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Is organized religion Good?? Is organized religion Bad?
Debate Score:92
Total Votes:100
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 Is organized religion Good?? (24)
 Is organized religion Bad? (51)

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roosh(9) pic

Organized religion has done more harm than good.

Is organized religion Good??

Side Score: 28

Is organized religion Bad?

Side Score: 64
1 point

Tha only thing I could say about this being organized....It really gives all those ignorant people a way to go in there life if they didnt have that they would be totally lost in this world

Side: Is organized religion Good??
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
0 points

I dont understand your point, what being organised? Who are the ignorant people?.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
ricedaragh(2482) Disputed
1 point

Why was I down graded I was only asking a question as i did'nt understand the post.

Side: Is organized religion Good??
1 point

As with any major institution or corporation it almost always leads to some sort of corruption, whether it be religion or science. I think science could be indicted in the same way, as it has created nuclear bombs and has caused damage to the environment.

Side: Is organized religion Good??
1 point

I couldn't disagree more about religion being the cause of evil, murder, etc. Human nature 101; The scum bags will always invade that which can be manipulated for money and power. You have low life cops who become cops just so they can abuse the power. Is law enforcement bad? No, the abuse and manipulation of law enforcement is bad. That is just one example. First of all every 'Bad' religious incident from history such as the crusades was an example of religious people doing what their religion tells them NOT to do! You're not supposed to kill innocent people, priests are not supposed to rape boys according to Christianity. It's when people do what their religion tells then NOT to do that infuriates people, i'm with you on that. But what sense does it make to focus your blame on the religion that they ignored and violated? My other reason that I totally disagree with the 'religion causes evil' arguement is because it is a one sided arguement, it only views the negatives. How about people who were assholes their whole life but then they found God and did a total 180? What about ex-cons who turn themselve around because of God? Or what about just your average person who has restrained him or herself from doing evil a thousand times because they have a 'God is watching' conscious? I mean really, how many people do you know of who have killed in the name of God? Some but not many. Now compare that to how many people who have killed because they don't believe their are any consequences in life if you don't get caught? I'm not saying an athiest is more inclined to kill but I am saying that religion has restrained people from killing many times. The thing is that even though religion restrains a lot of people from doing evil you'll never read that in the paper or in history books. The 'Bad News' about religion will always make the papers. Yes wars are started over religion. But wars will always be started because 'My view opposes your view.' If it ain't religion it's money, or land, or oil, etc. America never went to war over the Bible but we still found ways to get into them. It's just that religious wars so happen to be between very religious countries. If they were secular they'd be warring over something else trust that

Side: Is organized religion Good??
1 point

I do agree that organized religion has done more harm than good.

However, it isn't the actual religions that cause it. It's the people who claim they follow a certain religion and yet they do bad things that the religion itself does not teach.

In one way or another, all religions, whether Christianity, Islam or Hinduism (whatever it may be), they all teach peace and other ethical teachings. No one religion tells people to kill one another, or whatever it may be.

If you take a look at this site, on the bottom, you can look through each religion, and it shows you how each of them has peaceful teachings.

I'm talking especially about Islam, which nowadays people feel is a dangerous and disastrous religion after 9/11. True Muslims don't bomb one another. It is those who feel, in the name of their religion, should destroy others, particularly the West. In fact, the word "Islam" is derived from an Arabic word meaning "Peace."

Side: Is organized religion Good??

If an organized religion preaches peace and tells its congregation to go out and help the poor, then religion is doing good.

Side: Is organized religion Good??
0 points

organized religion refers to a group of people who follow, practice and preach a common religion and lay down some morals and ethics for themselves and also in a way do good for society as well.

Religion provided a sort of moral compass, a code by which people could live, by which actions could be judged as good or bad. As human society came of age - escaping from the jungles and caves of our ancestors - there was a need to control the reptilian, animal brain, the tendency of "every man for himself," the law of the jungle. I do believe religions provided some of that discipline and a moral imperative.There is the ten commandment, the koran, laws of manu, etc. These are edicts of different religions, meant to prevent chaos, murder, mayhem.

