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 Atheism is Arguable, but Illogical (95)

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Atheism is Arguable, but Illogical

Is Atheism really worth not knowing what happens after death?

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4 points

In related news, is not believing in alien abductions really worth not knowing what the alien invaders are up to? Hmmm?

Of course not. Knowing what the alien invaders are up to is obviously extremely important, it can't possibly be worth giving up that knowledge just so you can not believe they exist.

Now... who can spot the flaw in the "logic" of this debate topic?

Side: Atheism is logical
2 points

Many atheists believe that it is simply ludicrous to believe in something with no evidence or logic to back up the beliefs. So lets take this from a religious stand point. As hard as it is to believe, there IS evidence! For example the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt is a recorded, undeniable historic event that really happened anywhere between 1440B.C. and 1290B.C. Also other supporting information, like capturing of cities and political leaders, are accurate for the time they took place throughout the bible. If these facts are there, who's to say that the rest of the bible is not fact?

Side: Atheism is logical
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

"If these facts are there, who's to say that the rest of the bible is not fact?"

Because science has proved the Earth is round, the Earth orbits the Sun, and a flood could not destroy the Earth. It's like claiming, "Well since the Lord of the Rings mentioned humans, it's creation myths must be true. After all, it references correct political systems of monarchies." You can see the falsehood in this, correct?

Side: Atheism is logical
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Surely you realize that this is a terrible argument? To say that a book must be true, because some of it's contents are true therefore all of it must be true, is an erroneous argument. We literally have hundreds if not thousands of examples to the contrary. Many works of fiction contain real events, and real places.

Side: Atheism is logical
2 points

Atheism is illogical in the sense that any denial of God whether of the weak or strong variety inherently is an appeal to ignorance. What makes atheism/science more of an authority of truth over spirituality? Because it uses the scientific method? You see the logic is circular, because the only way to prove science is an authority of truth is to use the scientific method. That is also unscientific because its a value statement. The only place it gets its validation is from itself. There is archeological evidence supporting some of the claims in the Bible and other religious books. Also there are patterns in the universe, such as Fibonacci's code. You want to talk about probability? There far too many coincidences to assume this planet didnt simply originate in some cipher, and now it aimlessly rushes nowhere. In my opinion, that is illogical. How can an elaborate organism with trillions of microscopic interactive components come as the result of an accident? Now one of you atheists here may argue something along the lines of, "3.8 billion years of self replication and genetic mutation." But there is a problem with that. You see even if you flip a coin it is bound to land heads or tails but it still had a purpose. And the big bang is just bogus, we all know giant explosions and chaos dont create order, design, and complexity. Namaste.

Side: Atheism is logical
3 points

What makes atheism/science more of an authority of truth over spirituality? Because it uses the scientific method?

Science is not a viewpoint you idiot. Science is the scientific method. An objective study of the world that does not make assumptions without evidence (like God).

You see the logic is circular, because the only way to prove science is an authority of truth is to use the scientific method.

The scientific method proves itself, yes, because through it we have cars, electricity, computers, medicine etc, whereas Religion has given us nothing.

The only place it gets its validation is from itself.

If I say 2+2=4, my statement proves itself. Does this somehow imply that mathematics is wrong?

Fibonacci's code.

That is mathematics, which your viewpoint would label as incorrect.

There far too many coincidences to assume this planet didnt simply originate in some cipher,

What coincidences?

How can an elaborate organism with trillions of microscopic interactive components come as the result of an accident?

Accident? What accident? If you add numbers to 1 in ascending order, 1,2,3 etc, you will eventually get 189078645245422343. Therefore it is illogical to say that over a long period of addition and subtraction that a specific number cannot arise. The same is true of the advent of life. In a certain number of chemical reactions, one is bound to support life. From their, evolution makes things more complex. Life is not amazing, electrified silicon can think and so can carbon.

And the big bang is just bogus, we all know giant explosions and chaos dont create order, design, and complexity.

The big bang was not an explosion. Chaos is an illusion. Everything that happens is a result of precursory interactions of matter and energy. You may call a hurricane chaotic, but is the result of a particular set of atmospheric conditions, all of which are the result of chemical fusion in the sun. Can you name anything that spontaneously bursts into existence and is completely unaffected by any laws of physics or any form of energy? I think not. Order is all there is, chaos is just the mislabelled result of many interacting systems.

