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RSS Ricedaragh

Reward Points:2482
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8 most recent arguments.

Someone is going about ritualistically downvoting me, with no dispute.

2 points

Definitely it is one of many, too many in fact. Blind faith has a brain washing effect of the mind. Believers are forced believe it wrong to question so the problem can not be solved as to them it does not exist.

2 points

I know something about the Bible and I am not insulted. I am an atheist though and here is where the problem with bible worship starts. Bible bashers have no logic or evidence to back up there claim, they have blind faith which when questioned logically by people descends into insult or blasphemy or boo boos or whatever terminology you wish to use for "I know I have lost so I will sulk".

0 points

This is the sort of questions that makes the whole religious debacle seem amusing and ridiculous. The question is valid as it points out another fundemental flaw in the doctrine of Christianity.

Why was I down graded I was only asking a question as i did'nt understand the post.

3 points

Also the main character in this novel decides on an act of horribly gruesome phillicide or suicide to apparently free the people of the burden of sin which he created in the first place. As if the excruciating pain of one poor soul is meant to do anything but show that corporal punishment is the right way to go, who is he trying to impress with this move? it must be himself, I don't imagine anyone (sane) that would find the crucification of an innocent man to be impressive. We are to believe that God is omniscient and omnipotent which means he knows all and is all powerful so why did he start this shit train in the first place, he set in motion the process by which he would be killed by the very people he created and put in the center of his universe.

I know this is straying from the topic a bit so I would like to add that organized religion does give hope to people but at the price of their humanity.

0 points

I dont understand your point, what being organised? Who are the ignorant people?.

Chimps are members of the ape family as are we, there are five in total including orang utan, gorilla and bonobos.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Independent
Country: Ireland
Religion: Atheist
Education: In College

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