Second, some religions, like Sikhism, came up in response to great oppression and cruelty. Sikh religion was formed to defend people from the atrocities of mughal rulers.

it doesn't matter to which God you are praying but how about we look at this way, that He becomes a Saviour of soul for many who pray to him everyday, on whom many people's life depend, in a way it also gives us the meaning of our being in the world. People need something to lean upon, a reason for being, some place of comfort and solace. Religion provides that a majority of people. While it's not real medicine, it serves the purpose of a placebo. And we all know that placebos work as well as the real thing. So, if religion does help even ONE person in leading a better and happier life, it has served it's purpose.

Side: Is organized religion Good??
3 points

So, if religion does help even ONE person in leading a better and happier life, it has served it's purpose.

While destroying countless others in the process?

The idea that a depraved book of primitive savagery for the deluded should serve as some sort of moral compass is a tired idea that belongs in the dark ages.

Morality is just another part of evolution. Behaviours that are considered "moral" have been adopted simply because they are beneficial for survival.

There is the ten commandment, the koran, laws of manu, etc. These are edicts of different religions, meant to prevent chaos, murder, mayhem.

If you take the Bible for example, you can clearly see that morality exists in spite of it, not because of it.

If we were to look to the Bible for moral guidance, we'd be forbidding women to speak (the Bible says they are to remain silent and are not to teach, or have authority over any man), killing our children for being disobedient, stoning our daughters to death for losing their virginity, forcing them to marry men who rape them and sending them out to be gang raped by angry mobs to protect our male dinner guests; not to mention keeping slaves and beating them to death (condoned in the Bible so long as they don't die right away) and "dashing babies to death on rocks" because they happen to be the children of our enemies.

Does this really sound to you like a book to be consulted by anyone in search of morality?

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
3 points

Also the main character in this novel decides on an act of horribly gruesome phillicide or suicide to apparently free the people of the burden of sin which he created in the first place. As if the excruciating pain of one poor soul is meant to do anything but show that corporal punishment is the right way to go, who is he trying to impress with this move? it must be himself, I don't imagine anyone (sane) that would find the crucification of an innocent man to be impressive. We are to believe that God is omniscient and omnipotent which means he knows all and is all powerful so why did he start this shit train in the first place, he set in motion the process by which he would be killed by the very people he created and put in the center of his universe.

I know this is straying from the topic a bit so I would like to add that organized religion does give hope to people but at the price of their humanity.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
Euroscope1(90) Disputed
1 point

You are straight up bitter towards religion. It's absolutely ridiculous to not see the point of the poster. For the love of God give credit where credit is due. "Destroyed countless others" What are you talking about the crusades or something? Religion haters can't get off that subject, the guy is talking about how it's an absolute FACT that religion helps millions relieve stress, feel good, act better, etc. And you come back at him with a speech about the countless others slain in the religions wars of the dark ages lol. It's real simple, religion is good when it is used properly. And like EVERYTHING else in life religion is a total scam that harms people when it's corrupted by scum bags who want to use people. Religion is dear to people, you better believe the snakes will use that to their advantage. But that's true for everything. Religion that hasn't been corrupted is a good thing religion that has been corrupted sucks!

Side: Is organized religion Good??
5 points

Anyone who puts himself between you and the claimed; most great and unfathamable power in the world, is obviously a con man.

Imagine a mouse telling another mouse that he represented the sun and the other mouse should give him a tenth (or a tax subsidy, whatever) so the paying/swindled mouse can learn how to surrender to the heat of the sun in the right way.

Con´s usually hurt people but there are arguably exceptions, such as maybe Santa Claus (although he gets some complaints for being the deity of consumerism)

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
2 points

An excellent analogy of the religions of both Church and State. Most people tend to overlook the religion of State.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
aveskde(1935) Disputed
2 points

An excellent analogy of the religions of both Church and State. Most people tend to overlook the religion of State.

