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RSS Iamdavidh

Reward Points:4816
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

>< Jesus fucking christ mohamud alla zeus and every other piece of fucking bullshit suppressing mankind.

What part of stop killing fucking people and asking for shit do you not under fucking stand?

Goddammit I hate religion.

All the fuck anyone does in the middle east is kill and worship. Read a fucking book, quit falling for terrorist bullshit.

Lord the world loves a victim. Is Palestine a victim? I don't know. Were they shoved in concentration camps? Have they been called "infidels" and did some random god call for their extinction?

Oh no wait, that was jews, of which comprise all of Israel.

You want to bomb someone, bomb christians, they are the only ones on earth to ever befall any injustice on muslims.

But fuck no, so much easier to blame jews.

Fuck that shit. That is exactly why all of the western world from atheists like myself to these christian idiots supports Israel. Quit bombing shit and acting like pouting kids and start trying to constructively improve your lives and I guarantee you will get billions in aide overnight.

As it is, every penny is spent on bombs, none on food. Palestinians stay poor and hungry and your muslim bullshit "prophet" leaders one after another stay rich and fully loaded with ammo.

1 point

Dude, you need to understand what the word "God" means

I do.

You realize that whatever God there is, He is the God of all. He is the begining and end of all. When there's nothing, not even time or space, God is what is.

You have no proof of any of this.

You must realize that IF God exists, regardless of which religion He condones, you, I, anyone will have no clue what's going to happen for all of eternity.

I could care less if your imaginary friend condones me, or condems me for that matter. He's a figment of your imagination.

It's not going to be harps and clouds up there, don't be so juvenile in your thinking, expand your mind and open it up. There is going to be so much more. If God created all of this, than this is scarcely a taste of what God can do for us for the rest of eternity.

You're a fool.

Do you enjoy doing anything a lot. I mean is there something you enjoy so much, you could do it for your whole life and not get bored. Are there several things you could do that would keep you well inspired throughout your whole life, not worrying about the need for money or tranportation. Well imagine, it exists on this earth and this earth is only a taste, not even a full glimpse of what is possible within the realm of the God who is the begining and end of all, who is the authority behind existence itself.

See above.

I guarantee, it doesn't matter who goes there with you. It doesn't matter in an MMO because we all just have fun, and in heaven, it's not going to matter either. Don't think so narrowly, realize what it really is that you're saying.

See above.

1 point

What makes you think the people who wrote that stuff down were intellectual? You don't know who wrote any of it. Note: There is no proof Mathew Mark Luke or John ever existed. Most of it was copied from one source, which was copied from another, copied from another, translated who knows how many times. It is ridiculous to think that, if one believes it were written by people, that it has any semblance of accuracy left in it. There is no confirming documents, journals of the time, etc.

If one writes a history book, it is expected that there are other confirming sources before something is published. Religion does not hold itself to this standard.

The point is, atheists don't simply believe something because everyone says they should, or because everyone says they really really feel something.

It is far more logical. This entire debate is quite Orwellian actually, but nothing new. Religion itself any atheist would find Orwellian in a number of regards.

1 point

These people wrote first hand accounts of what they saw and heard

No they didn't. Not a word of the Bible you look at today was written until well over 300 years after all the Jesus stuff happened.

People can't remember what they did last night with cell phone cams and text messages, you think they kept it all straight by word of mouth huh? Doesn't seem too logical to me.

1 point

We've had this conversation I think,

but minus the Republican religions ass kissing and the soccer-mom "no curse words on tv" bs Republicans go for, how exactly does one separate Libertarian from Republican? I see very few serious issues where the opinions differ.

1 point

No it wouldn't.

In fact it would make things worse.

Granted there is a serious problem with extremes in a two party system, it is easy for a party to go straight to its "base" which tends to be a small group of crazy people when they lose power,

but with multiple parties it is no longer a case of majority rule, it is a case of whoever happens to have the least opposition rule.

That is, if 74% of people want either A, B, or C, all of which are similar, and 26% of people want D which would totally piss of 74% of the population, then you have a situation where it is quite possible that the minority rules, and consistently. This is no way to run a country.

The two party system works fine, people just need to realize no two people agree on everything all of the time and learn to compromise without all the "Nazi" "Fascist" "Socialist" bs that goes on when one or the other party is not in power.

1 point

Alright this particular dispute has now been downvoted twice. Please someone have the guts to show me the error in my logic here. I'm tired of looking at my recent activity, taking the time to click on this boring old debate, only to see some phantom has again taken the time to click the arrow with no thought of their own on the subject.

1 point

My reply was to bookhead.

And the vagueness of my reply was only to highlight the vagueness of bookhead's original assertion.

Bookhead asks to define evil. So I did. It is vague because evil is a vague concept - basically what zombee said so I'm a bit confused why you are disputing.

If you wish define an Absolute definition of evil, though I would argue you are incorrect in any Absolute definition, I'll play along and still show that atheism is indeed perfectly logical.

1 point

The definition of evil does have something to do with whether atheism is logical.

No it doesn't. One can be some person's subjective definition of either good or evil, and whether or not they believe in a god may or may not have any bearing on the matter.

Many atheist's main argument is that if God exists, evil will not.

Who are these atheists you know? I've said before, I'm an atheist and I know 1 atheist besides myself of all the hundreds of people I know one way or another (besides online). I think you'll find that a true atheist has put much more thought into the subject than such a simple categorization allows. I mean, I can happily show you how that there is evil inevitably leads either to a god that is not all good, or a god that is not all powerful, or a god who does not exist at all, but logically not to a god who is all good and all powerful. However that is hardly my main, only, or even best argument, it's just one of many arguments.

The argument i present is that is evil is defined by some as something that is not as it should be.

Okay. And what difference does it make what some define evil as? Why does that matter to the question of the logic behind atheism? Are you looking for a specific answer? What lame Christian mind trick are you trying to play? I assure you I and most on this site are impervious so you might as well be out with it already so we can discuss it in a logical manner.

The point is, how would we know what should be if there was not a first "Being" that defined the morality.

Or, maybe the point is we don't know what "should be" and therefore there likely isn't a "Being" that defined morality.

I mean, this argument is just ridiculous. You would have to know all that is and is not moral with no doubt in order to make the claim a "Being" must have made it so. You obviously don't know, I don't know, in fact no one does because morality is subjective. Your argument does the exact opposite of its intent. It's not even fun arguing with someone who contradicts themselves in the same paragraph.

0 points

Okay, I define evil as a subjective human concept which can vary from one individual to the next.

For example, I believe spending one moment praying to something that does not exist, such as a god, is evil. One should spend that time being productive.

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About Me

"I'm a freelance copywriter by day, check out my link if you have some work you need done, or just curious. I also have a cool drug blog, Check it out if you get a chance... while you can, I've been banned in a couple places, but they can't supress my free speach :)"

Biographical Information
Name: David H.
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Postal Code: 89169
Religion: Atheist
Education: College Grad
Websites: advertising

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