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catastrophic disaster nothing
Debate Score:513
Total Votes:596
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 catastrophic disaster (64)
 nothing (170)

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powrovru(15) pic

Whats going to happen in 2012

Apparently the world will end on December 21, 2012.

catastrophic disaster

Side Score: 149


Side Score: 364
6 points

So the problem here is that the question is loaded. I guess the topic at hand is apocalypse and then the notion of 2012 rises. However it should be looked at as "What will happen in 2012?" The answer to which is a lot, because we think it will.

As far as I know there is a defined second in which this event should happen. Everyone will freeze at this time, and when most likely nothing objectively physical happens, the way life will be resumed by the minds will then be shifted forward in the way wanted by the majority of people.

Many of you can imagine a utopia, or at least some rules that should be changed. The reason why there is no radical shift at once is because when one percent of the population shifts, the other 99% don't flow with it and the status quo is restored by and to the minority. Given a "freeze" by everyone, processes midway which cannot be modified, not allowing the radical shift in mindset, procedure or viewpoint, are mostly stopped or ignored, and upon resuming, now all follow, or have the new majority-shared beliefs weighing into the final outcome.

It could be as simple as people being grateful they remain alive, or laughing at the fact that others thought the world would end. It would be a large deviation from normal vectors that we all compare our everyday percepted information to, and every disaster would seem a bit less bad; "At least we are here to see this 'spilled milk'".

Side: catastrophic disaster
5 points

Drawing parallels to now-confirmed predictions made by several prophets, remember that humans ultimately perform all of the acts prophesied. The fact that someone said it will happen, followed by the close watch or at least occasional memory by influential figures around the time of the prophesied act, no other time than that makes a better time to actually pull off a crime. It ends up looking "better" that while everyone is looking to prevent such upcoming disasters, the instigators manage to pull them off.

Such is true for anything anyone may believe will happen in 2012, be it earth becoming Eden (out of our own volition) or aliens coming by. They'd choose the time when everyone is listening, everyone is watching the sky. Everyone is quiet, accepting. Submitting. That is when a message is best delivered.

Perhaps the physicists at CERN have figured out how to make the feared "micro black hole" or some catastrophic phenomenon stable, allowing it to influence. Perhaps it will swallow us so quickly we won't see or feel it. Perhaps we will continue to all live past that point, in our own dreams and models of the world, without realizing the point where it shifted over. High level scientists and mathematicians are known to be deeply nihilist.

Perhaps it has already happened

Side: catastrophic disaster

we will find out then..........................................................................................

Side: No One Knows
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
3 points

Don't hold your breath.

Side: nothing
SamNew(16) Disputed
1 point

What if this world would be showing solutions now, but solutions against catastrophic disaster? And I still like to find these solutions out before...;)

Side: nothing
3 points

I'm not so sure I buy this whole the world will end junk. The mayans said that the 4th world will come to an end and the 5th will begin. Now if this means all life will be wiped out or just a new era starts i don't know. But it is proven that the magnetic poles will change because the earth will pass through the center of the galaxy and, in theory, the whole world will turn on its axis. Since the last time this happened was 50,000 years ago, there is no accounted recorded information on this so we have no idea what to expect. I think the mayans knew what they were talking about though because they predicted Hitler, the civil war, and the terrorists attacks on the right dates so they must have had something guiding them. Whether it was God, the stars, or something else, I don't know. But they were on to something when they made their calendar.

Side: catastrophic disaster
Conro(767) Disputed
9 points

1) We actually won't pass through the galactic plane ("center of the galaxy" in your terms) for another, oh 27 million more years.

2) By saying "turn on its axis" and you mean that the poles will shift (as I think you mean) then this will really do no harm to the Earth. Our poles have wandered about a degree every million years, so it's incorrect to say that this would happen so rapidly on any one day. Even if you meant that the magnetic poles would switch, as they do and we are overdue for a switch, these switches are due to the internal structure of the Earth, occur over a period of about 5,000 years (as in it starts and then 5,000 years later the switch is complete), are not affected by outside forces (e.g. solar flares), and cannot cause physical damage to the Earth. As for "we have no idea what to expect" because of a lack of HUMAN recorded history, we can look back on the geological timeline to study how the Earth responds to each of these changes that have occurred in the past, and find that the Earth isn't harmed at all by this.

3) Who ever said that the Mayans predicted Hitler, the civil war (assuming you're talking about the Civil War between the Confederate States of America and the United States of America), and some ambiguous reference to some terrorist attacks??? Provide me with a source to increase your credibility.

Supporting Evidence: Why 2012 won't mean the end of the world. (
Side: nothing
13 points

Cool, I get downvoted for providing a well thought-out rebuttal, and yet no one rebuts me. If you are going to downvote me then at least do me the courtesy of telling me why.

Side: nothing
Bohemian(3858) Disputed
8 points

I think the mayans knew what they were talking about though because they predicted Hitler, the civil war, and the terrorists attacks on the right dates

The Mayans Literally predict none of those things. I don't know where you're getting your information from.

Side: nothing
3 points

People will be so hopeful that the world will end that they will end it themselves

Side: catastrophic disaster

The world as we know will end because the U.S. will become bankrupt. But what do I know ;)

Side: catastrophic disaster
3 points

I don't beleive there will be a huge disaster BUT there will be aliens that will come to invade Earth and eat our brains just so that they can speak English. It's not the end of the world but the start of a new retarded alien civilisation.

Side: catastrophic disaster
shomos5(27) Disputed
4 points

umm i dont know of you being serious or not

can you clarify what if your being serious

Side: nothing
yomiab(4) Disputed
2 points

i think we take the cake when it comes to retardation. maybe brain eating extraterrestrials is exactly what this planet needs. just a

Side: nothing
3 points


Side: catastrophic disaster
4 points

i think its not possible nothing is gonna be end..just keep your work ahead.

Side: catastrophic disaster
3 points

jack sqatebnvkj,hfktgfhtrdfshrdahtrdsktf;ujgh/oj'p;7tutdk;.iygOkihperkjg'oaewijrgoiqwut'oiswjaer'oitj'oawietj'awktowirutlkdjfoiq3urtlkwejfpg9u3

Side: catastrophic disaster
3 points

i don't think the world will end on 2012. may be some disasters like earthquake, cyclone, etc... become more frequent but not as predictions like calender onwards 2012 is unavailable. no one knows whats going to happen.if people could predict everything then we couldn't have been in the present state the world is in. if it's going to be then we should think about the present n how to avert this??? can't they predict this ????

Side: No One Knows
3 points

Nobodies really able to predict the future but, there alot of warning signs happening in todays time that we are actually leading to something devastating in the naer future according to the Holy Bible!!!

Side: catastrophic disaster
3 points

OMG! Yes! We are all going to die and experience a horrific death. Are you guys happy now! Case closed.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

from what i have heard NASA is exepecting largest solar flare in 150 years which would not end the world, but since there is hole in our magnetic field so it will allow some amount of electromagnetic radiation into our atmosphere possibly nocking out our power grids, phone lines etc. of course this is not complete and total annihalation that that some people with big imaginations come up with but still could be a problem.....

Side: catastrophic disaster
justgiveup;)(4) Disputed
3 points

more like a solution if you ask me, we are going to end our world though the devises you mentioned, power lines ect. so in actuality your "end of the world" hypothesis is but a preventive measure for the armageddon humanity is bringing on itself and the earth as a whole. bring it solar flare!

Side: nothing
2 points

yes it is a catastrophic disaster so that it will destroy the world sorry dont mind my english am simply typing something to get past 50 chars

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

Remember the earth atmosphere is divided into 6 part & right now we are experiencing 5th atmosphere of earth , these atmosphere comes again & again ,like cycle (i.e after 6th again 6th starts and then 5th and so on ) & god existed in 4th atmosphere which is a good atmosphere . Now we are experiencing the bottom atmosphere that is 5th, where we are at bottom of pot filled with water, where more and more mud is settled at the bottom of pot and we are into mud . So now you can see & get an idea why in this world more violence is there . Instead of non-Violence . So my friends such small and big disaster are there and will be there, dude to violence . And which are related on string theories also .