State, by why you mean politics and government, is not a religion. I think you mean zealous devotion.

Side: Is organized religion Good??

Of course it has. I can't imagine how many millions of people have suffered at the hands of those who have committed crimes in the name of this or that god.

I will wait for the typical responses from religious apologists before saying anything else.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
lawnman(1106) Disputed
2 points

Of course it has. I can't imagine how many millions of people have suffered at the hands of those who have committed crimes in the name of this or that god.

If you can’t imagine how many millions of people have suffered because of ecclesiastical religion, then it stands to reason you cannot also imagine the millions of people who have benefitted because of that religion. Consequently you have disqualified yourself from this debate because you cannot quantify either side of the comparison of this debate, let alone the basic requirement of quantifying both sides.

Furthermore, there is no factual data available for either side of this question; it is merely an exercise in bull-shitting one’s opinion under a transparent veil of falsely assumed evidence.

BTW, welcome to CD. Perhaps we’ll engage in a debate.

Side: Is organized religion Good??
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

If you can’t imagine how many millions of people have suffered because of ecclesiastical religion, then it stands to reason you cannot also imagine the millions of people who have benefitted because of that religion. Consequently you have disqualified yourself from this debate because you cannot quantify either side of the comparison of this debate, let alone the basic requirement of quantifying both sides.

He wasn't saying that he had no idea. He was saying that the amount of people harmed by organised religion is immense, uncountable.

Furthermore, there is no factual data available for either side of this question; it is merely an exercise in bull-shitting one’s opinion under a transparent veil of falsely assumed evidence.

Of course there is. For example, Hitler's extermination of the Jews is a measured affect of the consequences of exploiting the Europeans' hatred of and distrust of Jews that has existed for generations, and was instilled by organised religion.

A contemporary example is the religious export machine that is Saudi Arabia, a country with an oil industry that dwarfs some of our wealthiest corporations, and the fact that they are using that wealth to fund mosques and activists in the west so that Wahhabism can grow in a culture that doesn't accept its backwards ideals of Sharia and misogyny.

Then there's the Catholic church and the recent scandal being allowed to come to light in which it actively helped cover up child molestations. This being only a tiny pip of the evil that the church has been behind, forgetting the rampant misinformation it teaches to poor, undereducated African nations, specifically that condoms are sinful and won't prevent the spread of HIV. Then we must remember that the church has been actively against the enlightenment, that it persecuted intellectuals throughout the middle ages, that it would burn people for heresy, sold indulgences to people, and had its fingers in all of Europe's governments for centuries.

How about modern day Evangelism and the Born-again movement that has married in with Creationism and Christian Reconstructionism in a campaign to undermine the scientific method and replace it with a mythology that holds the earth to be 6000 years old, among other ridiculous bits of dogma. So well-financed and loud is this movement that the general American population thinks that there is no scientific consensus about evolution, it thinks that there is a controversy, and so forth. In other words, this movement besides scamming people out of money for useless merchandise, has made the public a whole lot dumber and easier to manipulate.

These are just some of the little things that are bad about organised religion. I could go on for days about sectarian violence, about massacres against Protestants by Catholics and vice versa, but I don't have the time or the space.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
DaroArkan(1) Disputed
1 point

well, so because something, in theory, created to help people, is allowed to do immense harm, as stated several times below, as long as it also helps people. This metaphor is probably quite flawed, but it's good enough for me: If you would think about setting a village on fire, because fire warms the cold people on the street, even though countless people might burn in their homes, would you do it. The fire helped people from dying from the cold, but also burned people to death in the process, so would it not be a better idea to set controlled fires (like campfires) or to build shelters, if the purpose of the idea is to help people and to prevent harm.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
1 point

hummmmmmmmmmmm the crusades that killed hundreds of thousands if not millions. the conquering of Africa and attempted conquering if Europe by Islam........killed millions and the converting of the Americas by Spain killed millions more. all sounds very very nice and there are many many more examples through history. more people have been killed in the name of god than in the name of greed or power combined.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
1 point

yes, christianity has caused the crusades, the spanish inquisition, and countless deaths for witch craft and other bullshit lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
1 point

