the weapons were held and fired from. Hamas had happened to place them in the middle of population centers. They stored weapons in mosques, fired rockets from outside of schools, and they even had their central command underneath a hospital. During gunfire exchanges with Israeli forces, they purposely surrounded themselves with civilians so that they could accuse Israel of killing them. People would run to places they knew were about to be bombed because Israel called the inhabitants to tell them to leave because they had weapons inside. They actively tried to cause civilian casualties in order to charge Israel with war crimes. The final body count is very revealing as to the lies that Hamas tells. They claimed 1414 killed, with 1180 of them being civilians. Israel found only 1166 to be killed, 957 of them combatants and only 295 civilians. Counted in the civilians are some female suicide bombers, a few kids that Hamas had given guns and told to shoot IDF soldiers, and people who deliberately ran to houses that had weapons in order to be human shields. Those people can hardly be counted as innocent, or at least there is good reason they were killed. The actual count of innocent civilians is much lower. Whoever was killed and was truly innocent, that is tragic. However, in war there is collateral damage, and when Hamas was launching rockets from the middle of civilian neighborhoods they are probably more to blame for the deaths than Israel.

Many people are also saying Israel isn’t a true democracy. Well, they must be right. I mean, it’s not like Arabs get to vote. Not like they get to visit all of their holy sites. Not like they have equal access to everything Jews do. Oh, wait, they do. I fail to see how Israel does anything wrong to the Arabs. The West Bank is experiencing an economic boom, and the only reason Gaza isn’t doing the same is because Hamas hordes the humanitarian shipments that are sent in. The only blockade is against weapons, nothing else. They just can’t help but try to ship in weapons every day rather than worry about getting food. It is not the Israelis that are in the wrong; it is the terrorist organizations that refuse to accept that the Jews have regained their homeland. When they accept that, and stop trying to destroy Israel, peace can be made. Until then, we are stuck at war.

Side: Israel
JBXXX(53) Disputed
1 point

Israel is an illegal occupation, forged by bullying weaker countries into giving up their land, and forcing the people into horrid refugee camps. You can't just move people out of their home because of your already stupid views which dictate some magical meaning to a patch of dessert...grow up. Look at how pathetic it is that you write a page long explanation trying to justify it. Do you not see how you've been brainwashed. And you say they gave each party the land they are the majority on? The Israeli's are the exponential minority in the region. If the United States dropped it's support to the Israeli occupation, it would be overrun in a matter of days. It's a fake country, it would have never gotten to where it is on it's own.

PS I guarantee no one read your insane and insanely long explanation for whatever it is you think justifys why you believe in what you do.

Side: Palestine
johnbland41(1) Disputed
1 point

What utter false propaganda!! Israle and its various 'allies' dominate every media today and have turned lies into facts!! Let me answer what Texan Aggie has written point wise:

1. How far will u go in history to claim something ? You are citing Roman records, because it suits you!! Why dont you got back to the begining of life eh? By your Logic, White people whould leave America, along with Blacks and hand over USA to the native American Indians , who were the original inhabitants? Whay dont you do that? The so called land of Jews- Israel, was under Muslim rule and inhabited by Arabs since centuries. Is indeed it was holy to Jews, there is not ONE historical record of jews ever coming to defend their land from the Ottoman empire, the arabs, etc. Where were they before, during or after crusades? Pls cite historically true facts.. Let me quote you from the United Nations website.. presently occupied by Israel and Palestine. For a history of the period, see Mandate Palestine.

The British Mandate for Palestine, also known as the Palestine Mandate and the British Mandate of Palestine, was a legal instrument for the administration of Palestine formally approved by the League of Nations in July 1922, based on several agreements by the principal Allied and associated powers after the First World War. The mandate formalised British rule in Palestine from 1917–1948. With the League of Nations' consent, the Mandatory, Britain divided the Mandate territory into two administrative areas, Palestine West and East of the Jordan River under direct British rule. Transjordan, intend [1] for rule under the Hashemite family from Hijaz.[2] and West Palestine intended as a national home for the Jewish people. The preamble of the mandate declared:

Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[3]

The formal objective of the League of Nations Mandate system was to administer parts of the defunct Ottoman Empire, which had been in control of the Middle East since the 16th century, "until such time as they are able to stand alone."[4

So, britain got the whole territory to adminster and return to the Ottoman empire, which they did not!!

While the possibility of a Jewish homeland in Palestine had been a goal of Zionist organizations since the late 19th century, it was not until 1917 and the Balfour Declaration that the idea gained the official backing of a major power. The declaration stated that the British government supported the creation of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine. With the end of World War I, Britain was given a mandate over the area known as Palestine, which it had conquered from the Ottomans. In 1936 the Peel Commission suggested partitioning Mandate Palestine into a Jewish state and an Arab state, though it was rejected as unworkable by the government and was at least partially to blame for the 1936-39 Arab revolt.

The UN partition planIn the face of increasing violence after World War II, the British handed the issue over to the United Nations. The result was Resolution 181, a partition plan to divide Palestine between Jews and Arabs. The Jewish state was to receive around 56% of the land area of Mandate Palestine, encompassing 82% of the Jewish population, though it would be separated from Jerusalem, designated as an area to be administered by the UN. The plan was accepted by most of the Jewish population, but rejected by much of the Arab populace. On 29 November 1947, the plan was put to a vote in the United Nations General Assembly. The result was 33 to 13 in favour of the plan, with 10 abstentions

The UN resolution on "The Future Government of Palestine" contained both a plan of partition and a Minority Protection Plan.[2] It placed minority, women's, and religious rights under the protection of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice. The plan provided specific guarantees of fundamental human rights. The new states had to acknowledge the stipulated rights in a Declaration, which according to precedent was tantamount to a treaty.[3] The resolution stated that "the stipulations contained in the declarations are recognized as fundamental laws of State, and no law, regulation or official action shall conflict or interfere with these stipulations, nor shall any law, regulation or official action prevail over them."[4] The resolution also required that the Constitution of each State embody the rights contained in the Declaratio

Following the declaration, Moetzet HaAm became the Provisional State Council, which acted as the legislative body for the new state until the first elections in January 1949.

Over the next few days the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria invaded Israel, and officially and militarily threatened to occupy the whole of the former Mandate territory, thereby starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, known in Israel as the War of Independence (Hebrew: מלחמת העצמאות‎, Milhamat HaAtzma'ut). A truce began on 11 June, but fighting resumed on 8 July and stopped again on 18 July, before restarting in mid-October and finally ending on 24 July 1949 with the signing of the armistice agreement with Syria. By then Israel had retained its independence and increased its land area by almost 50% compared to the 1947 UN Partition Plan.

NOW AN ILLEGITIMATE CHILD OF UK AND USA HAD INCREASED ITS LAND AREA IN 1949 BY 50%.. If it was so poor, who supplied it weapons, pilots, aircrafts, tanks etc.. US and USA of course.

In December 1948, the UN General Assembly passed Resolution 194 which declared (amongst other things) that in the context of a general peace agreement "refugees wishing to return to their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be permitted to do so" and that "compensation should be paid for the property of those choosing not to return." The resolution also mandated the creation of the United Nations Conciliation Commission. However, parts of the resolution were never implemented, resulting in the Palestinian refugee crisis.

On July 26, 1956, Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal Company, and closed the canal to Israeli shipping, as repeated attempts were made by Israel to invade the territorial waters of Egypt, including firing on Egyptiam forces and destroying its boats.

Israel responded on October 29, 1956, by invading the Sinai Peninsula with British and French support. During the Suez Canal Crisis, Israel captured the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula. The United States and the United Nations soon pressured it into a ceasefire.[34][35] Israel agreed to withdraw from Egyptian territory. Egypt agreed to freedom of navigation in the region and the demilitarization of the Sinai. The United Nations Emergency Force (UNEF) was created and deployed to oversee the demilitarization.[36] The UNEF was only deployed on the Egyptian side of the border, as Israel refused to allow them on its territory

WOW!! Britian, US and French fighting on behalf of Israel!! Israel attacking Egypt for not allowing it in its territorial waters!! A mad dog , terrorist state indeed!