Side: Atheism is logical
Medusa(18) Disputed
1 point

I would appreciate it if you would not disrespect me, thank you.

"Science is not a viewpoint you idiot. Science is the scientific method. An objective study of the world that does not make assumptions without evidence (like God)."

Of course its not a view point, but it is the it is a foundation in which a view point can be based, and that was what I was refering to. I figured that would look pretty apparent.

"The scientific method proves itself, yes, because through it we have cars, electricity, computers, medicine etc, whereas Religion has given us nothing."

There is a huge difference between spirituality and religion. Religion is used to control the population and yes corruption and violence have occured from religious people, however a religion itself can do no wrong as it is not a physical being. Science could be indicted in the same way as it has created nuclear bombs and has caused damage to the environment. Corrupt scientists, or misuse of scientific applications i mean. Spirituality has greatly benefited humanity. It is a scientific proven fact that meditation is very healthy. It greatly reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. Countless sums of people have felt a great peace, and have been taught love and compassion.

"Life is not amazing"

Life is a miracle. You need to look more into mathematics and probability. Even Richard Dawkins would agree that life is truly amazing. The universe has four constants. And if just one of those four constants was off by one part in a MILLION life would not be possible.

"If I say 2+2=4, my statement proves itself. Does this somehow imply that mathematics is wrong?"

That is a moot point. Because science is not always correct, it is based on limited data and many scientific laws that were once considered facts, are now regarded as errors. So science is not always correct.

Side: Atheism is logical
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

Atheism is illogical in the sense that any denial of God whether of the weak or strong variety inherently is an appeal to ignorance.

No, used properly, an appeal to ignorance would be to say that something is true because it cannot be proved false.

What makes atheism/science more of an authority of truth over spirituality?

Atheism, has no authority over anything, nor does spirituality. Science has authority because it's the closest thing we have to an objective measure of truth. We as a society need and depend on science. We know science works because we've seen it work. Science gave us computers, medicine, electricity, transportation, clean water etc...

How can an elaborate organism with trillions of microscopic interactive components come as the result of an accident?

Over billions of years with trial and error. Mutation is random, natural selection is not.

And the big bang is just bogus, we all know giant explosions and chaos don't create order, design, and complexity.

The big bang was not an explosion. The name is a misnomer. The big bang only gave us matter it was the laws of nature that made order out of it. Gravity for example allowed matter to condense to form the first stars.

Side: Atheism is logical
2 points

Is ateism logical? I guess.... Is atheism wise? No, atheism is a very foolish stance.

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

What makes atheism foolish? Couldn't basing your entire life off of a 2,000 year old book written by desert people who didn't even know the earth was round be considered foolish?

Side: Atheism is logical
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
2 points

Perhaps it would be wisest to know what you are talking about before you attempt to critique something.

off of a 2,000 year old

It is much older than that.


Series of books.

The Bible is an omnibus, if you will.

written by desert people

How prejudicial!

who didn't even know the earth was round

See link.

Supporting Evidence: The Bible taught that Earth is round! (
Side: Atheism is logical
Troy8(2417) Disputed
1 point

EVERYONE thought the earth was flat 2000 years ago! I don't understand why you think there is a lack of evidence for Christianity. These people wrote first hand accounts of what they saw and heard. How do you know what they've written isn't true, hmmm? Were you there 2000 years ago? No, so normally you trust historical accounts written by people who lived in that period of time.

Side: Atheism is logical
Medusa(18) Disputed
1 point

The Bible does not say the earth is flat. Isaiah 40:22 (NIV)

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,

and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,

and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

It says "circle of the earth" but it really can't be used to say the bible says the earth is round OR flat. It simply means that when you look at the earth from above, its silhouette against space is a circle. Even when people believed the earth was flat, they thought it was a circular shape.

Once again, this neither suggests nor denies earth's roundness or flatness.

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

Very simply and beautifully put. That is all i want to say but the computer says i have to talk more. lol for an argument. I dont want to argue i want to back you up lol.

Side: Atheism is logical

define evil. we will go from there. I define it as something that is not as it ought to be. If something is as it shouldn't, or not as it ought to be, how do we know what should be?