Of course! Christianity isn't the best! Christianity is very bad.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
0 points

I was lost in the Darkest parts of my own wicked ways, spiraling down a path of destruction leading me away from His Almighty ways, and all the while im going down ONLY ONE, He could save me. No matter how far i looked on this lowly planet, i never once found a soul who could manage, to show me the love that i truly needed, because on this planet aint nothing but hate and contempt have been breeded. the lowly snake slithering as he goes through the towns of man looking for lowly lowly souls, to feed on so that it could plant it's evil seeds, and so that throughout the generations nothing but evil and hate we could recieve, but those where the ways of the past, my brothers and sisters. the devil had a hold of us and he managed through our parents, down through the generations His ways have been lost, and because of the us, the devil has turned and tossed, We can All be saved, all we need is Thanksgiving, to the One who Above, for All of His Givings. The devils trying to stop me right now as i speak, but Faithful to the Lord and willit He, that i may be meek. Because it is He not i that gives you this message but it is The One that we All should seek. i know that it is hard to find Rest, as we all go through this test some call a game, every single last one of us, probably, training to gain and retain our fame. But That is not what this life is about, i have a Strong feeling that we are All getting our Water from the wrong wrong spout. because thats all the devil has for us is a little bit, of pleasure, then comes the pain. steady feeding our bodies what i see now Is Insane. because ya'll hafto see that we are all carnally minded, and This is the reason The LORD, us he has blinded, binding, ourselves to our own flesh, so that eventually we would All fail this Test. but know that The Lord, He loves us, and wishes nothing but the best, and all He wants is for us to Love Him all the while through this Test. some wonder why we see nadoes and quakes, He needs ya'll to know that its Ya'lls souls that He is trying to shake. and bake if you will, so the devil may not have his fill, to letchya'll know that there is NONE like that ALMIGHTY AND ALL POWERFULL ONE. i say full because Hes filled with Love, like None that we have seen on this lowly earth, but now that i have SEEN, my Eyes have been UnBlinded, and now it is He, He who signs this, letter so maybe that some of Ya'll could listen, and Maybe get the Message that He is trying to dish, out of His spout, so that ya'll might be fed, with all of His Love, His Water, And His Bread. Don't for a second think any of Ya'll are living, All of ya'll are dead and for the devil are you "living" as i sit here and do this all of the "dome" just know that it is Not me and that this is His tomb. He is singing through me in these words and this song, so that maybe one day we All can be free all the day long, and ya'll can say its cheesy if ya'll want, but just know the devil in you he does flaunt x) i had to stop and show ya'll how i felt about that one, cuz its the truth, and right now i have a Strong feeling He is swinging harder than that brother Babe Ruth, or ballin harder than micheal jordan, and in this song he Is Playing His Accordian. Ya'll just need to know that He is our Guardian, and right now im flying Higher than any single air jordan, because my love i gave to Him more than any of Ya'll so i guess i can say more than them. But dont getit twizted like boi's if ya'll know, that me and moreover Him, have a lot to show. we are all brothers and sisters, but i should call us the missers, because we all fail to see the smaller things in this world, without even thinking twice, what truly brings a man alot of happiness or to see the pain that ALOT of us have in us. i know that we are all hurting on the inside, and for ya'll who say we dont, Boi, you know that is a lie, because only with Him and not that evil leech from down south, can we truly fly. higher than the highest of trees or the tallest of mountains, But in Him we Have to trust, so that We may Drink From The One and Only True fountain, only because of Him can i do this for days, and its Because i gave Him my love, thanksgiving, and praise. so now that i have seen what it is truly to be Man, Men of God, all these hater out there who bout to say something aint nuthing more than sod. sorry if it dont make sense, just