Egypt started rallying other Arab countries to its support, prominment being Syria , Jordan etc for containing the unlawful aggression of Israel, and started a series of mutual protection agreements with fellow Arab countries. Israel, started covertly lobbying with its allies, namely the US and UK, to supply it with intelligence, weapons , planes, and armours, in direct violation of the arms embargo imposed by UN. On June 5 Israel sent almost all of its planes on a preemptive mission into Egypt. The Israeli Air Force (IAF) , supported bu US, British and French pllanes and pilots ( including concrete busting bombs supplied bu USA) destroyed most of the Egyptian Air Force in a surprise attack, then turned east to destroy the Jordanian, Syrian and Iraqi air forces. This strike was the crucial element in Israel's victory in the Six-Day War.[39][41] At the war's end, Israel had gained control of the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights. The results of the war affect the geopolitics of the region to this day.

So , I rest my case!! All this cited from the UN site.. What it proves? Britian took custody of the Ottoman Empire, with a promise to return it to the rulers.. Instead, it created Israel!! UN took more than a decade to recognise this illegitimate child of US and Britain.

Even then, Israel greed was not over, it started a war on 1948, where it increased its land area by 50% and then in 1967, it attcked 4 countries, seized territories from them, including Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights !!!!

It has till date not returned a single territory it seized illegally.

Now, what would you call this ?? And please in future, quote authentic data, not lies under the garb of history!!

Everything i wrote is from the UN site.. can anyone dispute it?

I rest my case

Side: Palestine
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
0 points

"Following the declaration, Moetzet HaAm became the Provisional State Council, which acted as the legislative body for the new state until the first elections in January 1949.

Over the next few days the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria invaded Israel, and officially and militarily threatened to occupy the whole of the former Mandate territory, thereby starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War,"

then you finish with

"Even then, Israel greed was not over, it started a war on 1948"

Clearly your interpritation of the UN site's words are wrong.

You " it attcked 4 countries, seized territories from them, including Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights !!!!"

and the UN-"Over the next few days the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria invaded Israel, and officially and militarily threatened to occupy the whole of the former Mandate territory, thereby starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War"

Did you read this?

Side: Israel
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
0 points

"Following the declaration, Moetzet HaAm became the Provisional State Council, which acted as the legislative body for the new state until the first elections in January 1949.

Over the next few days the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria invaded Israel, and officially and militarily threatened to occupy the whole of the former Mandate territory, thereby starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War,"

then you finish with

"Even then, Israel greed was not over, it started a war on 1948"

Clearly your interpritation of the UN site's words are wrong.

You " it attcked 4 countries, seized territories from them, including Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights !!!!"

and the UN-"Over the next few days the armies of Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, and Syria invaded Israel, and officially and militarily threatened to occupy the whole of the former Mandate territory, thereby starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War"

Did you read it?

Side: Israel
ProPales789(3) Disputed
0 points

In regards to that cute essay you wrote...It all ends down to this Israel should not even exist according to the Torah , which is considered the holy book in the jewish religion.In that case then Israel is following another order a political order which spreads propaganda making everything think muslims are blood thriving terrorists. How can a nation who knows what its like to be slaughtered go and do the same to someone else? Can you answer that?. Israel which over 3 billion in military aid from the US has secretly produced weapons that you cant even think of and they are single handedly causing disaster, destruction, famine, insecurity and above all those is that they breaking them down as human beings. Please don't get me wrong there Jews are a great people the ones who follow the torah and understand that jews are not supposed to have there own they are to be dispursed through out the world, these are called the orthodox jews the jews who are anti-isreali and are shamed that jews are killing innocent arabs. Think about in a nut shell, during the world war Britain made a deal with the Zionist in which the zionist promised Britain that the US will get into this and return they promised these zionist jews Palinstine.Image these palinstians are living there life in there land and boat loads of jews come to the shore. This is how beutiful the Islamic culture is instead of killing and destroying them they embrace them help them out but it was in there zionist plans.Pretty much FUCK ISRAEL if your jewish and reading this READ THE TORAH...HAHAHA...And in the TORAH AND THE BIBLE THAT THE QURAN IS THE WAY OF LIFE.

Side: Israel
happiness(1) Disputed
0 points

Yo dumbass, I just want to let you know that Palestine was a country far longer than Israel has been. And if we refer everything to the name it has had first, then Iran is Persia, a Mexican is Aztec, a Chilean is Incan, and an American is a Native Indian.

Side: Palestine
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Yo Dumbass, palestine - a European not an Arabic word! Arabs cannot pronounce the letter P. Idiot.

Side: Israel
2 points

many people think that Israel is the wrong one here. because the liberal Medea has infested into are minds that its OK to blame the bigger power for all your problems. this is happening in Palestine today. however lets take the argument in a different perspective. if the Palestinians who did not start calling them self's Palestinians to Israel formed its country. and were not ever their own independent nation ever in history as many like you to believe. and say they got the fund money packages and weapons and Israel was the underdog ill explain to what the Arabs would do to their weaker enemy. one there would not be an weaker enemy. the muslin religion has no tolerance for other religion at all. they would eradicate the Israels like Iran is trying to do right now with trying to get nukes. 2 the Arabs would end up turning into some authoritarian government and cause grief and pain for its people and the world. if you don't believe me look at every other middle Eastern country. they all are dictated by most as ruthless people, besides the exception of Egypt who has come a long way in bringing peace in the middle east and i respect them for it. another point is that Israel is the only safe branch off for other religions to survive and spread into a zero-tolerance region. and last, Israel is the only force in the middle east that is publicly and governmentally on are side in fighting terrorism, of which most middle eastern countries support and openly praise. so Israel is clearly the nation that needs to be in a region that has no stability or freedom, and Israel will also be the bridge to connect America and other Democratic countries into reaching other nations to spread personal liberates and justice. i have no problem with people practicing the Islamic religion as long as they are respectful to other beliefs and wont be screaming jihad at me and or fund/join terrorist groups to bring down democracy.

Side: Palestine
2 points

Jesus save us the day these wackos get what they want. i understand the border skirmishes and the wrong Israeli soldier abusing his power, but we were no better, no worse in the civil war as the union, ever head of Sherman's march? but it was over all nescecay what sherm did. Israel has more right to the Gaza strip and Golan heights then we do to California!!!!! these lands were conquered fair and square from countries who yell jihad every time they don't get their 100% way on a problem. the Israelis are dealing with 4yos with guns. how can you find peace with that? the Syrians would launch missiles off the Golan heights into Israel city's! and the Gaza strip was the mustering zone for the 6 day war and the yom kipur war. these areas are buffer zones, and if Israel wants to add more people to there regions, then fine, honestly i would of just annexed the the regions the second they took it and tell the u.n to screw off. their not fighting this war. besides the money and weapon packages they send, they don't understand the conflict with the exception of America who has troops stationed there as a back up force. and if the Palestinians wanted peace they would stop the terrorist groups such as the PLO instead of bicker for more land! they are hypocritical and just annoying, Israel has done more help for the refugees in Palestine then the so called Palestine Allys. sounds like the Palestinians screwed them self's over on many fronts, and heres an other thing. the Egyptians took land form the palistines when the Israels declared them self a nation, a person allyed to Palestine took their land! can u believe that? but we don't hear Palestinians fight and complain over that do we?

Side: Israel
2 points

The Arab spring revolt happened between the Palestinians, Israelis and the British. In 1948 the United Kingdom Brought the issue to the UN. The UN voted to separate Palestine into two separate zones. However when Israel declared their Independence, their Arab neighbors attacked. All the land that belongs to Palestine that Israel has now is all a result of that Arab attacking in 1948.