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

People who are looking for disaster to occur are missing the boat when they talk about something coming from outer space. The greatest danger to modern man, aside from the occasional tsunami and earthquake and weather aberration is warfare. How long can nations continue to arm with deadly nuclear weapons before they want to use them? The world is full of disasters waiting to happen. What happens if extremist Muslims take over Pakistan? What if Iran is successful in creating a cache of nuclear weapons. What will happen when North Korea finally attacks the USA and or South Korea?

On top of it all there is at least one prophetess from Bugaria, named Vanga, a woman who had a track record of making startlingly accurate predictions who predicted that WWIII would break out late this year as a conventional conflict and expand into a WW spanning 2012 and eventually bringing nuclear weapons into play. She predicted the war would start out as conflict in Indonesia, and while no war is currently going on there, the country does have frequent attacks on shopping centers and other places by Muslim extremists. She predicted that later in the war Muslims would eventually attack Europe with chemical weapons and make in uninhabitable.

While Mayan experts claim the Mayans made not predictions about the end of the long calendar, which is the end of 13th B'ak'tun, one Mayan inscription found at a Mayan Sacred shrine did. Read this:

The Thirteenth [b'ak'tun] will end....

Black ...[illegible]...will occur....

(It will be) the descent(?) of Bolon Yokte' K'uh to the great (or "red"?)...[illegible]...

The author was predicting that at the end of this cycle, which is predicted to occur on Dec. 21, 2012 that something black will occur and that a person, described as the Mayan war deity will descend to the Earth.

I personally won't stake money on the belief that horrible things will necessarily take place precisely on December 21, 2012. However, I believe a cyclic change is taking place that is going to flush out a lot of stuff from the minds of humanity and it will cause a lot of upheavals and potentially devastating war around the time of the cyclic change if not right on it.

Supporting Evidence: Prophecy about 2012 (
Side: You never know
2 points

as v have watched 2012 movie what all v saw was true the mine ,the lava every thing .tge world should soon built the ship to allow every one in.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

Basically, we all know that the whole world nowadays is at risk meaning GLOBAL WARMING is the main cause. One effect is that the polar ice caps will melt (because of the intense heat) and of course the world will increase its water level and basically will sink. Another effect is the puncturing of the ozone layer due to excessive release of CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) gases into the atmosphere. The harmful ultraviolet rays that were restricted by the ozone layer now reach Mother Earth causing very harmful effects. Inconvenience to mankind at large as rise in global temperatures in some parts of the world has changed weather conditions. People not accustomed to such high temperatures are falling sick in large numbers. The rise in global temperatures is a great cause of worry for countries in the European belt not accustomed to high temperatures. One major factor of global warming is unilateral bombardment of Afghanistan and Iraq by USA and its allies. The war was declared in Afghanistan to root out terrorism. the resurfacing of Taliban in Afghanistan proves otherwise. The war was declared on Iraq to uncover WMD (weapons of mass destruction) which were never found! The other harmful effects being a rise in cases of skin diseases and the like.!

Supporting Evidence: Global Warming 2012 (
Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

awqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqwqqqqqqqqqwww eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwwe e

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

The world will end!!!! I am waiting for that to happen..... >.< ._.

Side: catastrophic disaster
korii(11) Disputed
2 points

I wana ask you a question if GOD came right now would you go to heaven or hell stop confusing yourself get a side

Side: nothing
2 points

I don't know man, everything is starting to make sense now, even other beliefs show something happening. For instance, in the year of the cow, there was mad cow disease, in the year of the pig there was swine, and then there's gonna be the year of the dragon, I don't even want to know whats gonna happen.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

The Mayans have been right about all their predictions, so why would they suddenly be wrong!? Plus, NASA believes there will be a catastrophic corona flair that will emit a lot of radiation towards earth. THATS NASA! NASA generally isn't if the Mayans and NASA believes so, then I kind of believe it

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

We are living at a time when mankind seems to sense that the end of all things is very near. Just about everyone has a theory as to how the world is threatened and when that end might come. The media and the Internet are full of doomsday speculations concerning the New Age "Mayan Calendar" and the year 2012. Some scientists predict that Global Warming could wipe out life on Planet Earth within a certain number of years. At the same time, politicians work to halt the proliferation of life-destroying nuclear weapons before it is "too late." High profile news reports of economic downturns, crime, wars, tsunamis, earthquakes, and disease outbreaks cause people to question whether God is bringing judgment on the world.

Side: catastrophic disaster
rob0915(60) Disputed
2 points

High profile news reports of economic downturns, crime, wars, tsunamis, earthquakes, and disease outbreaks cause people to question whether God is bringing judgment on the world.

- I mean you no offense, but when have these reports not been broadcast? If we glance back in time, disease, tsunamis, wars, crime, earthquakes have all been recurring.

September 01 1949; I'd bet quite heavily a lot of people believed the world was coming to an end.

Side: nothing
2 points

Whats going to happen in 2012

The fags will take over the world.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

"fags"=Some stupid U.S company(e.g Mcdonalds)

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

We a re all going to Die a horrible Death , Blood will flow of the non believers, The Mayans will rise again , but they will be called Mexicans and force all people to eat bad taco's and be on welfare so that the Obama bots will control every part of your life. The United States will become a welfare State with total Government control.... over every part of your LIFE !!!!!

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

What Will Happen If The World Ends? It Scares Me..If It Wasnt Gonna Happen Why Would There Be A Film On It?? It Might Be Just Me Thinking Too Far Ahead.. All I Can Do Now Is Wait And See Whether It Happens!!....

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

Yes, we will probably all die in 2012 if Obama is re-elected, I'm not sure just how he will destroy the world, but it will happen! Good night bitches!!!!!!!

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

I don't really think anything's gonna happen in 2012. I'm sure that you watched the movie 2012 but I don't believe in the Mayan calendar. That's a bunch of B.S. All you retards out there can believe that the world's gonna end and you have to get on an ark of spaceship. HAHA

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

am i the only one that wants the world to end? before all of you jump to conclusions that im some psychotic depressed freak with no attachment for life, i love life. but i just cannot get the thought out of my head that i would live more in the short time (if the world did start to go to shit) then i would live in my entire life. and im a firm believer of quality over quantity. ive always been one that cared more about peoples feelings than my own, always one to try and make friends not enemies, friends help more later on in life, without a later to plan for i could finally do everything ive always wanted to, knowing, shit doesnt matter!thats just my perspective anyways.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

yes i do think that the world will end !!!! and went all u haters are died il be lol

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

THE WORLDS NOT GONNA END U RETARDS but if it does then im gonna laugh in all ur dead faces when ur dead!

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

ok wrong side dont hate but yea its not gonna happen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: catastrophic disaster
korii(11) Disputed
2 points

support your answer and do it with reality so that the whole world can see and read your theory according to awsomesauce

Side: nothing
2 points

how can a macroscopic mind can predict the cataclysmic end of the world? it is the nature

of the mind to probe into the future, waiting for the dooms day.

Side: catastrophic disaster
2 points

Cthulhu will rise from the depths, bringing madness, destruction, and chaos upon the world. He will devour all of our souls, and leave the Earth barren and lifeless.


Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

Who's Cthulhu??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Side: nothing
1 point

It mite be bosipl but i don'y think so if it dose I'll try to stay alive ans long as i can

Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point


Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

I am not too sure. I am slightly worried. I am not a person who worships God, but I am a God fearing Australian. I just pray nothing will happen... I enjoy my life.

With the world destroying itself with natural disasters, it is making me wonder. Sure, we don't help the world by all that we do, but this topic is playing on my mind. There has been floods in Queensland, that took half the state with it. Fires in America that burnt dangerously for days.

Earthquakes in New Zealand, and another one a few days ago.

The eathquake in Japan, that caused a massive tsunami, and nearly washed the island away, before causing four nuclear powerplants to melt.

In Australia, we have a mouse plague at the moment.