Side: Atheism is logical
Akulakhan(2984) Disputed
2 points


-spelling errors

-malfunctioning products


-studders, and

-attacking the wrong country

are all evil? Well, I suppose I agree on the last one.

Side: Atheism is logical
hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

We are not perfect and God made us inperfect so errors can be learned from and improved. Why cant you make better examples of what evil is. Kind of lame. How bout violence, murder, adultry, lying, stealing, what do you think they fall under? Good or evil? If you were logical you would say evil.

Side: Atheism is logical
zombee(1014) Disputed
1 point

Evil is a slippery concept, but what you have described is not evil, it is abnormality. Abnormality is not necessarily evil. As for things being what they 'ought to be', that changes greatly from age to age and culture to culture, and as a group we pretty much arbitrarily decide the way things should be.

There is no definitive meaning of evil that will fit everyone, as I would define 'evil' as a transgression on a constructed moral code and morals are also differ from person to person, decade to decade. Most people would agree that child molesters and serial killers could fit the definition of evil, but some people also put gays, women, blacks, politicians, etc. into that category.

Side: Atheism is logical
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
0 points

Okay, I define evil as a subjective human concept which can vary from one individual to the next.

For example, I believe spending one moment praying to something that does not exist, such as a god, is evil. One should spend that time being productive.

Side: Atheism is logical
ChuckHenryII(10) Disputed
0 points

Your definition states the the concept can vary from person to person. What you believe could be the opposite of what I believe. Since it is so unimaginably vague, your definition is useless. Are you starting to see what zombee is saying?

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

Someone who subscribes to a religion does not know what happens after death, they only believe they do. As an atheist, I also have a belief concerning what happens after death: nothing. To me, this is the only logical conclusion, because nothing I have ever experienced has led me to believe otherwise.

However, as I have no proof of my beliefs, I would never try to argue that oblivion after death is a fact, or that oblivion is more valid than any other afterlife. I think it is only fair to ask for the same intellectual honesty from everyone. Evidence concerning life after death is impossible to attain, and people of all religions need to admit that to themselves and learn to distinguish belief from fact and faith from knowledge.

Side: Atheism is logical

Even if so, where did this moral code come from? Can humans even comprehend the scope of evil? For example, there are two accepted types of evil. Gratuitous, and inscrutable evil.

Side: Atheism is logical
2 points

Society has constructed it. Some of the morals we see in play just reinforce natural instincts, such as don't kill each other, and others have been invented by fear or hatred, such as homosexuality is bad.

Humans invented the concept of evil so yes, I would say we can comprehend evil, but the evil each individual person comprehends is the evil of their own individual definition.

Edit: Also I forgot to ask, what does the definition of evil have to do with whether or not atheism is logical? Shouldn't we instead be defining logic?

Side: Atheism is logical
bookhead2013(14) Disputed
0 points

The definition of evil does have something to do with whether atheism is logical. Many atheist's main argument is that if God exists, evil will not. The argument i present is that is evil is defined by some as something that is not as it should be. The point is, how would we know what should be if there was not a first "Being" that defined the morality.

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

Well, depends on our spectrum of logic.

If we look at it from a mathematical point of view, everything in existence is illogical for existence should have never happened in the first place. how we are here is incomprehensible. So Atheism vs. Theism doesn't apply here. Theism is ALWAYS illogical, and Atheism is a concept that shouldn't exist because nothing should exist because of my earlier statement.

If we're just going by a scientific term... than Atheism is completely logical. now, if you're an extreme Atheist who says that there is, without a doubt, no God, that's illogical. But if you're (as Dawkins says) a de facto Atheist, than you are simply not believing in something that has no evidence behind it. Perfectly logical.

Side: De Facto
1 point

Is Atheism really worth not knowing what happens after death?

Wow, I never thought of it that way ._.

Wait, let me try something.

"Is Christianity really worth not knowing what happens after death?"

See, I can do that too.

Side: Atheism is logical

How is atheism logical? Is it do to atheist deeming themselves as superior thinkers? Arrogant, illogical, and wishing they were a god. Sounds logical to me.