Side: Israel
1 point

Israel that has been their land for 10,000 years before Palestine. For Palestine they are fighting against the grain if they think they will ever retain that land. It is prophetic in nature best thing for Palestine would be to make peace.

Side: Israel

Israel's military is the most badass military in the world. If you look back at the six-day and yom kippur war, they beat the shit out of like 3 arab countries in a matter of days.

Side: Israel
jrdodge Disputed
1 point

If you know anything about history than you would realize that the Jews made the first air attack during the 6 days war. Get your facts right and stop being ignorant.

Side: Palestine
0 points

Agreed. It is interesting to look at the past and see that the Arab nations were the ones who declared war on Israel in '48 and '67. They lost horribily in '67 but whose fault was that? They declare war, then loose and don't want to deal with the consequences? Every other country in the world moves on after it looses a war and tries to build their lives again. The Palestinians will not.

Side: Israel
1 point

Screw the Palestinians .

Side: Israel
1 point

After researching this age-long conflict, I cannot help but be in Israel's side. The majority of the Israelis are Jews, and Palestinians Muslims. Where do they originate from according to what they believe in? The Jews came from Israel and the Muslims came from Saudi Arabia. What if Israel did become Palestine? Where would all the Jews go? Back to Europe? Even though the holocaust is well over, there is still a tremendous amount of anti-semitism!!! What if Israel remained as it was? Where would the Palestinians go? I think many people are forgetting that they have a large country called SAUDI ARABIA. I'm aware that Israel takes enormous measures to defend itself from terrorism, which is what Hamas exploit and people frown upon Israel for 'murdering innocent citizens' but what would Israel be like if it didn't make and effort to prevent terrorism?! The other reason why I take Israel's side is because Israel has given up Gaza and the Western back for the Palestinians but they want the whole thing!!!!! I only ever support the side that wants peace, so that is why I support Israel.

PS: Not ALL Palestinians dont want peace, it's just the majority.

Side: Israel

Fuck the dune coons in their despicable asses, the ONLY true ally we have in the middle east is Israel.

These goat humping, boy buggering sacks of camel piss that surround our friends must be eradicated like the roaches they are.

Or, they could simply stop attacking Israel, recognize her right to exist, then live in peace.

I think they will choose to leave in pieces instead.

Side: Israel

the only reason palestine hates israel is that israel has all three major religeon structure. one:the holy sepulchre=christian two:dome of rocks=islam three:wailing wall = jews

Side: Israel
garry77777(1775) Disputed
0 points

"the only reason palestine hates israel "

Palestine isn't actually a country anymore not since a whole load of american and european settlers decided to kick the native muslims off thie land and form a country called Isreal, since then the counry Isreal has erfused to follow international law and has been expanding its borders beyong what is elgally recongised by the UN, this has led to well over 500,000 settlers inhabiting palestian land, palestian families are forced from their homes a daily basis, and if they refuse and try to stand their ground they are often murdered by the IDF.

"israel has all three major religeon structure. one:the holy sepulchre=christian two:dome of rocks=islam three:wailing wall = jews"

Did you kno that if you are a muslim arab in Isreal you do not have the same rights as a Jew, you are a second class citizen, and this discrimination is legally enshrined in the Isreal constitution.

Side: Palestine
cannonfodder(9) Disputed
1 point

Your argument that Muslims are mistreated in Israel is absolutely absurd considering what Muslim countries have been doing to Jews for years. They've been forced from these countries and had countless acts of terrorism committed against them. So really it is somewhat understandable that Muslims are sometimes mistreated in Israel, even if it doesn't justify it. Muslims continue to hate Jews and it is evident everywhere.

Side: Israel
1 point

Israel wouldnt of gone in, but of course the Palestinians continued firing rockets day in day out. Any other country in the world, if they had one missle fired at them, would be at war, Israel has hundreds of missles fired at them, and they cant do anything?;=channel_page

Side: Israel
1 point

First of all I would like to point out that Palestinians cannot have a claim to any land since they are not actually an ethnic people group. They make up many different people groups like Syrians and others, but the country of Palestine has never existed. With that being said Israeli people are the indigenous people of the land they occupy, and that alone should give them claim to the land. The land of Israel has belonged to the Jews since Abraham. There is really no disputing the fact that the Birthplace of the Jewish people is in Israel, and that the land belongs to them. It has been taken away from them many times, but they are the original occupants of the land and should therefore continue to occupy it.

Side: Israel
redhot(236) Disputed
1 point

First of all I would like to point out that Palestinians cannot have a claim to any land since they are not actually an ethnic people group.

The Palestinian people (Arabic: الشعب الفلسطيني‎, ash-sha‘b al-Filasṭīnī), also referred to as Palestinians (Arabic: الفلسطينيون‎, al-Filasṭīniyyūn; Hebrew: פָלַסְטִינִים) or Palestinian Arabs (Arabic: الفلسطينيين العرب‎, al-Filasṭīniyyīn al-ʿarab), are an ethnonational group[31][32][33][34][35][36][37] comprising the modern descendants of the peoples who have lived in Palestine continuously over the centuries and who today are largely culturally and linguistically Arab

Shut your mouth.

Side: Palestine
cannonfodder(9) Disputed
1 point

It's only recognized by surrounding Muslim countries which is convinient since Muslims are the ones who want the Jews to not have their own country... but since you just threw a ridiculous wikepedia page at me how about you read this to educate yourself

Side: Israel
-1 points

We should just let them duke it out and last man/country standing wins. (;

Side: Israel
KCWilson(2) Disputed
1 point

For two side to "duke it out," they both need legitimized military defense. To have military defense, it usually helps to have a sovereign state. Palestine is allowed no self-defense, so they have no access to advanced weaponry such as Israel gets from my US tax dollars. While Israel is able to develop nuclear weapons in defiance of prohibitions, any Palestinian self-defense rigged by crude smuggled supplies is classified as "terrorism".

Side: Palestine
jessald(1915) Disputed
-3 points
-1 points

I believe in God, I support Israel in what every they do.

Side: Israel
Zofia(68) Disputed
4 points

Is this some kind of joke?

Side: Palestine
-1 points

Israel is just trying to survive. Palestinians parade the streets singing "Death to Israel"

Side: Israel
redhot(236) Disputed
1 point

Israel is just trying to survive. Palestinians parade the streets singing "Death to Israel"

Oh, the poor little Israelis having to deal with singing. That certainly justifies shelling civilian compounds with chemical weapons illegal under the Geneva Conventions. Chemical weapons which are designed to burn a person to death from the inside out.

Side: Palestine
JustIgnoreMe(4290) Clarified
1 point

though, in fairness, some people really are terrible singers... ;)

Side: Israel
-2 points
-3 points
-4 points
happiness(1) Disputed
1 point

A giant star of David? OOOOhhhh creative. ...........................................................................................................................................

Side: realization
1 point

Well...., when you consider that the Palestinian flag is a rip off of both the Puerto Rican AND Cuban flags (different color and no star), Yeah, I would say the Israeli flag is way more creative. Who else has a Star of David on their flag? ;)

Side: Palestine
18 points

I am a palestinian from Gaza, I can say that the situation in Gaza has been bad for a very long time.

Every one is saying that Hamas takes responsibility for ending the truce in December, but no one talks about the closure that was around Gaza during that truce!

Sick palestinians were dying because of this closure!

Hospitals were lacking medicine and electricity!

Food and fuel was entered in small amounts!

Power supply also was not entering in the regular amount!

It has been like this for months ... This is all before the recent clashes..

If we want to talk about the recent situation (10th day today), almost 540 people were dead, nearly 100 of them are children, not to mention the injuries and the ones left without homes.

Maybe the west media doesn't show the palestinian tragedy, but it is a real Holocaust...

Our loss is so much bigger that some handmade rockets that hits israeli cities..