In Chille, a large volcano erupted, and the ash clound is now on the otherside of the world in Australia.

Now, I could be all wrong in presuming something may happen, and it is just a period or a cycle the earth is going through, but honestly, I am slightly scared by the thought of 2012 being real.

Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

Certainly it will, as the SOHO has taken pictures of the oncoming of Planet X toward Earth. You can see it also in youtube videoes by NASA.

Historically, Planet X is responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs on Earth, as this particular planet orbits Earth every three thousand years. It makes a near-flyby, and is what knocked Earth off its' axis.

Side: Celestial Phenomona
1 point

First of all, sorry for my bad English, I think there are many videos as you can find here: videos, which show what can not be avoided, we are on the verge of the end of the world.

Supporting Evidence: videos (
Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point
Supporting Evidence: too many credit cards (
Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

Only if Obama is re-elected.

(I'm just here to cancel out Cuaroc's argument.)

Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

Wait, I just saw that I already added an argument here 576 days ago and it was pretty much the same... well, at least I'm consistent.

Side: catastrophic disaster
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

The world didn't end the first time Obama got elected.

Side: nothing
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

He doesn't want to go out being just another "One Termer" so he will destroy the Earth early in his second term... or so the Mayans said... something like that.

Side: catastrophic disaster
0 points

i hope it end with zombie, cataclysm, nuke, or war of every country in the world

Side: catastrophic disaster
0 points

It mite be bosipl but i don'tthink so if it dose I'll try to stay alive ans long as i can

Side: catastrophic disaster
0 points

I think the idea that the world will end precisely in 2012 is a poor view, based on unreliable sources. It would be an impressive coincidence if it did. I would say the world could end in 2012, just as it could end today, or tomorrow, or next week, or in three years, or in a million. There's no knowing for sure. Anything could happen any time. If you can foresee the world heading into a pit of destructive misery by next year, then consider why and act on it. Volcanoes are erupting all over the place, the arms industry is expanding, as is nuclear power (apparently Russia and the USA have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world EIGHT times over), there's major evidence of climate change and we can see how quickly it is developing...

Basically, if you want to ensure your chances of still existing in 2013 and the chances of humanity existing even in 4013, "be the change you want to see in the world".

If we don't all act civil and humane NOW, we might survive for a few more generations, but not necessarily for more than that...

But who knows? We could just get hit by a meteor, meaning it doesn't matter what we do now. Or we really could just continue to destroy ourselves. Depends how you want the Earth to end. Personally, I want it to never end - but if it does at any point, I want it to be with people knowing they did all they could to save it.

Side: Anything
30 points

January 1, 2000.

September 11, 2008.

June 6, 2009.

December 21, 2012.

What do they all have in common? Dates the world is supposed to end. All but one of them have passed and we're still here debating. Is there a chance? Sure. But the numbers, logic, reasoning, and common sense all say NO.

Side: nothing
meenugoyal(14) Disputed
5 points

i think its not possible life can not end need to worry ...but be ready for any kind of loss..prepare urself

Side: catastrophic disaster
korii(11) Disputed
0 points

hey we are not in church here ,so get a side and we put you in your place,dont be john the baptist here speak in terms of scientific facts what is happening right now not what we should prepare ourselves for

Side: nothing
4 points

I know, my friends were running about in the school saying that. There is one thing that is going to happen! The olympics!

Side: nothing
2 points

There have been other "doomsdays". Have any of them happened? No. I think that there will be no event on december 21 2012.

Side: nothing
1 point

Totally agree with you. There were/are too many dooms that have never happened.

Side: nothing

Don't forget June 6, 2006! LMAO!

You know... the date that abreviated 6/6/6. People were bat shit crazy over that day. Thinking we were all going to die by 11:59 P.M. because the Anti-Christ was born...

Can you believe that insanity? Mother of Mary...

Side: nothing
1 point

Excellent way to put it my friend. In my opinion, it is a hoax created by someone to generate fear or the accumulation of money (hence the movie "2012").

Side: nothing
10 points

Apparently people don't know that the Mayans couldn't count higher than 2012. And the only thing they predicted right is that everyone would go nutso wacko freako because their calendar ended at 2012. True story.

Side: nutso wacko freako
4 points

hmicciche is right the mayans dreaded 2012 because thats when thier world literally ended because then they would have to invent more numbers

Side: nutso wacko freako
2 points

I agree 100% with you. The Mayans could not count higher than 2012. I don't know how somebody came up with that wackjob story of a huge change or destruction of the human race.

Side: nothing
2 points

I agree with you on this. Mayans dont know how to count. wel they do technically, but truth is, they cant count higher than 2012. And we cant just say there's a castrophic disaster thts gonna occur this year just because some ancient civilization's calender ended on the year 2012. a whole lot of strange things could happen any year. there could be hurricanes in the US and volcanoes erupting in japan and tornadoes and earthquakes and whatnot. 2000 years have passed and the world hasnt ended.the government could say that the world is ending in 2040, just because we ran out of paper to write on.

Side: nothing
8 points

December 21, 2012 has been predicted as a time of global transformation and awakening or the end of the world,

My understanding is that we are in a time of complete global transformation, with power returning to the people out of the hands of a few elite groups. The predictions of the Mayans, Hopis, Tibetans, East Indians all prophesied of this important time of change and transformation on the planet.

In this lens, I share my own energy reading and information on what will be happening as we head toward 2012 and global transformation.

What occurs in this year, will not actually be felt biologically until 2014. At the point of the synchronization of the 3 time cycles (a still point of major rhythms and cycles), a huge flash of light will emit from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Called the Evolutionary Light because its effect is evolution of all consciousness, not just human, its purpose is to send information out to other realms. The major effects of the light photons will not actually reach Earth until 2014. By then humanity will be ready to receive the information appropriate for it and for evolving in a new way with Earth.

Side: nothing
3 points

In this lens, I share my own energy reading and information on what will be happening as we head toward 2012 and global transformation.

I called Miss Cleo and even she thinks you're batshit crazy; takes some of the sting out of the downvote.

Side: catastrophic disaster
dec8jelly(152) Disputed
4 points

who ever is this Miss Cleo & whatever she thinks i don't care & 1 more thing i guess UAR crazy 2 believe such idiotic things as catastrophic disaster

Side: nothing
2 points

surely it should be on a friday 13th cos thats meant to be unlucky cos anyway my mates think the worlds gonna end on my b-day which wud be awesome

friday 13 th lol

Side: wat kind of an idiot thought this
1 point

no day is bad

no number/date is bad either

i garuntee u that ull celebrate ur b day nicely

nd its idiotic to die on your b day

at least i dont want that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: wat kind of an idiot thought this
NuclearForce(32) Disputed
2 points

First of all, even if this flash did occur, how would it reach us in two years. It's light, right? Light takes twenty-five THOUSAND years to reach us from the center of our galaxy. So we likely woudn't see it until sometime in the 271st century.

And second of all, what kind of evidence do you have for this flash thing? And what three time cycles are you talking about? The Mayan ones. Excuse me for putting this bluntly, but that's absolute insanity. Why would any of our earthly time cycles have any effect on our galaxy as a whole? Heck, we couldn't even make a big effect on our solar system if we tried. I agree with the guy who said you're batsh*t crazy, because you are.

Side: nothing
1 point

What occurs in this year, will not actually be felt biologically until 2014. At the point of the synchronization of the 3 time cycles (a still point of major rhythms and cycles), a huge flash of light will emit from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

What you just stated is nonsense.

The major effects of the light photons will not actually reach Earth until 2014.

If a flash of light did in fact occur at the galactic plane, we would not see it until approximately 52012 AD.

Side: catastrophic disaster
dec8jelly(152) Disputed
4 points

What you just stated is nonsense.If a flash of light did in fact occur at the galactic plane, we would not see it until approximately 52012 AD.

if v vud not see the light until 52012 AD den ders no point in getting worried for what will happen in 2012

Side: nothing
1 point

We all know that peope fears are now about 21 May 2011 and December 21 2012. This 21 May 2011 is called judgement day and still some believes that CHRIST WILL COME BACK TO EARTH.December 2012 is more frustrating. NASA has reported about solar flares and the new thing is to know is EnigmaticMan(1341) who said about light rays. Who loves mother earth please pray to save your EARTH . Please rise against the ploutants to decrease global warming...........................