know that me and Him the latter first, We are just trying to give His children, ya'll some mother lovin cents. forgive me if i pause for no longer am i a vulgar man life is just a beach, and Now, He is playing in the sand, hopefully in the minds of the young, the daughters and sons, i have my holster, and now the Lord is my Gun, Shining Brighter, than a million suns, times two, because His love is True, actually make that twenty twenty, because He is aplenty, in me in you and All, i just hope that ya'll can hear His call, so that maybe that ya'll may not fall, into the Pit, but right now i can say the devil is probably having a fit, of anxiety cuz he is losing his "children" just know that we are God's and with me He has been pilfering, in my mind day and night, as i have been in my room trying to stay out of sight, of ya'll because all it seems like to me, that nothing to ya'll it would please, more, than to see one of your own fellow brother get shot and fall. when i look around me i dont see any real love, this evil surrounds me, but Now i DO NOT CARE, because the Lord, THE LORD, HE has found me. so now ya'll cannot touch, because with His love, im about to bust. with loving Faith and Trust, i put in Him, so that i can be led away from this life of sin, and Now that i have His Trust, my brotha's and sista's, not just the black ones, comeon now, that just is not a must, there is no such thing man, all that is, is nothing more than an evil thought, brought up in vain, so that maybe a man's soul, that leech, can be bought. Quit being evil, for it is Love, that should be sought, out so once again we may be fed from His Spout, for only He can give us what we need so that in the end we may succeed. my brothers and sisters all we need to do is Believe, and then, Anything, together, WE CAN ACHIEVE. this is an ode to ya'll so in hopes once again that ya'll may hear The Call, and will not fall, so one day me, ya'll, and The Almighty,Perfect, like a prefect without the er, Omnipotent, and Patient ONE, that together we May All Ball. and they keep telling me to stop, but i just cant my brothers me and Him are headed to the top, and right now i got The Heart Of A Lion, King, and pray tell me my brothers and sisters who are reading, what single Beast can stop that king? of the jungle we are running but with Him we can be free. out into the open pasture we all can roam, just know this is not me, and that this is His Tomb. its wierd how they're spelled alike but do not rhyme, im talking bout bomb my brothers, and its One of a Kind. in the Hopes that this petty rhyme, can help lead the black sheep, away from the Blind, being themselves, for who? tell me can save them from that? if you dont answer right then your a part of this blight that runs rampant through the streets, evil im talking about and all it wants to do is eat, your souls because it is angry at the Living God, hahahaha for it is nothing more than a sod, on His Cleat as He is Running, Hoping that some of these Words, hit you right in the stomach, and make you sick, but not you, im talking about the evil you, for we are all children of God, but we have made ourselves nothing more than a sod =( i say with a heavy heart, because all this time we have been playing the devil, his part, but with Him it is nothing but a fart, because He Forgives, and Only Through Him may we EVER, get the chance to Live, and im not talking about on the earth, im talking about another, and maybe one day you can see and i can Truly call you my Brother, for there is Life in Death, but it is only gained through this life which is a test, just know that when we die, if you have lived righteously, on that day you will Fly, for the Lord will Breathe His Breath in you when you die and like i said before You Will Fly, but not if you keep eating from the devil's table, for you can only eat from one, and i hope its Not the devil's table. for if we Eat from Him, we can All go back into His Stable, and only in doing that can we Ever truly be stable, only only if, we are eating from, The Living God's Table. and for ya'll who are sitting at your computers steadily dissin Him, i pray for you, because it you are missin, Him and the bigger picture, just know right now im taking a Big Gulp From His Ultimate Pitcher, not one from the MLB, and if you are listening then i pray that you sea, i mean see, but with Him we can fly over the one before, and higher than mike, dunk it in, right for a score, but not for 2 for it is for 3, because