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

The analysis of the GOD Theory, as in scriptures and the creation story we all have in part read and heard, as have another interpretation of the creation of all things. God makes things to be understood by all with no room for opinion or argument. The teacher, as Christ was said to be had put the question to his followers and to those that listened to him. To tell him what they understood about the creation story. They, as several people had replied to imply the same conclusion, “it shows the benevolence of God”, as another group of people replied “it shows the Lord built the heavens and earth within 7 days” and one had said “All things have the same master”. The teacher then asked. What is the name of who that has devotion written upon their heart and has said “that the Lord is the master of all things” to tell me his name. So it can be written in the book of life. The person replied, and told the teacher their name and the teacher made them a disciple. The followers and those who listened to the teacher were aggrieved that such a lowly beggar could be chosen to be a disciple and asked the teacher why he had chosen a lowly beggar over them. The teacher replied, that his answer is in accordance with that which you do not perceive, as then it will be easier for him to remember that which I am to teacher him, as to you. Is it not a mythical and wondrous thing that such a creation story would bemuse a man for the entire span of his life and he would not know the precise nature of its instruct. The people all replied, ”yes, teacher it is an amazing feat to contemplate its inception”, and the teacher asked the people “did you hear the lowly beggar reply”, and they replied with a no “that he did not speak”. So this is why he has been chosen, as he makes not a reply in agreement, as he truly knows that the almighty has created him to heed to remain silent in view of such contemplation. Some people then became violent, and some picked-up stones and threw them at the teacher, and the lowly beggar stood in front to take the blows of their anger. The teacher looked at the blood that ran down the lowly beggar face, and shouted in fury to the people. Is it not that the creation story shows to us that in all things there will be found a process in its construction. It is not the subject content of the creation story which is relevant to us. It is that in the making of all things there is a process in the making of it. Therefore, all things have the same master, and originate from the same root, as has its given construction procedure. It is the process of the creation of a thing that makes it what it is, and that process is the master over that thing, as you have misinterpreted and not understood the beggar’s reply. He has understood that all things are made in an orderly procedure and it is maintained by that procedure to be what it is. Therefore, were GOD has said, as to be illustrated by the creation story. It is not the how, what, and the when. It is that all things were created, and there is to be found the exact procedure that was used to create it. The teacher cannot teach to people a concept they do not have the ability to yet understand. As then it is pointless to teach the theory of quantum physics that is involved in the creation of things. To people that cannot even yet count beyond 10, but I can illustrate the existence of quantum physic in such a creation story, as then the underlining process of the construction of things can be illustrated. It is obvious now that the creation story seems so simple it has no relevant meaning to the people of today, as it is meant to be understood by the one, at a certain time, and at the will of the ALMIGHTY. Therefore, there will be a man that understands this better than I, and will explain it to you better than I could have, at such a time, as the LORD feels fit to permit. It is the teaching of the creation story that illustrates that if a person knows the construction procedure of a thing, you can manipulate, as control that thing. If mans wants to proceed in his evolutionary cycle he must be made to understand this, as to possibly why the Christ story was made, as he is said to have had walked on water and changed water into wine. You would have to have an acute knowledge of chemistry, and molecular construction to change water into wine, and you would have to understand a number of subjects to actually walk on water, but this is illustrated to us in such stories. It is not, it cannot be done, it is the how he had archived this, as what would you have to know to be able to walk on water. Or how can you obtain access to this information without actually learning it or knowing about it other than showing that it can be done with the consciousness of your person. It is to teach to someone, that they can walk on water, and they can change water into wine. It is only that you do not know, as possess the power to do it, not that it cannot be done. The Christ story is like a tale in history in relation to a truth that could have had been. That there was a people that could walk on water, as turn water into wine and do amazing things with the thoughts of their mind. We destroyed and enslaved those people, as now try to understand their precepts and how they had archived to be capable of such feats, but we conceal their very existence, as their true identity from themselves, for if they knew. It is as you can imagine, that a man knows not of that which he has no knowledge, as has never been told existed. You are what you are, but you can be forced to change by you being told something you did not know. This is that what you did not know and you have now been told will change who you previously were for the rest of your existence. I do not have to teach that you have been told not to believe hearsay, as something told by another, as then who do you believe and listen to, as consult. You must try and evaluate the correctness of the information you have been told, or given, as perceive and it does not matter what the subject is, as it applies to all things.