Side: catastrophic disaster
6 points

I thought I settled this before. Oh well, here it goes again.

Supporting Evidence: Evidence (
Side: nothing

2012 Apocalypse is pure fiction. There are been a myriad of claims suggesting that the world will end and there is not one bit of evidence suggesting to the contrary.

Side: nothing
6 points

nothing is going to happen. all that stuff is morely a hoax. Noone should be worried about that stuff happening when we all know its not.

Side: nothing
5 points

The breatharians will transport to the fifth dimension. No, I didn't think that anybody had ever heard of them? The Mayans were Native Americans with a calendar, quite advanced for their time; but still, any legends/myths they had were simply that.

Side: nothing
0 points

Maybe Artificial Intelligence will be developed, SkyNet will be built, and the human population will be replaced with T-800s? Maybe that is the change powrovru was talking about?


Side: nothing
5 points

For thousands of year people thought that the world would end: from causing the gods anger to the antichrist, everything and anything has people scared. Christopher Columbus thought that it would happen in the 1660s. London, in 1666, underwent a grand catastrophe when a conflagration enveloped the city in September. June 6, 2006 ('666') was also a date many feared. Everytime that there is a ruler or a politician, or anybody famous for that matter, the Christians have always thought him the Antichrist and believed he would hail the end of the world, or other such things along that line.

The Norse believed in the Ragnarok, where the gods would meet their demise against their enemies. The so-called 'gotterdammarung' never happened and I should imagine went mostly forgotten after the conversion of the Norse to Christianity.

P.S. Sorry about the shoddily writted article, eschatology is not one of my strong suites.

Side: nothing
5 points

Read the bible! it says that there is going to be total caos and horrible war and that is not happening so im pretty sure that its not going to end

Side: nothing
5 points

A lot of people cite the Mayans calendar as predicting the end in 2012. First of all the mayans didn't have A calendar they had many calendars none of them mention anything about the end of the world....2012 is just where the latest calendar arbitrarily stops. According to the calendar in my kitchen the world is going to end in 2011 since that's where it stops.

The whole thing is utter ridiculousness.

Side: nothing

According to the calendar in my kitchen the world is going to end in 2011 since that's where it stops.

Don't worry, the calendars on our computers don't end until 2100. Well, one less thing to worry about. I think I'll put some coffee on.

Side: nothing
4 points

2012 is for entertainment purposes. The Mayans and ancient races obviously thought it would be hilarious to make future generations worry, hold up signs saying "The End is Near," and making people save money for the end to come and when 12/21/2012 really does come, nothing happens so they become broke and die.

Side: nothing
4 points

Nothing, and i mean nothing, is going to occur on December 21st, 2012, for the following reasons.

1.) If you haven't already noticed, setting dates for an apocalypse is quite stupid, because of a certain thing called time zones. Time zones make it impossible for us to calender global events because the times and dates differ around the world. If scientists have a good explanation as to why the world would have ended on one side of the earth hours ahead of the other side, then maybe, just MAYBE I would buy this.

2.) The Mayan calender is anything but accurate. Why is it even still being consulted?

3.) This is just another scare scientists are leaking into the media. There has been enough false alarms concerning the Apocalypse that I'd hope everyone in the world would get the idea that they are pulling chains. Sadly, that is not the case, observing the question of this thread.

4.) I have noticed people are talking about United States economics. What in the world? What does this have to do with the world ending? The world's economics depended on the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York. Well if you haven't caught on by now, the World Trade Center was wiped out 9 years ago. If the world was going to end according to economics, trust and believe thats when it would have happened.

5.) The only proof supporting 2012's theory is an inaccurate calender. God forbid they give us some concrete scientific evidence that could lead to the earth's doom. Any proof they have is something thats occurred way too long ago to even be considered a problem for the future.

Well, thats it. Hopefully this is enough to shine a light in the dim minds of most people today.

Side: nothing
3 points

Well I don't know if "nothing" will happen, but I can totally see a radical change happening. I believe that the Mayans either ran out of room on their calendar (or got lazy) or that they were warning us of a change. I don't think 2012 is going to be the end of the world.

Side: nothing
3 points

Just, take a brief look at these failed apocalyptic predictions, anything ranging from astronomic/(pseudo)scientific predictions, religious prophecies, to reaction to catastrophic natural events and societal collapse has been taken for sign of apocalypse.

And the hype of 2012 will most likely turn out to be nothing more than a neat marketing trick.

If Mayan were still here, this will simply be a Y2K problem for Mayan software engineers, similarly one would not expect the world to end just because UNIX system time 'reset' to '1970' in 2038.

Side: nothing
3 points

Tough call??? If Barry is re-elected then it probably will, but since he most likely won't get a second chance to destroy America... I'll go with this option.

Side: nothing

10. Changes in the Sun's magnetic field will lead to powerful flares.

So what else is new under the sun? The sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle that is driven by its magnetic field entangling, reforming and flipping polarity. Yes, the peak of the next cycle is in 2012 (or 2013), and some predictions suggest it might be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak.

But experts say it will certainly not be the biggest peak ever recorded.

The bottom line is that no dragon's breath of flame will stretch across 100 million miles of space and blowtorch Earth. The largest solar flare recorded to date, on Nov. 4, 2003, spewed several billions of tons of plasma in Earth's direction. The flare's X-ray radiation that impacted our protective atmosphere had the equivalent radiation of 5,000 suns.

We're still here.

9. The Earth's magnetic field will reverse.

Don't hold you breath. The last field reversal happened nearly 800,000 years ago. Fred Flintstone and our other ancestor cavemen survived. Geological evidence shows that the field has reversed its orientation tens of thousands of times over Earth history. Yet there is no definitive evidence that a magnetic field reversal has ever caused any mass extinction due to increased cosmic ray influx.

8. The Earth's rotation axis will tip.

This isn't nearly as easy as tipping cows. Unlike Mars, which does go though wide excursions in it axial tilt, Earth's tilt is kept steady by the gravitational influence of the moon. An object the size of Mars would have to hit Earth to transfer enough momentum to knock us out of kilter. But Mars-sized protoplanets were kicked into interstellar space over 4 billion years ago. The solar system doesn't make "planets-gone-wild" anymore.

7. A grand alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will gravitationally perturb Earth.

For the past several decades there have been doomsday claims that the combined gravity from grand planetary alignments will cause geologic and meteorological upheavals on Earth.

None are scheduled for 2012.

In 1962 an extremely rare grand conjunction of the classical naked-eye planets drove astrologers crazy. The conjunction happened on Feb. 4-5 and was accompanied by a solar eclipse! The most infamous grand conjunction was in 1982 and popularized in a book called "The Jupiter Effect," which predicted earthquakes and massive tides. Life went on as usual both years. The moon has a vastly greater gravitational influence on Earth than Jupiter. It's called location, location, location! At a whopping distance of 400 million miles from Earth, Jupiter's tug is pretty wimpy.

6. The Sun will align with the galactic equator on the winter solstice.

So what? These are simply coordinates in the sky. It has no physical reality any more than the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue at Times Square influences the geology of Manhattan Island. This is greatly confused with the fact that the sun's position actually oscillates up and down as it orbits the galaxy, like a horse on a carousel.

We pass through the galactic plane every 35 to 40 million years. It's possible that an increased number of comets might be hurled towards the Earth because of gravitational interaction with the densest parts of our galaxy during this passage. But we are talking about the consequences spanning many thousands of years, not crashing down on our heads in any one specific year.

5. The black hole in the galactic center will affect us.

The Milky Way's black hole has no influence on the galactic disk. The black hole is three million solar masses. The Milky Way is several trillion solar masses when we add the tug of dark matter. Any gravitational influence of the black hole over the galaxy would be like the tail wagging the dog. The Milky Way's collision with the Andromeda galaxy will dump gas into the black hole and it will blaze as a quasar. But that's several billion years away.