How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????

This is not Fair !!!

Side: Palestine
13 points

a great open letter to President-Elect Obama by USC proffesor.

Once, in what was perhaps an unguarded moment, you stated that: "Nobody's suffering more than the Palestinian people". After days of relentless Israeli bombing in the Gaza strip that has already killed over four hundred people, most of them civilians or policemen, and injured more than two thousand, many of whom may yet die for lack of medical supplies and facilities, your words have never rung more true. And yet, so far, your only response to this latest assault on the Palestinians, that the UN Secretary General diplomatically calls “disproportionate”, has been to defend Israel’s right to respond to mostly harmless rocket attacks.

Does this mean that on the long way to the White House you have trimmed your sails and, for the sake of securing the power you will soon assume, fear now to speak truth to power? Does this mean that, unlike Dr. King, your sense of justice is adjustable for the sake of political expedience? Those who supported you from the early days of your primary campaign did so not on account of your response to economic crisis, but because they believed in your sense of justice and your commitment to put an end to business-as-usual in Washington, and because they believed in your genuine desire to shape a new and different world order.

In 1981, while you were an undergraduate at Occidental College, you were among the first of a courageous group of students and faculty who, while the cause was still unpopular or unheard of, spoke out for divestment from the apartheid regime in South Africa. You knew then that it was imperative to place pressure on a racist regime which shamefully oppressed a black and coloured population that was discriminated against, subject to pass laws and control of its every movement, parceled into Bantustans, and subject to detention, torture and extra-judicial execution. When the black population protested, like the school children of Soweto, they could be summarily shot down by police or army. The ANC, under Nelson Mandela, was proscribed as a terrorist movement, its leaders were imprisoned, tortured or killed, its guerillas faced the overwhelming power of the South African army, equipped and trained in part by the United States and its European allies. A regime that was so unafraid to use violence in the defense of its discriminatory and racist regime, and so unashamed to do so in the face of international condemnation, could only understand the language of force. The divestment movement in which you so actively participated understood that the euphemistically and cynically named policy of “constructive engagement” was a moral and practical failure and that only the non-violent pressure of a financial boycott on the South African regime had any hope of bringing an end to apartheid without an horrific bloodbath.

Public figures as diverse as Bishop Desmond Tutu and President Jimmy Carter have recognized that Israel too is an apartheid regime, in practice if not in name. South Africa, now a functioning multi-racial democracy, was a white state for a white people. Israel is a Jewish state for a Jewish people. Its non-Jewish, mostly Palestinian Arab citizens are discriminated against in numerous ways, economically and civilly. The dispossessed and ethnically cleansed Palestinian populations, dispersed in the diaspora and in the refugee camps of Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, are denied the internationally recognized right of return. They have had their lands and homes taken from them by armed and “legal” force, are subject to collective punishment, prolonged states of siege, the absolute and deliberately destructive control of their daily movements. Where South Africa instituted the pass laws, the checkpoints that have proliferated all over the West Bank and at the exits from Gaza prevent students from reaching their schools and hospitals, workers from reaching their places or work, keep farmers from their fields, the sick from the few hospitals that survive to serve them. The illegal settlements, that in contravention of all international laws regarding occupation have proliferated across the West Bank, are designed to be permanent “facts on the ground” and have divided recognized Palestinian territory into segmented islets, into besieged Bantustans, with the intent of preventing a contiguous Palestinian state. A so-called security wall, illegally built, as even the Israeli Supreme Court recognized, on Palestinian territory, has cut farmers from their lands and turned formerly prosperous villages into isolated prisons. Regular Israeli military incursions into Palestinian cities and refugee camps, and bombings from the air, have killed innumerable civilians, many of them children. Since the election of Hamas, in fair and open elections, Israel has subjected the civilian population of Gaza to a prolonged state of siege, designed to suffocate them into submission, depriving them at will of water and power, medical supplies and food, and of access to the outside world. The most recent, all-out assault on Gaza, the disproportionate and bloody use of excessive force, is no act of self-defense, but the dramatic extension of an insidious policy of extermination of a people that refuses to disappear.

Every one of these acts is a crime against humanity. In their ensemble, they constitute one of the most massive, ethnocidal atrocities of modern times. Alone among nations, Israel acts in flagrant violation of international law and UN resolutions and does so with impunity. That it can do so is in large part the consequence of the uncritical support offered to Israel by a succession of American administrations. Without the military and economic aid of the United States, which amounts to more than a third of all US foreign aid, Israel could not have mounted its violent offensives against the Palestinians or Lebanon, could not maintain its security apparatus, could not afford the illegal settlements that seek to expand Israel into what remains of Palestinian territory. The United States has supplied the F-16s that are bombarding the Palestinians, their schools, police stations and mosques, and the cluster bombs that continue to kill and maim children and farmers in southern Lebanon. America continues to support Israel to the tune of billions every year at the expense of US taxpayers and at the expense of its moral standing in the world.

You will continue to do so, according to your own web page, because “our first and incontrovertible commitment in the Middle East must be to the security of Israel, America's strongest ally in the region.” You and your Vice-President, Joe Biden, not only “defend and support the annual foreign aid package that involves both military and economic assistance to Israel”, but moreover “have advocated increased foreign aid budgets to ensure that these funding priorities are met.” In doing so, you lend your support, in the name of the United States, to a regime no less criminal in its acts and in its policies towards its own minority population and its dispossessed Palestinian neighbors than South Africa was in the 1980s. Then, it was argued, South Africa was our strongest ally in the region, a bulwark in the war against communism, a crucial supplier of uranium and other minerals, a prosperous Western-style democracy, if not the only democracy on the continent. To bring down the South African apartheid regime, it was argued, would be to create chaos in southern Africa, unleash a bloodbath in which whites and blacks alike would suffer, and pave the way for a communist or dictatorial postcolonial regime. The divestment movement, a non-violent coalition of students and academics, union members and churches, came together in the spirit of the Civil Rights movement to challenge those self-serving assumptions. It changed the direction of US foreign policy, disgracing its support of a racist regime, and placed effective pressure on the apartheid regime to begin serious negotiations with the ANC. Through a combination of diplomacy and divestment, we did end apartheid, making way for a functioning multi-racial democracy that confronts its challenges, indeed, but has not dissolved into chaos or tyranny.

It is time for the United States to place a similar pressure on Israel. That Israel has been America’s beneficiary, unchallenged in its war crimes and in its acts of terror, uncontested for its racist civil constitution and illegal occupations, has not been to the United States’ advantage. On the contrary, such unquestioning support of Israel has fuelled the legitimate anger of the Islamic world, supplied the justification for terrorism, and continually tarnished the United States’ reputation among the democracies of the world. That the United States has stood so often alone in defending Israel before the court of world opinion in the United Nations is not a sign of its virtue, but of the obstinacy and arrogance of its stance.

But it is not for the sake of the reputation or advantage of the United States that you should take a new path in relation to Israel. It is in the name of justice. It is not just to support the territorial ambitions, realized settlement by settlement, of a Zionist minority in the region. It is not just to continue to supply Israel with the most advanced weapons and the most deadly arms in order that it may murder civilians, children and policemen. It is not just that we should support Israel with all our diplomatic force and financial aid, while leaving Israel’s victims to die slowly for lack of food, medicine, water and power. It is not just that we should sacrifice a dispossessed people for the security of a state that discriminates and expropriates, continually and violently ignores UN resolutions and international appeals, collectively punishes those whose right to resist occupation is recognized in international law. There is no road to peace through such injustice.