1 point


hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

Ahhh death is eternity. So we all just remain dead. That sounds like a really good eternity. You know what that sounds like to me?


pinnacledawn(6) Disputed
1 point

No not we, you on your lonesome, as God has a particular plan for persons of your type, as for an eternity plus your arrogance that you maybe kept totally alone, muttering in your encrazyed plight that hell is not what you thought it maybe.

1 point


1 point

The analysis of the GOD Theory, as in scriptures and the creation story we all have in part read and heard, as have another interpretation of the creation of all things. God makes things to be understood by all with no room for opinion or argument. The teacher, as Christ was said to be had put the question to his followers and to those that listened to him. To tell him what they understood about the creation story. They, as several people had replied to imply the same conclusion, “it shows the benevolence of God”, as another group of people replied “it shows the Lord built the heavens and earth within 7 days” and one had said “All things have the same master”. The teacher then asked. What is the name of who that has devotion written upon their heart and has said “that the Lord is the master of all things” to tell me his name. So it can be written in the book of life. The person replied, and told the teacher their name and the teacher made them a disciple. The followers and those who listened to the teacher were aggrieved that such a lowly beggar could be chosen to be a disciple and asked the teacher why he had chosen a lowly beggar over them. The teacher replied, that his answer is in accordance with that which you do not perceive, as then it will be easier for him to remember that which I am to teacher him, as to you. Is it not a mythical and wondrous thing that such a creation story would bemuse a man for the entire span of his life and he would not know the precise nature of its instruct. The people all replied, ”yes, teacher it is an amazing feat to contemplate its inception”, and the teacher asked the people “did you hear the lowly beggar reply”, and they replied with a no “that he did not speak”. So this is why he has been chosen, as he makes not a reply in agreement, as he truly knows that the almighty has created him to heed to remain silent in view of such contemplation. Some people then became violent, and some picked-up stones and threw them at the teacher, and the lowly beggar stood in front of the teacher to take the blows of their anger. The teacher looked at the blood that ran down the lowly beggar’s face, and shouted in fury to the people. Is it not that the creation story shows to us that in all things there will be found a process in its construction. It is not the subject content of the creation story which is relevant to us. It is that in the making of all things there is a process in the making of it. Therefore, all things have the same master, and originate from the same root, as has its given construction procedure. It is the process of the creation of a thing that makes it what it is, and that process is the master over that thing, as you have misinterpreted and not understood the beggar’s reply. He has understood that all things are made in an orderly procedure and it is maintained by that procedure to be what it is. Therefore, were GOD has said, as to be illustrated by the creation story. It is not the how, what, and the when. It is that all things were created, and there is to be found the exact procedure that was used to create it. The teacher cannot teach to people a concept they do not have the ability to yet understand. As then it is pointless to teach the theory of quantum physics that is involved in the creation of things. To people that cannot even yet count beyond 10, but I can illustrate the existence of quantum physic in such a creation story, as then the underlining process of the construction of things can be illustrated. It is obvious now that the creation story seems so simple it has no relevant meaning to the people of today, as it is meant to be understood by the one, at a certain time, and at the will of the ALMIGHTY. Therefore, there will be a man that understands this better than I, and will explain it to you better than I could have, at such a time, as the LORD feels fit to permit. It is the teaching of the creation story that illustrates that if a person knows the construction procedure of a thing, you can manipulate, as control that thing. If mans wants to proceed in his evolutionary cycle he must be made to understand this, as to possibly why the Christ story was made, as he is said to have had walked on water and changed water into wine. You would have to have an acute knowledge of chemistry, and molecular construction to change water into wine, and you would have to understand a number of subjects to actually walk on water, but this is illustrated to us in such stories. It is not, it cannot be done, it is the how he had archived this, as what would you have to know to be able to walk on water. Or how can you obtain access to this information without actually learning it or knowing about it other than showing that it can be done with the consciousness of your person. It is to teach to someone, that they can walk on water, and they can change water into wine. It is only that you do not know, as possess the power to do it, not that it cannot be done. The Christ story is like a tale in history in relation to a truth that could have had been. That there was a people that could walk on water, as turn water into wine and do amazing things with the thoughts of their mind. We destroyed and enslaved those people, as now try to understand their precepts and how they had archived to be capable of such feats, but we conceal their very existence, as their true identity from themselves, for if they knew. It is as you can imagine, that a man knows not of that which he has no knowledge, as has never been told existed. You are what you are, but you can be forced to change by you being told something you did not know. This is that what you did not know and you have now been told will change who you previously were for the rest of your existence. I do not have to teach that you have been told not to believe hearsay, as something told by another, as then who do you believe and listen to, as consult. You must try and evaluate the correctness of the information you have been told, or given, as perceive and it does not matter what the subject is, as it applies to all things. It is written in scripture that such people possessed such supernatural powers by Nezarbuchazar the King of Babylon. That he had captured some people when he had conquered a part of Egypt and the province of in and about JUDEAH and tried to have them worship his GOD. When they refused he tried to burn them alive and they did not burn. So he made them governs over his people, and then the truth of who they were, is not the point. We have an accurate account that they had existed for whatever reason he could not burn them alive by throwing them into the fire. Which then can lead to mean that by whatever method that he used he could not kill them, but he could enslave them, and these people had existed who had been found to have extraordinary supernatural powers. Nezarbuchazar, said this as witnessed by his own eyes, and he said he saw another person amongst them in the flames, and then asked them to come out of the fire, read it. They also go on to narrate that he had grew his hair long and his finger nails and he went into the wilderness to try and obtain the knowledge that they had possessed. If you were a king, and had found a people who possessed such a power, which you could not kill. Would you not throw await all that you possessed in search of such power which could be found and obtained by you, as a king that could not be killed. That is why to some degree I have my doubts about the accuracy of the Christ story, as I do not believe that they could kill such a person, as man does not possess the power to kill him. This is if you are a man that can control the elements other men cannot kill you, but they can try, as claim that they did and or they thought that they did, but they did not. He healed his own injuries, as he was said to have the power of healing. So this story can be said to be true, but it is that it just has been misinterpreted. If you believe Christ had healing powers, someone with healing powers can heal their own injuries, it is logic to adduce that he could heal himself not actually raise from the dead. It can be said that they believed he was dead, but in fact he was not dead, and he had healed his injuries and returned to the disciples, and into history. They people in ancient time were not learned in medical diagnosis, as to be medically sure that a person was dead. They just believed that that person must be dead, as there was no sign of life, as perceived by them. Therefore, you must look at these accounts from a different perspective, and look for the underlining principle possible cause of the accounts written concerning this person.