4. An asteroid will smash into Earth.

A threatening near-Earth asteroid that's gotten the most press is the 900-foot wide Apophis. But its chances of collision have been downgraded to 1 in 250,000 at its next close approach in 2029. In theory, an uncharted asteroid or comet could come out of the blue tomorrow. But if we don't know about it today, the Mayans certainly didn't know about it 1,200 years ago. Earth-killer impacts are tens of millions of years apart. So there's no reason to be a doomsday clock-watcher.

3. The rogue planet Nibiru will swing by Earth.

There isn't such a planet any more than the planet Naboo from the Star Wars trilogy is real. Purported Internet pictures of the interloper are photographic lens flares or hoaxes. Don't believe every dot you see photographed in the sky.

2. Supernovae or hypernovae will irradiate Earth.

There are no stars that are so close to Earth that radiation from their supernova demise would seriously affect us. The nearest candidate, the red giant Betelgeuse, is predicted to explode in the next 1,000 years. The monster star Eta Carinae is also on a short fuse. Neither doomed star has a spin axis precisely aimed at Earth, so we don't have to worry about being fried by a narrow beam of gamma rays ejected from the core's implosion. In fact the kinds of stars that shoot out these Death Star beams are uncommon in the Milky Way. Earth has a one percent chance of getting zapped over 10 billion years. Scratch gamma ray bursts off of your homeowner's insurance policy.

1. A cloud of negative energy engulfs the solar system.

Wow! A dark cloud with a bad attitude! This sound suspiciously like a Star Trek episode. Dark energy is all around us already, but it is not packaged into clouds. The same goes for dark matter

Side: nothing
2 points

Nothing. Every one says that the Mayans predict it. But is there any solid evidence that they really predict it or does the calender just end?

Side: nothing
2 points

In my opinion nothing will happen in 2012. I think that the Mayans were wrong in Believing that the world will end. I think that 2012 will come and go just like any other year

Side: nothing
2 points

bwahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha nothing will happen.... the world will go on the same way it is going on now.... round and round and round and round!!!!

the laugh is just to make everyone not worry about the worlds end or anything;);););););)

Side: nothing
1 point

definitely..................whatever the mayans cannot be taken so seriously...or we should stop going outta our homes even for work???

Side: nothing

worrrrd baby dat's deep lemme get dem digits and we can sip Cristaaaaal and you can watch the diamonds in my grill sparkle n' glisten. shiiiiiiiii...

Side: nothing
2 points

I dont think the world will end. Ok lets look at it this way how manny times did they say the world was going to end ???? to manny times and gess what guys?? where still here???people who think the EARTH will END are nuts???Think about it? the calendor dont even say its going to end???It says ill be a BIG CHANGE but how do we know this for sure??like i said i belive that the earth will still be here and plus? I wont need to worry about the earth dieing its all fake

Side: nothing
2 points

First of all, the world is only going to end when the sun burns out, which is like, what, 13 TRILLION years from now.

Secondly, the only reason people believe the world will end in 2012 is because of the stupid movie inspired by the stupid Aztecs, whose world ended thousands of years ago. Their calendar ended there because some god exploded then or something.

And lastly, there is no LOGICAL explanation for the world ending in 2012, so why should anyone have any reason to believe so?

Thank you, and side with me in today's debate!

Side: nothing
2 points

On all of these types of days there is always a few suicides, nothing more. If you believe on god then that doesn't mean that you have to believe in 2012. The way you beleive on things is your buisiness, you shouldn't be scared of anything. And if there were any signs of the world ending, scientist would have found out a while ago. And besides why would Jesus kill everyone if he had the message of love and life. I think people shouldn't be told what is giong to happen, people should find out for there own self. And sorry to say this, but Jesus is'nt the almighty, his real message to people was that he was a human being, and everyone can be like him, everyone can love their neighbors, everyone can spread effection and sympathy to the world. He would never take the life of another human being. And if anyone else believes that it won't be Jesus and it will be the comets that crash into the world or the world erupting, or whatever then do as much as you can good in your life before it happens. Pay some old bills, say sorry to people you have made fun of, give your mom and dad a hug, pet your dog, work out if your a bit overweight, go to a resteraunt that you have always wanted to go to but just don't tell me that, because i will be 16 and i want to see what i get for christmas. there may be something that happens like maybe the Yellowstone volcano will erupt.But there will be nothing that has to do with the end of the world.Yes the Mayan calender ends on that date ,but that doesn't mean that is when the world is going to end.I mean common people they could have been taken over by another colony before they could finish the calender.But we are not all going to die.We survived the ice age the end of the dinosaurs.there will be no tragedy that kills the human race.We have satellites that detects meteors and missiles to intercept them.well cant write anymore got to go bye. As to that no one is curtain. However, using reason and modern knowledge we know that the metier heading for earth is another couple hundred years away, all forms of deadly diseases known to man are not capable of wiping out humanity in the next 2 years, Yellowstone could erupt but that will not be the end of the world and the recession is easing up(haha).It's all in Gods hands but when observing history as a prolific tool, which is the whole point of history, one can conclude that we are HIGHLY LIKELY to still exist beyond the year 2012. Well in the bible it said that Jesus made a small tree die and he said that when this tree bears fruit my temple will be built and a few years later(could be a hundred or a thousand to him) the Antichrist will come and then a few years later I the lord, your savior will return. so right now the temple is being built and is soon going to finish. also instead of the world ending and many people believing that the world will end in 2012 there might be a lot of suicides because people think the world will end so they kill themselves so they won't go through the catastrophic event supposedly.I dont think the world will end. Ok lets look at it this way how manny times did they say the world was going to end ???? to manny times and gess what guys?? where still here???people who think the EARTH will END are nuts???Think about it? the calendor dont even say its going to end???It says ill be a BIG CHANGE but how do we know this for sure??like i said i belive that the earth will still be here and plus? I wont need to worry about the earth dieing its all fake.First of all, the world is only going to end when the sun burns out, which is like, what, 13 TRILLION years from now.Secondly, the only reason people believe the world will end in 2012 is because of the stupid movie inspired by the stupid Aztecs, whose world ended thousands of years ago. Their calendar ended there because some god exploded then or something.And lastly, there is no LOGICAL explanation for the world ending in 2012, so why should anyone have any reason to believe so?Thank you, and side with me in today's debate!

Side: The World Is Safe
2 points

Actually, the sun will burn out in aprox. 4.5 billion years

Side: nothing
2 points

We lived through W2K, the second coming of Jesus (he was supposed to rise 2000 years after his death and judge the living and some crazy stuff), June 6th, 2006 (666), and the fact that we haven't nuked ourselves into oblivion yet is a good sign. I say bring it on, 2012. The human race is too hard to kill off, nowadays. We'll find a way to live, to survive, and to regrow and rebuild. The only way we're dying is if we use up Earth to the point where everything just runs out, or until a rock the size of us rips through us.

Side: nothing
2 points

They said the world was going to end in the year 2000 but what happend absoulutely nothing just because someone predicts something doesent mean they can predict everything the world will not end for another something million years or if we man kind do it by mistake it will not end for god sakes


Side: nothing
2 points

Of course not. The Mayan calendar actually ended a few decades ago. Different method of time.

Side: nothing
2 points

It will not.

It's a bunch of hocus pocus.

There is no evidence and it's just ridiculous to even say.

The planet Earth has been here for thousands of years, it's not going to all of a sudden ca-put on us.

Side: nothing
2 points

Whats going to happen in 2012

Umm.. Lemme see.. Re-elections, more corruption, more rapes, a few random nuclear explosions, a bit of evolution, some abortion debates, some more abortions, a few suicides, some more riots, more loss of virginity and then there was one more thing? Oh yeah.. My birthday will be back!

Catastrophic disaster? Isn't that already, slowly happening?