It may be that the compromise in the end will be the establishment and security of two separate states. Almost certainly, the only hope of a lasting solution is a single state in Israel/Palestine, committed to the civil and human rights of all peoples within its boundaries, irrespective of religion or ethnicity. That is, after all, the standard to which we hold all other states in the world, Israel alone excepted. But no solution at all will be possible until we hold Israel accountable for its criminal violence and its illegal acts, until we cease to supply it with the means to pursue a course of domination and expansion, with arms and warplanes, with finance and diplomatic support. It is time for constructive disengagement from Israel, financial, diplomatic, military. What worked in the case of South Africa, divestment and pressure, may finally work in the Middle East.

Without such justice, there will be no peace.

David Lloyd

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, January 1, 2009

Side: Palestine
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
3 points

" mostly harmless rocket attacks" will never get assistance from freedom loving countries

Side: Israel
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
7 points

I completely agree.

War sucks.

It sucks for the Palestinians, and I really feel for them.

But, at some point, a group of people needs to learn to stop following the words of fake prophets, who claim to hold the ear of god, who claim to have some holy right to a piece of land, when really their leaders are just power hungry terrorists, who do not mind watching their own people die if it leads to more power for themselves.

I don't believe that Palistinians are bad people, but they keep following these bad leaders.

Who convince them to start wars with Israel every few years or so.

With zero chance of success.

All in the name of some god.

Well, you say "How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????"

Maybe that's the problem?

Maybe Palestine shouldn't be trying to equal Israel's military might?

Maybe they should try following a leader who preaches peace?

If Palestine ever wants to capture the hearts of the West and the rest of the world, that is what they would have to do.

If Hamas was replaced by the Dahli Lama, the war would be over tomorrow, and in three months the land would be absolutely flooded with foreign support.

People the world over would want to do everything they could to help those peacefull people.

But no.

Palestine is busy making homemade rockets, and complaining about how unfair it is that Israel has better weapons.

Side: Israel
Zofia(68) Disputed
3 points

All in the name of some god

no, it's in the name of freeing the palestinians from miserable sanctioned lives.

Side: Palestine
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Noise. Arabs can not pronounce the P in the foreign word Palestine. The mandate introduced this foreign name, its not a name native to the region. In the 1920s and 30s and 40s, for an Arab to embrace the name palestine - would require support for the Balfour Declaration! Arabs lie.

Side: Palestine
Tugman(749) Disputed
5 points

"How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????

This is not Fair !!!"

All I can say is that you should have thought about that when you fired rockets into a country with the most powerful military in the region.

Side: Israel
ledhead818(638) Disputed
5 points

Most of the Palestinians killed by Israel are civilians who did nothing wrong.

Side: Palestine
altarion(1955) Disputed
4 points

I am a Jew with Israeli family. I can say that the situation in Gaza should have been expected after you started firing missiles into my home land.

Every one is saying that Hamas takes responsibility for ending the truce in December, but no one talks about the closure that was around Gaza during that truce!

No one needs to talk about said closure because said closure will never be achieved so long as Hamas keeps harassing Israel. Even before the cease fire ended Hamas was still firing missiles into Israel. The fact that Israel has much better military advancements should not be held against Israel for being able to completely obliterate Hamas' inferior technology. (Empty trash cans being dropped from makeshift planes)

If we want to talk about the recent situation (10th day today), almost 540 people were dead, nearly 100 of them are children, not to mention the injuries and the ones left without homes.

If Hamas had not waged "war" against a clearly superior state much of these deaths could have been prevented. Please don't try to make us pity Gaza for Israel's reatalliation on Hamas. That is utter nonesense!

Maybe the west media doesn't show the palestinian tragedy, but it is a real Holocaust...

Our loss is so much bigger that some handmade rockets that hits israeli cities..

Holocaust?! Do you even realize the significance behind that word? What is currently happening in Gaza is no holocaust. It is merely the aftermath of a clearly lacking military force trying to wage war with a greatly superior force. This was all brought upon yourselves! Don't make it seem like Israel is in any way, shape, or form to blame for these losses! It is simply not true! What Hamas did was idiotic, to say the least, and now Gaza is paying for it for not trying to stop Hamas in the first place.

How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????

This is not Fair !!!

Fair? You want to know what is not fair my friend?! What isn't fair is people like you asking for sympathy when you put yourself in your current predicament! You want US to hate Israel and pity Hamas and Gaza when you waged a war you knew you could not win?! You people make me sick! What you are saying is pure cowardice and utterly repulsive!

Side: Israel
Zofia(68) Disputed
4 points

YOU should be ashamed of yourself.

It is not OUR home land (yes, if you didn't read my other post, I am Israeli). The land belongs to the Palestinians and you know it.

You know as well as I do that Israel violated the ceasefire as well. Stop lying. What about the 4 Hamas members that were killed on Nov. 4th without provocation? Some cease-fire, huh?

"According to a joint Tel Aviv University-European University study, this fits a larger pattern in which Israeli violence has been responsible for ending 79 per cent of all lulls in violence since the outbreak of the second intifada, compared with only 8 per cent for Hamas and other Palestinian factions."

Oh. What's that in your face? Egg.

Side: Palestine
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
3 points

this is not fair you say. no shit sherlock, imagine if a hamas squad or angry Palestinian got hold of a tank or apache? they would go on a killing spree. your country is to immature and to terrorist and to zero tolerance policy against a nation trying to spread peace in the middle east that things or going to be unfair, and for good reason. and for your poverty ridden lands, who's fault is that? yours. you decide to turn your city's and your land into war zones. examples, war of Israeli independence, Suez canal war, six day war, yom kipur war, need more examples? and as for Israel controlling the Gaza strip, maybe you should not have the PLO a terrorist group represent Palestine interest and lead your country! honestly don't complain at Israel for your problems, fix them and maybe life would not be so miserable. so next time a Palestinian says "hey lets shoot this make shift rocket at a Israeli soldier!" you should say "no lets not increase the violence and instead lets go help them defeat the terrorist insurgence in are country so life can be better for all of us."

Side: Israel
downvote(53) Disputed
2 points

Our loss is so much bigger that some handmade rockets that hits israeli cities.

So Hamas launches rockets and Israel retaliates and life gets hard in Gaza. Then stop Hamas from launching rockets. Palestinians voted Hamas in, vote them out. How hard is that?

How can we equal between F16 , tanks, apache, military ships ....etc with small handmade rockets ????

You can't. So why bother putting a group in power that is to brain dead to realize that you can't fight f16s with rockets? Why put someone in power that will ultimately make life in Gaza a lot more difficult?

This is not Fair !!!

Life is not fair.

Side: Israel
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Noise. Hamas expelled the PLO and rejected the Olso Accords. Attacked Israel with missiles rockets and mortar bombs and bitches when Egypt and Israel closed their borders. LOSERs

Side: Israel
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Bunk you can not even pronounce the letter P. So your a descendant of Arabs who lived under the British Palestine Mandate. And with a straight face you want to say that your grand parents referred to themselves as "Palestinians". Bull shit. No Arab at that time supported the Balfour Declaration. The League of Nations awarded the "Palestine Mandate" to the British based upon the terms of the Balfour Declaration. YOU lie scum bag.

Side: Israel
10 points

Israel is occupying Palestinian lands, and instead of conforming to the security council's resolution and retreat from Palestinian occupied lands, it brings settlers, women and children, and build settlements on the occupied lands to impose new reality defying the international law. Hamas is rocketing Israelis occupying the occupied lands, which is a legitimate resistance according to the international law. Israel, instead of stopping building settlements in occupied lands, and retreating from the occupied lands, they make a massacre to erase Gaza from the map. After all this, Hamas is considered terrorists! and Israel is defending itself. Hamas is hiding among civilians and Israel is protecting its citizens! What kind of logic is this? what kind of justice is this? Hamas is not hiding among anybody, hamas are the natives, they belong to Gaza, its their land, they are the dwellers, the owners, if they leave Gaza, where do they go? well I know if settlers leave Gaza where will they go, they will be conforming to UN resolution. So who is hiding among civilians here? who is occupying the other? is it Palestinians who are occupying Israel or Israel is occupying Palestine? Is there any justice in this world?