Side: historical accounts are misintrepreted

Proof that atheism falls on the illogical, there are women that believe this way. Ever met a logical woman.

Side: Illogical because of its members
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
1 point

There are women on both sides of the argument. Your point is self-refuting and misogynist on top of that.

Side: Illogical because of its members
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

There is no one that is religious that will tell you that it is logical to be this way. Religion is based on faith. Atheist claim their belief is based on logic, so how can an illogical woman be an atheist? Where is the logic in that?

Side: Illogical because of its members
1 point

The questions seems kind of silly to me. Not knowing what happens after death (if anything) is something all human beings share regardless of belief. Believing that something happens after death is not the same as knowing something happens after death. So the question is moot.

1 point

Atheism is illogical. Based on my experinces with talking to strong supporters of a no god belief, i have come to understand how arrogant the argument for athesium really is. It is so hard to even talk without being constantly attacked. I try to be very pieceful and calm and loving, and what do i get! I get constant attack. I ask people questions about their belief reggarding atheism and none can be answered. The belieff provides no explantion for the purpose of life. They can not explain a purpose for a beggining or an end. It is so frustrating! I mean what is the purpose of even talking about anything if we have no purpose in life! And then there are those who refuse to talk at all. Everything happens for a purpose. We can see it in our world. Each animal is created special and everything on this planet is made so that life moves on. Every little small microscopic detail is made for a purpose, and each purpose is significant. If we have no purpose in life then we have to say for that everything that breaths life on this planet has no purpose! So a power has to be behind a world of such brilliance, such detail. Such knoweldge can not come from nothing. Nothing can not create nothing. Because if there is nothing then why am i speaking and why does evil and good exist.