Side: nothing
1 point

i think nthn going to happen i think they are just saying that to scare u to clean up the globe so global warming does`nt continue to affect

Side: nothing
1 point

NOPEit wont because maybe the mayans died out before they could finish the calendar, doesnt mea tat it will end you

Side: nothing
1 point

I think that nothing will happen. I think that because just because some primitive people made a big stone thing with pictures on it says the world will end, it doesn't mean that it will. It was made thousands of years ago, they didn't know anything about modern astronomy. Anybody who thinks that it will end because a big rock says so, is dumb, and should get some common sense.

Side: nothing
1 point

big fuss bout it.......nothings gonna happen....its just a big fuss much like the BIG BANG theory...remember the worlds gonna end and sum stuff

Side: nothing
1 point

nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing because it is fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: nothing

Is anything going to happen on December 30, 2012? No, the same goes for December 31, 2012.

Side: nothing
1 point



Side: Your Mom
1 point

why whould it End in 2012 any way just because some half naked inden people that sacraficed them selves say so doesn't mean it will happen!

Side: nothing
1 point


Side: nothing
1 point

Not gonna happen in 2012. But we do have a 1 in 300 chance of getting destroyed by an asteroid in 2880. _1950_DA)

Side: nothing
1 point

No one really knows when the world will end. It will happen when it happens. The theory of the world ending in 2012 came from the mayan calendar, then the illuminati adopted it. But no one actually is dead certain it will happen then

Side: nothing
1 point

Absolutely nothing. All this post-apocalyptic people need to get their brains checked.

Side: nothing
1 point

Only the scientist has predicted about the worlds end. there prediction may be wronge also. my teacher say that there will be a world war only, and its is sappossed to be the end of world.but i think so that believe on yourself,do good works, as good peoples never get abad end of there life.and if you believeon god so everything will be fine.

Good luck

Side: nothing
1 point

great site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supporting Evidence: rta kitchen cabinets (
Side: nothing
1 point

The only thing that is likely to happen is people freaking out over the end of the world. Maybe some running around, then yelling and the realization that "Hey, the sky's NOT falling." Yay!

So, I guess if an asteroid falls on my head in 2012, then I deserve it.

Side: nothing
1 point

Nothing will happen in 2012. That was the same question asked 10 years ago and what happpen?? Nothing......................

Side: nothing
1 point

nope the world won't end in 2012. these kind of predictions keep occurring but they are yet to be proved true. so as long as no-one can prove that a meteor is gonna fall on my head or any crap like that, I'm not going to believe these stories.

Side: nothing
1 point

I can't believe that this debate is still on. how many times must I write that nothing will happen in 2012 or any other crappy date??? if anything does happen we won't have time to debate it on. so forget this PLZ. Anyway, something might happen if this debate does go on. because it doesn't seem to me that there is something that will happen anytime soon but this debate won't ever end. not until 2012 at least.

Side: nothing
1 point

As to that no one is curtain. However, using reason and modern knowledge we know that the metier heading for earth is another couple hundred years away, all forms of deadly diseases known to man are not capable of wiping out humanity in the next 2 years, Yellowstone could erupt but that will not be the end of the world and the recession is easing up(haha).It's all in Gods hands but when observing history as a prolific tool, which is the whole point of history, one can conclude that we are HIGHLY LIKELY to still exist beyond the year 2012.

Side: nothing

as far as what I have heard nothing is going to happen or if anything nothing special, however I have heard it is more that just a "worlds going to end" thing and theres more to it than that so I MIGHT be willing to change my mind based off if anyone gives me any more information on it and if they can provide evidence for it.

Side: nothing
1 point

The world ending in 2012 is the dumbest thing ever heard just like 6/6/06...pile of BS

Side: nothing
1 point

How can we possibly predict when the world will end? It could end tomorrow. Maybe the world will never end, at least for everyone at once. I think everyone's world ends when they die. And remember the millenium scare? I'm still alive...

Side: nothing
1 point

there may be something that happens like maybe the Yellowstone volcano will erupt.But there will be nothing that has to do with the end of the world.Yes the Mayan calender ends on that date ,but that doesn't mean that is when the world is going to end.I mean common people they could have been taken over by another colony before they could finish the calender.But we are not all going to die.We survived the ice age the end of the dinosaurs.there will be no tragedy that kills the human race.We have satellites that detects meteors and missiles to intercept them.well cant write anymore got to go bye.

Side: nothing
1 point

look! its real simply. what happened was that the Aztecs ran out of good rock to carve dates on. problem solved.

Side: nothing
1 point

People have had tons of different ideas and theories about when the world will end. What makes this one any different. Y2K passed and we are all still here. I do not believe 2012 is the end, but I do think its fun to use it as an excuse to do stupid stuff.

Side: nothing
1 point

Okay. Let's put it this way. Our calendar ends on December 31. We're not dead, and that has passed MANY, MANY, TIMES. 'Nuff said.

Side: nothing
1 point

DUMB question only GOD knows this. I just hope he (GOD) doesn't make the world end.

Side: God
1 point

its just a stupid its not real. the people that made it just want popularity and money. don't believe the movie.

Side: nothing
1 point

What I say to: "the world will end in 2012!" is: Hogwash and popycock!

Side: nothing
1 point

On all of these types of days there is always a few suicides, nothing more. If you believe on god then that doesn't mean that you have to believe in 2012. The way you beleive on things is your buisiness, you shouldn't be scared of anything. And if there were any signs of the world ending, scientist would have found out a while ago. And besides why would Jesus kill everyone if he had the message of love and life. I think people shouldn't be told what is giong to happen, people should find out for there own self. And sorry to say this, but Jesus is'nt the almighty, his real message to people was that he was a human being, and everyone can be like him, everyone can love their neighbors, everyone can spread effection and sympathy to the world. He would never take the life of another human being. And if anyone else believes that it won't be Jesus and it will be the comets that crash into the world or the world erupting, or whatever then do as much as you can good in your life before it happens. Pay some old bills, say sorry to people you have made fun of, give your mom and dad a hug, pet your dog, work out if your a bit overweight, go to a resteraunt that you have always wanted to go to but just don't tell me that, because i will be 16 and i want to see what i get for christmas.

-Omid Iron Mehrage

Side: The World Is Safe
1 point

i just say it ggives u another matter for debate thats it nothing else .nothing gonna happen like disaster and all

Side: nothing
1 point

I can't believe that this debate is still on. how many times must I write that nothing will happen in 2012 or any other crappy date??? if anything does happen we won't have time to debate it on. so forget this PLZ. Anyway, something might happen if this debate does go on. because it doesn't seem to me that there is something that will happen anytime soon but this debate won't ever end. not until 2012 at least.As to that no one is curtain. However, using reason and modern knowledge we know that the metier heading for earth is another couple hundred years away, all forms of deadly diseases known to man are not capable of wiping out humanity in the next 2 years, Yellowstone could erupt but that will not be the end of the world and the recession is easing up(haha).It's all in Gods hands but when observing history as a prolific tool, which is the whole point of history, one can conclude that we are HIGHLY LIKELY to still exist beyond the year 2012

Side: The World Is Safe
1 point

i think nthn going to happen i think they are just saying that to scare u to clean up the globe so global warming does`nt continue to affectNOPEit wont because maybe the mayans died out before they could finish the calendar, doesnt mea tat it will end you

Side: nothing
1 point

January 1, 2000.

September 11, 2008.

June 6, 2009.

December 21, 2012.

What do they all have in common? Dates the world is supposed to end. All but one of them have passed and we're still here debating. Is there a chance? Sure. But the numbers, logic, reasoning, and common sense all say NO.

Side: nothing
1 point

i think its not possible life can not end need to worry ...but be ready for any kind of loss..prepare urself

Side: nothing
1 point

Apparently people don't know that the Mayans couldn't count higher than 2012. And the only thing they predicted right is that everyone would go nutso wacko freako because their calendar ended at 2012. True story.