Side: self determination
1 point

No, there isn't any justice. So better for the Palestinians to give up the fight and try to integrate like the American Indian. At some point people have to wake up and realize that their children are worth more than a piece of land.

Side: Israel
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

There is justice,four nations invaded Israel in 1948 and lost land because of their aggression.Justice

Side: Israel
mosc(71) Clarified
1 point

Bunk. Israel recaptured Israeli land from Jordan. Palestine its a lie. Since when did Arabs support the Balfour Declaration by which the League of Nations, based upon the Balfour Declaration, awarded to Britain the mandate to establish a Jewish homeland!!!

Side: Israel
9 points

stop killing in GAZA

Side: Palestine
8 points

what is this bloody war on Gaza people with million of people have no place to go, no food no water and no shelter from rockets is not an equal fight at all,if israelis have any kind of humanity they will not accept and reject this war...

Side: Palestine
7 points

I m behind Palestine 100 % .I m not an Arab or Isrealy but i m keen on history and get to know so much about their past, and get to know many Palestinians while i was based in Middle East.. I don't know why Isrealy are interfaring everywhere and why many countries supporting their couses as specially USA ...Don't they see how peacfull peaple are Arabs? Obviously not..!Thy will never interfare in any problems if thire trust is not being abused by soemone else first.It is a shame that western coutries do not see that..In a global crises like now, now one needs extra presure of other war after Irak and USA again...

Pls Isreal to be stop doing this,it is not fare on Palestaine people, just because Isrealy are reacher doesn't mean they can be supported more than others.. by Western support they are becoming more powerfull and uncontrolable. PLs stop..Inocent kids and adults are daing.stop them...........

Side: Palestine
5 points

i wanted to vote for you, but it just didn't work so i favored your comment

Side: Palestine
4 points

Wish all Westerners embrace your opinion.

Side: Palestine
luvellie138(3) Disputed
1 point

I must disagree with you. It is not my opinion that Arabs are as a generality peaceful people. If you want to speak of innocent people lets speak of the poor Americans that the "peaceful" Arabs slaughtered on 911. Those people had nothing to do with politics. NOTHING. So no, I do not and cannot ever bring myself to see Arabs as "peaceful" because the image of their cruelty and subhumanity on that day is instilled in my mind forever. I will never forget.

Side: Israel
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
0 points

OK so your saying Arabs are peaceful? who spiked your drink. what has Palestine do to come closer to peace? nothing, instead they start riots and support terrorist groups. and why are kids dying? because militant groups enlist them into their army's and give them grenades to throw at Israeli soldiers. so what should the Israelis do? get killed by their explosives? and if you did not know, Israelis are striving closer to lower child death by using rubber bluets and firring warning shots. what do Palestinians do about this? they encourage terrorist groups and draft more teens. and Israel becoming uncontrollable? are you serious. Israel unlike America is playing all its cards. its tired of suicidal Palestinian terrorist destroy buildings, it tired of PLO soldiers doing the unspeakable. read this "On 1994 a PLO terrorist force crossed into Israel and sized a school with 100 children. They killed 22 children and wounded more then 60 before Israel soldiers stormed the school and defeated the insurgents.” (Melter 133). so you say stop killing the children, tell the Palestinians to stop killing Innocent children and maybe Israel will stop killing children armed with guns and explosives. thats just a thought.

Side: Israel
downvote(53) Disputed
1 point

That's right. Palestinians cannot win a war against Israel. So why don't they just quit and end it?

Side: Israel
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Bunk. The people of Gaza exist as stateless refugees. Equal fight? What a totally absurd notion. Stateless refugees have no rights!

Side: Israel
7 points

stop holocost in GAZA

Side: Palestine
downvote(53) Disputed
1 point

You want to stop the Holocaust in Gaza? Then stop firing rockets into Israel. And while you're at it, learn to spell holocaust.

Side: Israel
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Stop the lies and BS from fools who know nothing. Vile reactionaries and brain dead idiots.

Side: Israel
7 points

A friend of me asked about what's happenning now .., she is with the palestinian case ..,but she was told by one of israel supporters :

"It seems to me that Israel is for Peace AND the Palestinians. It appears the only ones who do not have the Palestinians welfare and future in mind is Hamas. Ask Egypt. Ask Jordan. Ask Abbas.

she wanted understand the conflict happening :

What does it mean? Where are Arab countries on this? I know that Queen Rania is Palestinian. I think it doesn't help that the Palestinians don't speak with one single voice. Can you explain a little bit to me ???

my answer was :

lets try to make things more obvious .., if i tried to explain the israelian-arabian conflict i'll need books to explain it .., this conflict can't be summarized in a message but i'll try to say briefly main points then i'll explain Hamas situation

Since Sykes-Picot agreement and Belfour announcement, the Jews were allowed to gather on one land, which was chosen- by the British governments during the crusade period- to be the land of Palestine. This dangerous action faced a strong response and disagreement from the Arabs, because it wasn’t fair to bring or gather all Jews around the world on a country that lies in the Middle of Arabian countries..,and a country which already have citizens ( the palestinians ) … Since then, the struggle with the state of Israel began, and security lacked in the region… especially with the enforcement of USA to Israel with the developed weapons claiming to build a defense army… but time revealed that this was an attack army …..

Israel, since 1948, started to grow up and develop and it spared all the progress to the military side. This growth wasn’t hopeful now a step for peace growth!!!

Israel simply wasn’t in the suitable place… In a logical observation to the position of Israel in the middle of an Arabian Islamic region you can recognize the geological interference in the area…

Through history, Israel and with absolutely no excuses began wars and aggressions including massacres and murders…

Israel claimed in most of its wars against Lebanon and Palestine that it was attacking Hamas and Hezbollah. In reality and what was happening on land, was surely the opposite. 65% of the targets Israel intended to attack were civil targets and 30% of the martyrs murdered were children beyond 12 years old, however 15 % were innocent women and ladies.

Today, Israel still attacks in a cruel aggressive way the lands of Gaza… Killing young children with no guilt done… Schoolshospitals, Universities and Governmental buildings were blown up… But the most intensive religious attack was blowing our mosques!!!!! This is NOT ACCEPTED …..

Israeli people say to you that Israel attacks places where Hamas is found and where missiles are launched… We are humans who don’t put our missiles in Mosques or schools … So these lies broadcasted on the Israeli media can just pass on Israeli people and can’t pass through our minds….

lets know return to Hamas to understand this situation

the south settlements of israel are in palestinian land and not the old palestinian lands before 1948 .., no it's the palestinian lands invaded in israelian war against arab countries (syria ., south lebanon.., Egypt ) in 1967 .., it's a palestinian land according to the united nations

Hamas ( founded by a paralyzed old man who was assasinated by israelian Abatchi helicopter ) they believe that the resistence of occupation of palestinian lands is the only way to free their land ..,other palestinian organizations as Fath disagree with Hamas and they think that israel can give them their land in a peacful way which is logically impossibe to be achieved by israel the invader country and here came the conflict

Hamas wanted to resolve the conflict by making democratic elections in Gaza and see what the palestinians say

the palestinians choosed Hamas for their government .. the decision of the palestinians seems not to be good enough for Abbas and Mubarak who are known to achieve U.S policy in the region .., so the government of Hamas was dissolved by Abbas and here came the palestinian dispute..of course it wasn't a good thing .., their dispute allowed israel to do what they did in gaza

as you ask about the arabs .., where are they ??

as i told you Mubarak and alot of Arab leaders are with the U.S policy and they are totally against their peoples .., they aren't with the will of their people .. their despotic rule is protected by the united states as long as they line with american policy .

i wanted to make things more obvious and i hope i didn't make it more complex

Side: Palestine
7 points


* more than 50 killed between children's and women killed yesterday 5/1/2009 .whole families killed in civilians buildings ....

when the world will judge them conscience???!!!!!

