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RSS Sulith

Reward Points:508
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10 most recent arguments.
2 points

It will not.

It's a bunch of hocus pocus.

There is no evidence and it's just ridiculous to even say.

The planet Earth has been here for thousands of years, it's not going to all of a sudden ca-put on us.

1 point

Absolutely nothing. All this post-apocalyptic people need to get their brains checked.

1 point

No books should teens should have the right to read other peoples opnion and views.

1 point

No but it is currently hanging on a thread and the president does not follow it at all.

2 points

No way! That would be competitve to the government!

Just like the privatization of roads!

1 point

Peace and love for man kind?

You have got to be fucking kidding me?

They want the whole world to be Islamic!

Here let me tell you this.

The Koran, 9:5 God instructs his Muslim followers to kill unbelievers, to capture them, to ambush them

The Koran, 8:12 God promises to "cast terror into the hearts of those who are bent on denying the truth; strike, then, their necks!"

The Koran, 8:60 "Strike terror into God's enemies, and your enemies"

The Koran, 2:191-192 Kill disbelievers wherever you find them. If they attack you, then kill them. Such is the reward of disbelievers.

The Koran, 9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

So these really promote peace and love huh?

Also tell me why the word Islam means "To Submit"?

Those verses provide evidence that murder is a necessity to their religion.

The Muslims in america are "bad muslims" they're not following their religion completly. I think they are just 'sitting ontop of a fence' ready to drop down either way, depending if the Islamic terrorist do something huge.

So yeah fuck you.

1 point

Nothing filthy about Islam? Your a joke.

Islam or Muslim is probably the most violent religion there is.

The word Muslim it's self means to Submit.

And there religion is all about Converting or submitting people into their religion.

If you do neither you will be killed. The 'prophet' Mohammad himself participated in many be-headings himself to prove himself 'worthy' to receive redemption from 'Allah'.

Killing is a necessity in that religion if you want me to I will grab some verses that prove so.

Why shouldn't we spread Christianity in an already christian nation? Who the fuck is going to stop us?

1 point

Violence isn't the only way to solve things, but, it's the most effective way.

It's like training a dog, if your dog shits on your floor you stick his nose in it and hit and tell him no ETC. He then becomes 'house trained'.

What this means is that Animals (which we are) respond to pain.

As do we.

I stand by that.

1 point

yeah why not?

Islamic people are spreading their filthy religion all around countries in Europe practically making the countries submit to them.

1 point

They believe that they must earn the right to be gods.

Care to explain this?:

Back in the good ole'days of Joseph Smith the Tombs in Egypt were being opened up and discovered by Britain. A man had a Papyrus scroll that he had translated in Britain and then he brought it over to America. He wanted to see if this Joseph Smith was a real "Translator" or "Modern Day Prophet".

Smith took the Papyrus and went to his translating room and translated it and gave it to this man.

The translation was the exact same.

Tell me how can a uneducated Young Adult who grew up on a Farm and had no schooling whatsoever translate that?

And have it be 100% Accurate?

That (and others) Papyrus Scroll ended up being the Book of Abraham.

Sulith has not yet created any debates.

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Ryan Whatsittoya
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Libertarian
Country: United States
Religion: Mormon
Education: College Grad

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