Side: nothing
1 point

There have been hundreds of prophecies/predictions about the end of the world throughout history, but as far as I am aware, I'm still alive on planet earth. If you disagree I would love to talk, I know a good therapist who lives next door to me!

Supporting Evidence: List of the amount of times the world was supposed to end (
Side: The World Is Safe

The olympics are obviously going on in 2012 so that is what is going to happen!

Side: The Olympics
1 point

ok, so we need to go back to history a bit more. The Mayan people said that 2012 was an year of disaster caused by the grand cross, which is an event where the solar winds destroy the earth's gravity and magnetic field, disrubting our environment. They say this will happen when all the planets line up in one line, and the gravity becomes amazingly strong. Tough luck. Another similar event, when almost all of the planets lined up in about the 1900's or so. Nothing happened. Also, they say the solar winds will melt the ground, and make mega tsunami's and earthquakes. huh. Not only the melting of the ground is ridiculous, but that the solar winds will already evaporate the ocean. How can there be a tsunami without water? Also, even if we say that the melting of the ground is true, there would have to me a huge amount of solar wind. When an earthquake happens, all of earth would already have gone by the huge amound of heat and energy! This leads to the conclusion: "Mayans were stupids, and their theory's don't make sense at all!!!!!!!!!!" One major argument about earth being destroyed gone.

Side: nothing
1 point

Nothing is going to happen; except for many people dying of natural causes as in any day, many people being born, loads of christmas shopping and a heck load of idiotic morons worrying their butts off. :3

Side: nothing
1 point

who are we to know? judegment day will be in Gods hands and will be in his timing. Flesh and blood will never be able to interpret the end of the world.

Side: nothing
1 point

People cant even predict tomorrows weather correctly and then they are also telling us that the world will end in 2012!!

pshh thats not ganna happen!

Side: nothing
1 point

Lets wait and see. If we die, at least Justin Beiber will be with us. Ha, lol, I'm such a loser, I laugh at my own jokes

Side: nothing

of course it wont

i remember on th 06/06/06 when we thought the world was going to end at 06:06:06 and we were all worried. absolutely nothing happened. in fact it was a pretty good day. on of the friends of the family had their first child born on that day

Side: nothing
1 point

No one will know before 2012. It might, or might not. Lol

Side: No One Knows
1 point

i believe nothing will happen, yes they said the Maya predicted a catastrophe that will end the world but are we really gonna listen to people who used cloth to "cover" themselves not even sewn to cover anything.

Side: nothing
1 point • There is so much happening to the planet. volcanoes earthquakes, landslides, sink holes, Birds and Fish dying in the thousands and now cattle freezing to death. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT IT ALL? perceivedreality is a discussion site (try not to argue!) where you can debate your theories and hear new ones...

Supporting Evidence: Perceived Reality (
Side: just read this and you'll understand
1 point

thats bullshit , nothings going to happen if you believe that then just kill yourself.

Side: wat kind of an idiot thought this
1 point

I believe that the Mayan calendar ended because it had to at one point. There aren't Mayans around anymore, and they had to end somewhere. It just happened to be 2012.

Side: nothing
1 point

The world will not end. A movie might have said that but it ain't true. The world will end when god wants it too. I mean It might be 2012 but it also might not according to what god wants.

Side: nothing
1 point

The world will not end it 2012. Yeah the Mayan calender says that, but you have to remember that they died off so they probably couldn't finish the calender. I know that sounds stupid but seems like a logical explanation.

Side: nothing
1 point

Not quite nothing will happen. It will be the first time in a very, very long time (somewhere around 25,000 years) that the Earth, the Sun, and the center of the Milky Way will line up. I'm not sure what that means astrologically, but it's something.

Side: Celestial Phenomona
1 point

Hmmm, where did you hear that? A friend at school? Internet? Is it a reliable source? Instead of wasting your time, asking people you don't know about it, research yourself! Talk to people you trust (Parent, Teacher, Pastor, etc) and look up facts about it. Serrrriiiiiiooooooooouuuuuuuusssssssslllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy! :D

Side: LookItUpYourselfff
1 point

Nothing is going to happen. People are watching too many movies :)

Side: nothing
1 point

Where is the evidence? There were many other dates that have been predicted to have been catastrophic disasters but they never actually happened...

Side: nothing
1 point

We're just going to keep living as we are today until we kill ourselves off.

Side: nothing
1 point

there is no evidance of the world ending exept from global warning but it can't happen this fast

Side: nothing


Side: nothing
1 point

nothing at all just solar flares hanginnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Side: nothing
1 point

they could have just STOPPED COUNTING!

or they just picked a random date

It's just some number. anyone can say the world'll end on any day, any time.

watch, I'll do it:

the world will end in 2048, when the missing month after december, "ember", reapperes on the calender!!!! And it will be at 5:30 for everytime zone! MWA HA HA HA!!!

see? there's no proof! unless it says so in the Bible, I won't belive it.

Side: nothing
1 point

i will laugh on December 21, 2012 at whatever O'Clock

i will laugh in 2013, when we're still here,

and i will enjoy watching the Maximum Ride movie supposedly comming out in 2013 (it was suppose to be 2010. but that's gone and they pushed the date)

Side: I will laugh in 2013 when we still here
1 point

in 2012 nothing will happen. and then once nothing happens, another catastrophic prediction will be discovered (of course it has to be made by some ancient civilization that was apparently, for some reason, much more enlightened than we are today).

Side: nothing
1 point

if that happened, it's not me, the only person, who has to face to

Side: nothing
1 point

No y in the heck would tht even happen its like the wegener hypothesis there is NO cause!!

Side: nothing
1 point

nothing will happen there was like six other times, but if u think nothing is going to happen on 2012 then that would be a day to stay inside because thats when all of the crazy people will come out. who cares what the miyans predict thousands of years ago if there calender ends mabey they should have gotton another one

Side: nothing
1 point

NOTHING is going to happen in 2012 everyone thinks that there will be a disaster and we will all die. But ask your self this why will it happen because of some stupid calender maybe it ended in the year or 2012 because they didn't finish it. If you really think that something will happen dont hold your breath. And again ask stop and ask your self why do i think it will happen then you will realize you are freaking out over nothing.

Side: nothing
1 point

Oh my god!!!! We're all going to DIE!!!!!!! Haha! Nothing will happen unless Barry is re-elected... in that case we may all die!

Side: nothing
1 point

Well,it was supposed to be 2012 bt now its been changed to 21st of may 2011.Dummies.They don't realise that theres something called a chaos theory and that no amount of technology no matter how sophisticated cn predict the future intoto.Its impossible but we'll wait and see.

Side: nothing
1 point

i will give my true opinion. january 1, 2013........... ...done

Side: nothing
1 point

Just because the Aztec calender ends in 2012 does not mean the world is going to end. The world could end then, but there is nothing pointing towards that.

Side: nothing
1 point

It's the Mayan calendar (just saying), and the end date is the end of their cycle. The Mayans believed that another cycle will simply begin December 22, 2012. Anyone who says that the world will end is simply supporting the stupidity that infects the human population.

Side: nothing
1 point

We have no proof that any form of disaster will happen, only time will tell.

Side: No One Knows
1 point

nothing will happen unless God wants the world to end in that year

Side: nothing
1 point

I believe the world will end one day but all these predictions are a waste of time. Only one person knows when the world will end and he's not on this earth

Side: nothing
1 point

To suggest that simply because the Mayan calendar terminates on a specific date means that the world will end indicates a lack of a factual basis. In many ways, the aforementioned measurements of time were arbitrary, and as such this notion should be disregarded.

