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RSS EnigmaticMan

Reward Points:1840
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10 most recent arguments.

if v vud not see the light until 52012 AD den ders no point in getting worried for what will happen in 2012

That is a moot point, considering the lunacy of the theory.

What occurs in this year, will not actually be felt biologically until 2014. At the point of the synchronization of the 3 time cycles (a still point of major rhythms and cycles), a huge flash of light will emit from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

What you just stated is nonsense.

The major effects of the light photons will not actually reach Earth until 2014.

If a flash of light did in fact occur at the galactic plane, we would not see it until approximately 52012 AD.

"Communism" acts only as a representation of the last ideological contradiction in existence, to which there has been no replacement.

History is not merely a record of ideological conflict. Besides, less than fifty years is too short a time for a brand new ideology to rise and then permeate a society to such an extent as to start a conflict. Give it time.

We do live in a world that is dominated by "...economic calculation, the endless solving of technical problems, environmental concerns, and the satisfaction of sophisticated consumer demands."

If anything, this is a direct result of ideological conflict, not of its absence.

So, I ask my question again, in the post-historical world that we live in, have we lost something?

The threat of nuclear annihilation, perhaps.

Then don't choose not to. Then you do not die. I think you'd find it quite enjoyable considering this "stranger" is benevolent.

If the Stranger is benevolent then why does he kill you if you refuse to live with Him? Christians regularly cite 'free will' as the root of the issue. Having a penalty attached to exercising one's free will is neither fair nor benevolent.

Why would GOd gaurd it jelously if he created us?

That is my question, for guard it he did.

Because we made declaration with God that we are no llonger at piece with him. So we declared seperation. Therefore God was at war with us. Now we have jesus so that our sins can be forgiven. Because Jesus conquered sin through a human body. Cancer and disease is in the evil section. We wanted the knoweledge....

Stop proselytizing without providing any evidence.

It means that person whos illiterate has destined a different plan.

Destiny cannot co-exist with free will, which God supposedly gave us.

In the begging of creation God made us and everything else.


God told us not to eat the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil

I have never eaten this "forbidden fruit". Besides, trying to hide knowledge from a creature as inquisitive as Man is futile and contemptible.

which we did in rebellion because we chose to given to lies

God himself was guilty of a lie of omission by hiding the knowledge and guarding it jealously.

We failed to obey our father therefore by our disgusting nature we cursed the land so that we pay for our fatal mistake

Why didn't the all-loving and forgiving God make everything better?

So we are to blame for everything we suffer here on earth for.

Are you blaming me for cancer? I resent that. Are the victims also the cause? Any group of decent minded people would beat thee if you were to utter such fallacies in their presence. The truth of the matter is that the God you worship is a monster, guilty of genocide, slaughtering innocent children (Plague of the first born sons) and injustice (Infinite punishment for finite crime). In human society He would be sentenced to death or life imprisonment, Thankfully, He is a lie perpetuated by the credulity of the masses and the greed of the clergy.

But there is a hope and that is coming to know christ who will wash away our sins and make the impossible possible through him.

Unless you are illiterate and cannot read the Bible, in which case you will burn in hell, all expenses paid.

Becuase he isnt familiar with your voice yet because you dont know him.

That runs contrary to the Bible's assertions that God is omniscient. Proselytizing will get you nowhere with me.

Read his word>Bible.

I have read the Bible, have you? It is full of contradictions.

That is how you connect with God.

He doesn't have bluetooth?

Then if you open the door to the spirit that is behind the words then you will see.

Superstitious nonsense.

Lets start with this what is the purpose of life?


In other words we prefer the word relationship over the word religion.

Same excrement, new bucket.

What are you trying to prove? That everything is false and life exists becuase of probability and mathamatics?

I see no correlation between the two, but then what are you trying to prove? That, despite having no evidence it is possible to state that the universe was created by a magical being? If it is impossible for the universe to have always existed, why is it possible for a God?

An also i dont appreciate your insulting comment about the magical man on a cloud. I mean this is not a man this is god.

Fine, magical God on a cloud.

everything around us every little creation is a burst of his love.

Including the parasitical flies that burrow their way into the eyes of African children, causing permanent blindness? Including cancer, osteoporosis, malaria, and every other disease?

I have so much more to say


i dont want to run on talking i want either one of you to get back to me and if you can.

Ask and you shall receive.

Hoegy, I have thought on it and after some reflection I have found God...., had you fooled for a second didn't I?

You will be able to see, feel, and hear him.

No, no you can't, because he doesn't exist.

If you just open up your heart.

The heart has no capacity for understanding, knowledge or spirituality.

He wants us to make a choice to seek him.

And woe betide you if you don't?

You dont just walk up to a stranger walking down the street and just say hi be my friend lets go take a trip to hawaii you and me 1 week vacation.

No, but it seems it is perfectly acceptable to go up to a stranger and say "Hi, we've never met before, but I'd like you to believe in this really cool guy I can see in my head, despite my complete inability to provide any evidence of his existence".

The plausable way to meet someone is to talk, and walk with the person.

I tried talking, no one replied.

You atheists say we evolved from slime, and you think were crazy?!

Good on you, arguing against overwhelming evidence.

scientists found where Jesus was crucified and even

Care to substantiate that?

even a little bit of blood that was not a complete humans blood.

Care to substantiate that?

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About Me

"Rumours abound that EnigmaticMan will return one day, to cleanse CreateDebate of the unlettered."

Biographical Information
Name: Rupert 
Gender: Fellow
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United Kingdom
Postal Code: 00001
Religion: Atheist
Education: High School
Websites: UESP

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