He is Holy in me, but atm holy in you, because you missing some parts, we all need to change, so that we may play His Part, that He intended from the Beginning, because only With Him can we ever be winning, but hahahaha not as long as we are sinning. for that is not the way that we was meant to walk, With Him we was mean to Walk and Talk. once again i say this way i, used to, but we choose to live, is insane in the membrane, but He is using me as His Template, lol or templar whichever you prefer, just know that He is Prefect, ha just without the errrr. as i sit here steadily dissin em i mean the demons in the minds of the children of the One and Only, God Who Is Kind, i hope that they depart, so we can All gaze upon The Divine, not like wine or watch, i aint lil wayne, just know that i feel like im the only one who is sane. because i AM NOT PERFECT, do not get the wrong message for that would hurt me, only He is, and He just wants some love from His Kids, but for some odd reason... we still choose to do the evil leeches bids, for i feel he has sucked to much from us, all of our blood, i mean soul, it has tucked from us, and right now He is aiming at it with a Big Ol' Blunderbuss. to shoot it and unleech it, from His Children's Soul's so one day maybe we can gaze upon, That Wonderful City Of Gold, and dont letit peak your in ter ests, for if you do your not getting whats bests, from this test that He has beset, for our minds to ponder and think on, maybe in some of the hearts out there this message is shining, for He is a Beacon of Light, to shine out all the evils, and end this ugly, hateful blight, that courses through our vains, that nasty garbage that makes us feel insane, because no one is living right, and for That NONE is sane. you can talk and sit there and chatter, but i pray and hope that none get fatter, and im not talking because of mcdonalds, im talking about your ego and pride, because We Alll NEED to push that aside, all we seem to do is breed hate and contempt, sitting there looking for another hurt sould to feed on, thinking it makes us content, but just know NOW people, lolol all your doing is letting the devil be your PIMP! ha ha ha i think that really funny, because in the words of man that just makes ya'll some ho's, and please forgive my trespasses my sisters and brothers, for my vulgar words, because i Did Not mean to hurt, He's just trying to keep our faces from being rubbed in the dirt. but it really shouldnt matter because we are mud, and from One we all came, so can i not call ya'll blood??? nah im not talking about them two glock shotta's, im talking bout from The One Who Has Always Got Us, not us as in the navy, i mean us as in the ones who might sit on that bus, the one going to school and to the ones who drool in class, and all of us who needs a kick in the, pause, ya'll know what i mean, im just sitting here trying not be obscene, all im trying to do is get the bigger picture, through ya'll minds so that maybe one day, we can All WALK IN THE LORDS WAY. forgive me if i make any of ya'll mad, if i do know that i Am sad, but how about ya'll just go to the store and go and grab on of them happy hefty bags, you know i meant glad if you didnt you are simple, and forgive me as i sit here and bust this pimple, lol sorry that was nasty just know that i didnt, and know that we are all fake, and its time for some rhino plasty, or however its spelled im just hoping some hearts will melt, like the plastic we are, and become melded into flesh, as i sit here and type in this Soul Food test, for if ya'll can't hear me then your hearts are so cold, forgive me as i trespass, because, uhm, i Am not trying to be bold, im just tryna through some fia atcha hearts, in the hopes that you may leave the Dark, ness not loch just in case thats watchu thought, all you gotta do is leave your flesh behind, and know that He is the one who Should Be Sought, out so we can drank From His Spout, cuz the Lord Knows, man it has been a drought. we are all so thirsty, but in order to be filled its The Lord who must come firsty x) just know that me and Him are going Stooopid, and for those who are real maaan i thoughtchu knew it. and if you dont i pray you haven't already blew it, up i mean your ego, like a balloon, just know right now i feel like taz boi, yup them looney toones, or tunes whichever you prefer, just know that He is Prefect, just without the err. and i say pre because He was always here, yes before you and me, but with Him