Side: Palestine
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Stop the lies and BS. You pathetic fool. More people die on Israeli highways in car accidents than those killed in this minor domestic affair.

Side: Israel
7 points

Israel is an alleged terrorist country ,

built on the blood of innocent people

Side: Palestine
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

I'm not even going to go in depth about how wrong you are because you are so stupid, so ignorant, i will say this. the second Israel gave control to the Palestinians over part of the Gaza strip, what do they do? they pick the PLO a terrorist group to represent them and elect Arafat a terrorist as president and first act of office, tax the Palestinians for money to support terrorist groups, so who is the alleged terrorist country now? and who ever gave this retard points i have no respect for politically.

Side: Israel
7 points


Side: Palestine
6 points

To the Zionist, it’s all about how they use and portray the appropriate language in order to justify mass killing of a people and still retain the unchallenged right to be the universal victim.

Palestinians, who will never accept to be re-named or erased by anybody including the world acclaimed universal victim. Zionists peddle their chosen words with the same precision and sophistication of their modern weapons. Right now the Israeli government wants to achieve victory, over a population that 80% of them survive on foreign food relief and 100% trapped in sliced up cantons, where they dig subterranean tunnels to connect with each other and get tools and weapons that are equivalent to a bow an arrow – compared to IDF weapons- with only one thought in mind, that is to survive.

Though, this is not really about killing, or explaining death by numbers, this is about permission to let a nation, a culture, a modern society, a people that are identified/protected in the civilized world as victims – The Israelis - to inflict suffering, pain, destruction and death on barbaric, primitive, inferior, possibly slave-like and definitely Terrorist people. The Israeli government is engaging in extending a platform of death to people who demand to be recognized as an equal in their own land. Israel is a leader for every Country in the world for every vile human being that aspires to abuse power by willful subjugation and humiliation of an entire people with the arrogance of polished words and the grace of super technology.

Side: Palestine
mosc(71) Disputed
1 point

Silly idiot Goyim. Zionism represents Jewish nationalism. Idiot.

Side: Israel
jessald(1915) Disputed
-1 points

Maybe Israel has been using excessive force, but Palestine started the current conflict by sending rockets into Israel. Peace could be achieved if Palestine would stop launching those rockets.

Side: Israel
dislodge(22) Disputed
5 points

Actually, The truce broke between the two becuase Israel target killed hamas militiant, in which Hamas retaliated. But that is neither here or their. Israel never needs a reason to kill, arrest, hassle, torture, and abuse Palestinians, Israel has no repsect for any ARABS since they believe the land is given to them by God and everything on it can be taken.

The argument that hamas just need to stop seding rockets and everything would be fine, is flawed by the fact that Israel never stopped build settelments, never stopped annexing land, never stopped destroying homes, never stopped target killings, and at the same time never stoped talking about Peace.

How are you going to establish peace when Israel refuses to deal with the palestinians as an equal when there are roads that are dedicated for Israeli only, no arab can drive on, not even in nazi Germany did such racisim exist. Israel wants the repsect of a democracy when it acts like a dictator-theocracy.

The bombardment of Gaza is to weaken the will of all palastenians it tell them and the world that woman, children, and men can be killed at will - therfore force the palestinians into unjust terms for peace.

Side: Palestine
Zofia(68) Disputed
4 points

But you need to look at the reasons for those rockets: Israel keeps Gaza residents packed like sardines in there. It is (and always has been) incredibly difficult for people in Gaza to cross into Israel and to the West Bank. Their country is split in two!

The idea behind this debate is to try to get people to not just blame Palestinians for the rockets, but to understand the reasons behind the attacks in the first place.

Side: Palestine
5 points

Gaza Attacked innocent children, women, infants among casualties. Who has condemned it. days ago Israel foreign minister meets with Hosni Mubarak where they came up with a plan to attack Gaza because palestine is the only democracy in the nation which was a problem for the existence of Israel. Shame on Egypt and other Arab leaders for their full cooperation in killings of innocencet civilians. Where are the islamic leaders who came forward in condemning mumbai attack? Why dont they condemn it. Why UN does not condemn? As Zardari said mumbai attack was carried by stateless actors then Gaza 9-11 was carried by state actors

Side: Palestine
5 points

* Israel Gang ( Army ) shelling Unrua schools .those schools had open them Gate to Palestinian civilians families to hide in them from that brutal shelling of Israeli Gangs (Army), 40 civilians had been killed in that shelling between women and children's

..... God bless them souls

when the world will judge them conscience???!!!!!

Side: Palestine
downvote(53) Disputed
1 point

Those people should never have put Hamas in power. If they want their lives to get better, then they should get Hamas out of power.

Side: Israel

May Allah help the Palestinians in their hour of need and desperation. May God watch over all of us as we pray for peace in our world.

I take a huge risk in saying this but it has always seemed to me that Israel is to Palestine what Hitler was to the Jews. This insanity must end before another nation and its people are destroyed.

Side: Palestine
downvote(53) Disputed
2 points

I'm so fucking tired of Hitler comparisons. Everybody does it for everything. It means nothing any more.

Side: Israel
cannonfodder(9) Disputed
1 point

This is absurd. First of all, any violence from Jews is nowhere near the level of Hitler's on the Jewish people and it is disgusting that you would compare the two. Also, so-called Palestinians have committed many acts of violence against Jews. The aggressors in this fight are the Palestinians, as they continue to try and rip away the land from its indigenous people, Israel, just like European settlers did to natives in the U.S.

Side: Israel
5 points

i just want every body to imagine that he's living happily in his own home and one day some strangers came up and devided his home in two spaces by force and gave him & his big family only two small seprate rooms.. what if you were in his place will you try to defend your rights in your own home & what would you say if you had to fight for your rights and you slap that invador by your pare hands againest his bombs and found everyone around plaming you and ignoring your suffring and the unfair battle you're going through..

would anyone of you want to know about this unfair battle

just click this link:

Side: Palestine
5 points

Read: UN Says No Hamas Fighters Were in Bombed Gaza School,8599,1870087,00.html?xid=rss-world

Imagine that.

Side: Palestine
4 points

I have to go with Palestine on this one. The media have been pretty good at portraying Israel as the victim in past decades. Americans' automatic association of Muslims and Islam with terrorism has played a part in allowing people to overlook and misunderstand the plight of the Palestinians. Americans hear people accusing Hamas of terrorism and automatically side with Israel, but they don't take the time to find out why Hamas is engaging in such activities. What a mess.

Side: Palestine

Regardless of who is "right" the violence needs to stop. Wheather you disagree with one side or the other innocents are being killed on both sides at an alarming rate. Anyone interested in this topic might want to watch this video.

Gaza- The killing zone
Side: Too much killing
2 points

And we are supporting Israel because they are affiliated with the Bible??? Even if you're supporting palestine though, why do you hold so firmly that they should be allowed to keep their land when it has cost so many lives to defend? What land is worth that many lives, really?


Anyone supporting EITHER SIDE should be held accountable for crimes against humanity by association, especially America.

Side: Too much killing
happiness(1) Disputed
1 point

Really? So because the Jews who immigrated to Palestine massacred their host means that Palestine should just leave. If that's the case, then you are saying that Gandhi should be held accountable for scores of deaths and casualties in India during British oppression. Yes, I understand there is too much killing, but look at the death tolls. Israel senselessly kills just to make themselves a state, even though Palestine was allowing Jews to make refuge after the holocaust.

Side: Palestine
altarion(1955) Disputed
0 points

Who attacked who first? Gaza did right after the "No Fire" agreement ended in mid-December. The fact that Israel retaliated the way that they did is to be expected by one of the most fierce military forces of the new world. So really, whose fault was it that Hamas got blown to Timbuktu? Not Israel!

