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RSS Troy8

Reward Points:2417
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8 most recent arguments.
2 points

That's like me telling you that you have to live with a complete stranger who may or may not exist, but if you choose not to you die. Some choice.

Then don't choose not to. Then you do not die. I think you'd find it quite enjoyable considering this "stranger" is benevolent.

0 points

I promise I'm not picking on the Bible,

You promise that you're not picking on the Bible? I believe you, because you're probably just picking your nose!

1 point

That makes him WORSE??? You are given a choice! Whether or not you accept him is your choice.

1 point

EVERYONE thought the earth was flat 2000 years ago! I don't understand why you think there is a lack of evidence for Christianity. These people wrote first hand accounts of what they saw and heard. How do you know what they've written isn't true, hmmm? Were you there 2000 years ago? No, so normally you trust historical accounts written by people who lived in that period of time.

2 points

Is ateism logical? I guess.... Is atheism wise? No, atheism is a very foolish stance.

2 points

Wow, so you're saying that Christianity should be able to stand the test of extreme scrutiny? Are you trying to use this as an excuse to bash it time and again? Great idea! I think you should spread the wealth a little! Bash some Hindus and Buddhists and Jews! Oh, wait- NO THAT IS DISCRIMINATION!!! YOU RACIST! I think that Christianity has definitely should the test of extreme scrutiny long enough! Millions of Christians have been killed in history as martyrs.

2 points

Yes, this is generally the accepted case, but when Jesus was living, he actually visited Hell. He never said why and it is not known why. Infinite mercy people, thats what it was.

2 points

It is not God who is sending these people to Hell, it is the people themselves. God is not to blame here, these people chose not to follow him and are now paying the price. Another logical example of this: A young son goes to war and has a high chance of dying. Is it the parents' fault if he dies because they gave him free will? I think not.

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About Me

"Mitgag is the bomb"

Biographical Information
Gender: Dude
Age: 28
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other
Education: High School
Websites: Political position

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