Side: nothing
1 point

nothing is going to happen. The mayan calender ends that dosent mean anything. I mean people thought the world was going to end in 2000 but it didnt so it isnt going to end next year. People who think the world is going to end are stupid

Side: nothing
1 point

"HEY DONT CALL ME STUPID!" ha ha jk i know what is going to happen in 2012 every one that paid thousands (some times millions) of bucks on a bunker are gonna feel dumb and get mad and sue peopl thus wasting more money and the the economy will get better:D but realy i agree 99.999999999% with u. and mabey some one should play a joke on somebody and set fireworks around there house or something that would be funny:D

Side: nothing
1 point

nothing would ever happen in 2012, and its only false statements made by people who think something might actually happen that has created this stupid n worthless discussion.

although i'd rather state that if something would happen it would result in prooving that in my life till 2012 i have done nothing of worth =/ bt study like mad... =/

and anyway if something does happen in 2012, i'd love to see you guys prove me wrong ;P lol

Side: wat kind of an idiot thought this
1 point

First of all, I like to imagine that all of us would not imagine the end of the world. But at least I liked to imagine the positive points which let us know that the world will not end. And facts, and/or reasons supported this view.

According to some religious people the earth first will lead to new empires still to come. Before Jesus will return. According to other religious people the new Messiahs already came and here-fore they live on new earth and have received spiritually the new heaven.

Next is from a different point of view. Some astrologists from Gelageo already are for-saying about after 2012. Some of us already thought that the world would end before this very date.

Furthermore there is no threats to be seen or ongoing processes that lead to catastrophic disasters leading towards the end of the world before 2012. It is now already April 2011. Government already should have warned us and government should have prepared us to - for example - take a space-shuttle flight to a space-station big enough. Because thanks to world-wide observance systems the government would have been warned. And don't we know about alarms warning whole populations?

I do not see on the news that whole populations are about egoism or in chaos so much that in 8 and a half months the globe would end thanks to a catastrophic disaster.

Look the world also might end thanks to our pessimism influencing our thoughts to think towards an end of the world in 2012. But optimism is universal. Almost 90 procent of the people around the globe even expect life to be better the next five years.

There is a futurist fact-sheet which let's us know that people in many parts of the world will become older than 60 because of to the world they live in.

Thus people-optimism, worldwide nature-surveillance systems of any good-working kind, and even for some of us also or even only God will save us at least for a longer period than 1 year and seven months.

Supporting Evidence: > Facts on universal optimism < (
Side: nothing
1 point

To me i support the fact that nothing may happen in 2012 due to the fact that the satellites by now would be giving us warnings or show us that we are gone for sure,because by now there would be visuals in the atmosphere since we are remaining with a few months if at all its to happen, and on the other hand god cant allow that planet or so called nibiru to hit the earth if he hasn' t said yes or any soat of permission

Side: nothing
1 point

secondly as a planet leaves its position , it moves with broken rocks which move in a diffuse form in different directions so some of those would have already hit the earth

Side: nothing
1 point

The world ending in 2012 is about as realistic as getting struck by lightening, bitten by a shark, being hit by a car, and riding across a rainbow on a unicorn all on one day. All the Mayans said was that they saw big black birds in the future, not that a big plane would crash into the twin towers. They haven't actually predicted anything unlike what some of you people are saying.

Side: I will laugh in 2013 when we still here
1 point

Only watch the video thanks to the link below. And see that certain dates about the ending of the world are not to be trusted. Because the 2012 date of the Maya's is not the only - about the end of the world - date known thanks to the Maya's.

Maya's 2012 date can be wrong!
Side: I will laugh in 2013 when we still here
1 point

nothings gonna happen in 2012 every one was thinking the same in 2000 and nothing happened

Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

no it will not end they have perdicted this every year so no...........................................

Side: nothing

A state-directed economy is a system where either the state or worker cooperatives own the means of production, but economic activity is directed to some degree by a government agency or planning ministry through coordinating mechanisms such as indicative planning and dirigisme. This differs from a centralised planned economy (or a command economy) in that micro-economic decision making, such as quantity to be produced and output requirements, are left to managers and workers in the state and cooperative enterprises rather than being mandated by a comprehensive economic plan from a centralised planning board. However, the state will plan long-term strategic investment and seek to coordinate at least some aspects of production. It is possible for a state-directed economy to have elements of both a market and planned economy. For example, investment decisions may be semi-planned by the state, but decisions regarding production may be determined by the market mechanism.

Side: nothing
1 point

nothing. what could possibly happen in just two years? mass destruction of human beings? it is not possible for a catastrophic event to happen in a short period of two years.

Side: nothing

Personally I believe the world ending is absolutely ludicrous at least, not for a couple billion years.

Side: nothing

People say the world will end in 2012 because the Mayans ends their calendar on that year. But 2011 will end on December 31. Will the world end on THAT day? In general, anything could happen, because it will be just another day.

Side: nothing
1 point

Nice rapture we had those other two times.

If people are getting worried over this, they need to calm the fuck down and take a look at the bigger picture. Nothing is going to happen...

Side: nothing
1 point

MAYAN 1: Hey look at this calender I made for us!

MAYAN 2: That's cool, why does it stop at 21st December 2012?

MAYAN3 : I ran out of rock to put it on :/

One possible explanation. Another? We're all paranoid freaks. Get a grip, nothings going to happen.

Side: nothing
1 point

World no go boom. World no die. World not end. Simple? I think yes.

Side: nothing
1 point

Millions of human beings shall hold heir breath on 11:59 PM, December 20 2012. They shall, in fact suffocate because they were holding their breath to wait for the apocalypse, which didn't happen at all. :)

Side: nothing

The Mayans, just disapeared... they took the rest of their calender with them..... even though the weather has acting weird lately... thinking face hmmmmmmm....

Side: nothing
1 point

The 2012 comes from Mayans. Probably just the end of one of their BIG cycles and the beginning of a new BIG cycle. Spans thousands of years. There are even longer ones, if I remember correctly.

Side: nothing
1 point

Nothing is going to happen... Of course there is talk of scientific evidence and of the Mayan calender but consider this: The Mayans did not believe in leap year. So their calender did not correspond to the issues involving leap years. "2012" should have happened a while ago. Nonetheless, I personally believe such a catastrophe will not occur.

Side: nothing
1 point

Nothing's going to happen in this year. You guys believe in such foolish things

Supporting Evidence: Foolish Meme (
Side: nothing
Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

It said december 21st is it december 21st yet? No

Side: catastrophic disaster
Blazeyice(64) Clarified
1 point

im just preidicting just like the other people in this arugument

Side: catastrophic disaster
1 point

Only if Romney gets elected.

Side: nothing
1 point

Well nothing has happened so far today.

Side: nothing
1 point

Sitting in 2013 typing this on my computer.... May 15, 2015. Failures, a new date, REALLY?

Side: nothing

It is now 2015 and the world is still going strong and it will continue to do so for a long time.

Side: nothing

It is now 2015 and the world is still going strong and will continue to do so.

Side: nothing
0 points

nothing is goin to happen in 2012....its just gonna b a commet which can destroy some countries or the local environment of some countries at its best not d whole earth..n we r just makin fuss over it

Side: nothing
0 points marks time according the the Earth's slow wobble called precession when the Sun/Lord travels the Milky Way up and around the vault of heaven to the region of Polaris, thereby entering the Heart of Sky.

The eccentricity of the Earth's orbit, the axial tilt, and and precession of the equinoxes are called Milankovitch Cycles


Side: nothing
0 points

No the world will not end because in Bible it says In the Bible that no one nows the day or the hour when the world would end

Side: nothing
0 points

It is said that it was a mistake of the translators who translated the Mayan calendar. I believe, but it may be that this is said to prevent panic. We can of course do not know, but I hope it lasts a long time until the Earth it goes.

Side: nothing
-1 points

It depends if the Lord is going to come back by then. If He does, THen yeah lots of stuff will happen. But if He doesn't, Maybe the government will take over, idk. It kinda looks that way unless someone like sarah Palin gets in there. We need it.

Side: nothing
-1 points

Well in the bible it said that Jesus made a small tree die and he said that when this tree bears fruit my temple will be built and a few years later(could be a hundred or a thousand to him) the Antichrist will come and then a few years later I the lord, your savior will return. so right now the temple is being built and is soon going to finish. also instead of the world ending and many people believing that the world will end in 2012 there might be a lot of suicides because people think the world will end so they kill themselves so they won't go through the catastrophic event supposedly.

Side: catastrophic disaster