Side: Israel
Zofia(68) Disputed
6 points

Okay. But WHY did Hamas attack Israel after the cease fire? That's what I am trying to say. How has Israel made life extremely difficult for Palestinians? Occupations, economic hegemony, border complications, etcetera.

Side: Palestine
KCWilson(2) Disputed
3 points

It always helps to try to generalize the principals invoked to defend Israel aggression. Altarion's: if one entity attacks first [which is not accurate in this case, but for the sake of argument], then the other entity can "retaliate" and destroy civilian infrastructure, and kill civilians, and prohibit press coverage, and obstruct the delivery of medical supplies. Moreover, if they happen to have a "fierce military force," they can do what they want -- aka, "Might Makes Right." But "Retaliation" is Mafia ethics, not international law.

Side: Palestine
3 points

Maybe what Hamas did was wrong but this doesn't mean the people should have to suffer. These are people just trying to live their lives. If you watch the video you will see the Israelis attacking people without provocation, and not only that but they have stopped international aid from coming in to help the Palestinians.

Side: Too much killing
Arab(13) Disputed
3 points

This is not true, Israel breached the calming several times before Hamas' rockets, Israel killed 6 of Hamas leader, there is no respectable state commite such mafia-like assassinations. Levni says “we don’t have any problems with Palestinians our problem is with hamas”, in other words, “we want to occupy Palestinian lands and siege Palestinians, if they accept then we don’t have any problem with them, we only have problems with those who refuse to be occupied or to be in siege”

Side: Palestine
redhot(236) Disputed
1 point

Who attacked who first? Gaza did right after the "No Fire" agreement ended in mid-December.

There is a concept which few Israelis seem to have heard of which is commonly referred to as "reasonable force". To summarise, it implies that launching a major ground offensive which kills thousands of civilians is a disproportionate response to a few stray rockets fired from Soviet-era RPGs.

Side: Palestine
4 points

i can't say any thing more than

Allah help Palestine

Side: Palestine
4 points


Side: Palestine
4 points


Side: Palestine
3 points

The Israelites are using massive destruction weapons and they are killing without any sense of humanity.

Side: Palestine
downvote(53) Disputed
0 points

Israel is just killing a bunch of stupid people that just don't know when to quit.

Side: Israel
3 points

Israel and Palestine have fought for so long and people are blaming each other. I understand that many people on both sides are dying and i watch CNN, Aljazeera, and Jewish news, because i want to see and learn how each story is different, such as Aljazeera shows children being rushed to hospitals and some interviews with children with no legs or arms. As for the Jewish news i see home being detroyed, and people injured and rushed towards the hospital. But what i novticed about both the news shows is that it shows the people and is on for a very long time, but if you at CNN, they only show a few pictures and talk about why they are fighting and why Hamas has rockets and suicide bombers, also they only stay on for a few minutes and change to people having loans and Obama's inauragtion(not saying he's unimportant), but they talk about it more than whats reallly going on in the world. LOOK PALESTINIANS AND ISRAELIS WE ARE THE SAME BUT WE THINK WERE NOT, I WILL GIVE YOU SOME MANY REASONS HOW WE ARE, B/C I'M ARAB AS WELL AND I HAVE JEWISH FRIENDS.






Side: Bring Peace to Both Israel and Palestine

Most palatinean civilians don't even support the Hamas regime.

Israeli's are brutes and do not know what they are doing.

Side: Palestine
Tugman(749) Disputed
2 points

They have no idea what they are doing. They have won 4 wars against overwhelming odds. They are a bunch of brutes. If they don't support Hamas they should do something about it.

Side: Israel
3 points

The land was Palestinian land before Israelis moved in. After WWII, the UN decided to give land to Israel. This is unfair to the original owners of the land and it is unfair that a religious group is simply handed it's own independent nation.

Side: Palestine
2 points

Ahmed Ibrahim:

No israel doesnt have the right to exist, you mention righting past wrongs, but israel was only created 60 years ago, and it is only a set back to peace. If it was destroyed in 48, we would be telling our children how stupid we were and about a pre historic thing called "war". Most conflicts in the world that ever happened since 48 were caused by israel or israel has direct involvement in it. The israelis claim that their ancestors lived in Palestine long ago, but then the Romans came, then the Arabs beat the Romans. That is when we could say that we cant rewind every little thing that ever happened in our World, because that was 1000 years ago. but the creation of the neo-nazi state of israel was 60 years ago, and it would be in every country's interest to get rid of it. But I think that it is unrealitic to destroy israel, it couldnt happen in the near future, so we need a 2 state solution.

"My next point is that historically the only claim that israelis have to Palestine is their ancestors. but the funny thing is that the Israelites are not the modern israeli's ancestors. most israelites converted to Islam or Christianity shortly after the Arab invasion. So it is the modern Palestinians who are the grand children and great grand children of the Israelites. THe ancestors of the modern Israelis are Eastern Europeans and Spaniards or North Africans. the israelis have no moral claim, no historical claim, no claims at all. Your ancestors lived in Ukraine, not Palestine. Go massacre and annoy them, not us."

Side: Palestine
2 points

I will destroy many of your arguments now. First, Palestinians don't hate Jews, they hate Israel for good reasons. I am Palestinian and happen to know a Jewish person who's parents immigrated from Palestine. Palestine actually used to allow a person of any religion to enter Palestine. They actually were okay with the mass amounts of European Jews entering Palestine until they declared themselves a separate state. Second, Arabs can't simply just get citizenship in Israel. People with Palestinian passports need special permits to enter Jerusalem, which is controlled by Israel. My uncle got beaten literally into temporary blindness for staying in Jerusalem 3 minutes longer than which his permit allowed. Lastly, does declaring war first really mean that you attack first? America has fought with Iraq and Afghanistan for about 8 years now, and there is technically not a war going on. America is also technically not at war with Libya. In all of this fighting, no war was declared, but they are clearly equal. And if you are still unconvinced that Palestine should exist and Israel shouldn't, go research UN resolutions against Israel. Also look up Rachel Corrie who was an American journalist that was ran over by an Israeli bulldozer.

Side: Palestine
1 point

I'm an American and I hate Israel. It's an illegal occupation which the Palestinians and Arabs alike rightfully hate; and America takes the blame. The U.S. should give Israel an ultimatum to pull out and no longer lend it's support, militarily and financially. I haven't checked this out but I heard the U.S. pays for free Israeli health care, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Abolish the Israeli occupation and we will rid the world of many problems and violence.

Side: Palestine
1 point

Look at the Total Points, they don't lie.....


Side: Palestine
1 point

I would feel more represented if a voice named "It's all about America's degeneration" was a possibility. Indeed, America has started this war, America wanted to give the Jews a country, and it was America that did all that ignoring that Palestinians had been living those lands for a long time. The truth is that, if America should look itself reflected into the mirror, the mirror would immediately break up. It is responsible of war in half the countries of the world, and the funniest thing is that she is still calling for democracy and freedom, and their president was given a Nobel prize for peace: LOL. Americans: wake up!

Side: Palestine
1 point

i believe in Palestine 100%! I am NOT anti-Semitism although I am anti-Zionism ...

Side: Palestine
0 points

My word. Just because a couple of thousand years ago, God said "oh Jews, you are the chosen people, therefore this is your land" does by NO MEANS give them the right to steal land from the Palestinians. I am totally on the Palestinians side, they have the right to their land, it was theirs to start with, and they have every right to it.

Side: Palestine
-2 points
2 points

The problem is... where are they going to go?

Side: Palestine
happiness(1) Disputed
2 points

They can stay in Palestine. Before 1948, Palestine was filled with Jews, Christians, and obviously Muslims. It is holy land to all these religions so the Palestinian gov didn't restrict travel. Israel on the other hand built a wall larger than the Berlin wall so that they can keep Muslims out.

Side: realization
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

both these statements you mentioned our retarded. where they ganna go? idk maybe a bordering Islamic nation. just a thought.

Side: Israel