Get backed to me, anyone wether it is fellow beleivers or someone who feels unsure or would like to piecfully and lovingly debate with me. *Piece to all

1 point

However you do look at it, we don't 100% know what happens after death. You can't. Even if heaven and hell does exist, you don't really know what is going to happen.

Also, atheism is probably the most logical religion out there. And they do have their own theory about life after death - that there isn't life after life. Simple.

P.S. Not an atheist, but used to be.

1 point

This whole debate is dependent on the definition of 'God.' I am actually a person who is not sure if Christianity is true or not (I have reasons to believe and not to believe). But as for me being a theist, on that I am 100% because of the absurd degree of organization and complexity of the universe. I am a theist BECAUSE of science just like Einstein was a theist, and many other brilliant scientist who simply marveled at the how it is impossible that all of these amazing variables that make up the universe are simply impossible without some kind of organizer. Then you look at us, our DNA is more complex and organized than any computer program in the world and that is a comment from Bill Gates. Obviously people in here are Christian but I think the arguement of atheism vs theism is a more broad arguement than quoting Bible passages. Christianity is a more narrower agruement after you've gotten past atheism vs theism

0 points

You state that atheism is arguable, but you do not tell how it is illogical. Should you not provide some sort of reason WHY it is illogical. How is it illogical not to believe in something that is not backed up by evidence. Wouldn't going with the evidence be more logical than going against it with only Faith on your side. In my opinion, atheism is one of the most logical ways of thinking.

1 point

Ok givce me evidence. What kind of evedence to you have?

You tell me how the earth started since you know so much. Tell me why are you here? Did you control your birth were you born out of will? Tell me? In a way you claim to be your own god since you know why the earth is created.


Atheism implies that God, a fictional character of whom there is as much evidence as there is of lord Voldemort, is not real. I have never seen him, heard him or smelled him, nor has any evidence of his existence been presented. On what compulsion must I therefore believe in him?

Side: Atheism is logical
hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

You will be able to see, feel, and hear him. If you just open up your heart. He wants us to make a choice to seek him. You need to spend some time with him. You dont just walk up to a stranger walking down the street and just say hi be my friend lets go take a trip to hawaii you and me 1 week vacation. The plausable way to meet someone is to talk, and walk with the person. get backed to me

Side: Atheism is logical
1 point

Hoegy, I have thought on it and after some reflection I have found God...., had you fooled for a second didn't I?

You will be able to see, feel, and hear him.

No, no you can't, because he doesn't exist.

If you just open up your heart.

The heart has no capacity for understanding, knowledge or spirituality.

He wants us to make a choice to seek him.

And woe betide you if you don't?

You dont just walk up to a stranger walking down the street and just say hi be my friend lets go take a trip to hawaii you and me 1 week vacation.

No, but it seems it is perfectly acceptable to go up to a stranger and say "Hi, we've never met before, but I'd like you to believe in this really cool guy I can see in my head, despite my complete inability to provide any evidence of his existence".

The plausable way to meet someone is to talk, and walk with the person.

I tried talking, no one replied.

Side: Atheism is logical
-1 points

Unless you can make god show himself, or prove god in a manner that isn't reduced to guy feeling or desperate hope, then atheism is the best position to take.

Side: Atheism is logical and de facto
hoegy(308) Disputed
1 point

So in other words you take the argument of looking forward or the argument that beleives that nothing matters, and why should we even discuss this. First of all God does show himself you just dont bother to even look. Open your ears and eyes then you will see.

Side: Atheism is logical and de facto
aveskde(1935) Disputed
0 points

So in other words you take the argument of looking forward or the argument that beleives that nothing matters, and why should we even discuss this.

I haven't a clue what you're trying to say here. You need to expand your point.

First of all God does show himself you just dont bother to even look. Open your ears and eyes then you will see.

Gut-feeling response. I asked for hard evidence, not intuition.

Side: Atheism is logical and de facto
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
0 points

Unless you can make an entire world and all living creatures or prove this in some way that is not based upon the theories of man or wishful thinking on your part, then religion is the best position to take.

aveskde(1935) Disputed
0 points

Unless you can make an entire world and all living creatures or prove this in some way that is not based upon the theories of man or wishful thinking on your part, then religion is the best position to take.

Not relevant to the topic. Your beliefs are unsubstantiated.

Side: Atheism is logical