i wanna letchu know that we can all be as pure, and as white as the snow, just like powder we can all be melted, i mean melded into the beings we were meant to be, so one day we may fly free as a dove, Right over the sea, so that we all can reach New Jerusalem, yup just right where we was all meant to be, that is the Golden City for those who did not, know, im just hoping that one day we can All be as pure as the snow, because the evil has taunted and flaunted and given us a show, to peak i mean perk up our ears and it, that leech i mean, gave us nothing but fears, fears of ourselves and one another, fears from our sisters and daughter, Father, and brothers, but we have a right to Fear the Living God, because to Him we have all become a sod, He is sorrowful and cries as we follow, the evil being, who was never meant to be followed, and i felt His pain at one point in time, yes i Am talking About the Divine, we both cried together, in my room, because of the little things we miss, something just as small as, a heartfelt kiss... for it is the little things that bring us the greatest joy, not some diamond chain, or a, wind up toy, the biggest thing of all that should, is His Love, should bring us the Greatest joy, in the world, for thats all it is man just cars and noise, all the long going our way, Missing the sweetest noise, zes ya'll know what i mean, im talking about the One who is Never obscene, for He is Just And Right, in each and every single way, and for our sins my borhters and sisters, we have to pay, but do not fret for it is never to late, I think we all need to call upon The Divine, and we should All go on a date, do not worry for on this date there is no rape, or murder, or hate, for that is of the devil, and Your Soul it will take, there is no worries once you follow Him, we should all be hand in hand as we walk down this path, called, life Never having to worry about no pain or strife, or for a bigger picture His Wrath, but ONLY IF WE DRINK FROM HIS PITCHER. for The All Powerful and Righteous Wrath, only comes when you stray from His Path, it is there to show us our wrongs...can you feel His Soul as i sit here and Sing His song? and with Him i will NEVER fall, because with my Brother, I will always Hear His Call. i say we but it is Him, who say these words to in the hopes, that those who have an Ear to listen may never Fall, into the Pit, all you have to do is have Faith, Follow The Ten, Believe, and never EVER Quit, for in order to gain His All Perfect and Good Graces, we have to eliminate ALL the Hate and evil, in all sorts of places, i have a feeling this song was wrote long before, just in His mind and now in mine, and i sing His song in the Hopes, that you follow Him and not any of these "popes" for no hope lies in them, lol and if you truly think aboutit that actually rhymed, just know that im thinking of Him, foremost, but ya'll too as i steadily write This Rhyme, it comes from above yup, Straight From the Divine, in the Hopes that one day ya'll can SEE, exactly it was that we was missing, so we can All fly over the sea. Man this thing is long but i should Say God, because this is His Rhyme, and not from a sod, like me or you, if you real you can feel its True, as His Sword aims at the hearts of His good, flying Straight and Through, lol i mean True, but them if you can follow my friend, all we gotta do is sing Praises and Thanksgiving to Him, until the very end, and give Him all of our love, Because WITHOUT HIM, ha There WOULD BE NO LOVE, all there would be is pain and suffering, and i hope that the ones who are, suffer, i mean acating, Might actually stop and take the time to sit there and be debating, against the devil of course, cuz all it wants to do is, lead us, right, or left, but straight off our course. Lord Please Forgive me, if i am being coarse just know that i am your back, and You Are My Horse, lol ya'll might think He's heavy but He's really not, and i Love Him till Death, i mean Life, cuz i have found It, but back to the point, because i HE HAS TAUGHT, never went to church or none of that, maybe when i was younger but none of that, for our minds our are churches, ha gotit backwards but i feel as tall as the burches, talking bout them trees man im over the seas man, just know i cant, wait, My Father, until You Kick Over My Can Man x) aw man i thoughit was funny, because he's One Cool Dude, and i am His, Bunny, i mean Collie, and know that as i, i mean He, but as i bark, that i have a Strong feeling, that i am playing my Part, or His i prefer the latter but the choice is yurs, because it is His Puzzle, and i am the last part, i cant be for certain because the Knowledge is His, but im just trying to bring His Black Sheep back, you know i mean His KIDS, He thoughtit was funny, But ya'll best Believe that He NOR i the first comes first, but neither one of us is No, pause, Dummy, lol but if you choose you can beat and bite, whatever you do just know it is out of spite, and i dont capitilize because its an evil word, just know me and HIM, are trying to end this wrongful blight, and saying these words i Hope that maybe, just maybe some can be given the Sight, that HE intended us to have, right, from Go, talking bout monopoly,lol but no no more, from the start maaaan all HE ever wanted was us to give our heart, which is HIS, because He gave to us, All that is HIS, HE just Wanted someone to talk to man, thats why HE made HIS Kids, HE was all alone, and then HE built, a Beautiful place for us, and HIM, to walk and talk all the while, just laughing and talking, seeing eachother smile =) because HE is our FATHER, He's not as mean ha as ya'll would believe, just know that HE TRULY IS ONE BENEVOLENT KING. lol ha ha i think this is funny, He knows what im talking about, cuz this is all of the top of the dome with barely a second to pause, Just Know the THE LION KING, Has Opened HIS Claws, Blessed be the children who took the time to listen, to the message that a, and The King is steadily dishin, i say a because i am one too, but know that im a servant, and from a Seed i did Grew, i dont care if it makes no sense to ya'll because i have heard the Lords Call, and they, they know who they are, are always listening, and as He types, through, me i have a feeling they are about to call, Prayer is the Best Wireless Connection X) aint no service down here got that type of Connection, i just hope that i get to see some of ya'll at that intersection, i mean Crossroads, bone thugz n harmony, they said it first, man thats the song man and if you feel their soul, then maybe you should hurt, because those bois on the streets back in the day, all they was doing was searching for some Peace, but in the streets, the oppressors, following the devil, have no love for us in the slums, just know that we All have a Holster and God Is our Gun, we dont need no metal, for The Lord our issues HE will settle, all you gotta do is Have some Faith, saying this in hope that some dont see any wraiths, talking demons people come now and please listen, as the Lord spits his song and these Words HE is dishin, out yup you getting it word of mouf, lol or mouth whichever you prefer just DONT follow that lowly snake, yup the one down south, it might try and offer pleasure and happiness butits all fake, HA what do ya'll expect from a lowly snake? remeber eve as she sat under that tree? sitting there thinking and feeling the breeze? the snake spoke in her Ear temptation it did bring, and after teel me WHO did she fear? she had a split second of happiness and thats all it can give, and after that she felt the WRATH which is ONLY HIS, lol i hope that ya'll see, the way we live people, it just wasn't meant to be, i have a feeling that there all up there laughing, with, not at me as i type out His message, and i pray ALMIGHTY FATHER, THE ONES WHO HAVE AN EAR TO LISTEN PLEASE FATHER PLEASE LET THE HEAR. and the ones who dont i pray you dont hit him hard, maybe just a little tap, just like Babe Ruth, on that baseball card x) Peace be with you my sisters and brothers, just know that HIS LOVE IS LIKE NO OTHER, GOD BLESS ALL WHO FINISHED, AND I PRAY YOUR SOULS NEVER, DIMINISH. ONE HEART IS ALL, AND WITH THAT HEART WE CAN NEVER FALL, lol i said i was finished, but i dont think HE is as you can tell this words are not mine, THEY COME FROM THE UPPER BEING, yup THE DIVINE!!! i think im going to cut Him short and please Forgive me, because i know HE could go all day, BECAUSE I CAN FEEL HIM IN ME.

Side: Is organized religion Bad?
Beastt(43) Disputed
1 point

So to sum this up, you're suggesting that by believing in an over-bearing, omnipotent presence who will relegate BILLIONS of people to pain and suffering to a degree beyond human comprehension, and maintain that level of pain and suffering for all eternity - and by claiming you hold love for this entity of such massive discompassion, hate, torture, and willful sadism, that you have become a better person?

Side: Is organized religion Good??