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Debate Score:65
Total Votes:66
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NVYN(289) pic

Does the U.S. need a new constitution?

The Constitution is over 220 years old.  Times have definitely changed.  Is there anything we need to add or remove?


Side Score: 29


Side Score: 36
4 points

I am not sure that you neccisarilly need a new constitution but I would like to say this:

It is commonly assumed by Americans that their constitution is the best in the world. This is for anyone who has studied political science obviously wrong. The Japanese constitution for example, was written for them by the USA and is concidered much more solid by political scientists given modern moral and legal standards.

This is not to put down your constitution, It is one of the most important historical documents ever and paved the way for democracy and equal rights everywhere and you can be proud of that. But all things have an expiry date, and need to be fixed as time goes on.

I think alot of Americans confuse the historic importance of their constitution with how good it is in modern comparison.

So you very well might need to take a look at your constitution sometime soon.

Side: yes
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

"But all things have an expiry date, and need to be fixed as time goes on."

That is the reason why we can amend the constitution.

Side: No
PungSviti(552) Disputed
2 points

Yeah sure - but sometimes it is easier to find loopholes in amended documents.

You have a good legal systems in many respects but one of the most common criticism of your legal system is how complex it has become

sometimes it is better to start from scratch, so as to make a given law as solid as possible

Side: yes
NVYN(289) Disputed
2 points

Amendments are good. The Constitution now has Amendments left, right and centre! Whenever anyone refers to the Constitution they're almost always referring to an Amendment.


Like anything, it's ok to fix it to better suit the purpose of its existence, but there comes a time when a new model should be considered. You can change a sedan by upgrading some of its features to make it a four-wheel drive vehicle for mountaineering purposes, but a new design may well be a better idea.


A Constitution is a blueprint of many things, amongst them, the structure of a country's political system.

As it stands, do you think our political system need an overhaul to make it more democratic?

Does the Justice system have any flaws that can't be fixed with an amendment?

Are there any rights we need to add or remove?

Side: yes
1 point

We need a new constitution because big business and banks have hijacked the government born from the existing one.

Side: yes

It is now the 21st century and that jaded piece of paper no longer has any relevance.

Side: Yes
3 points

The current one has worked out alright for the last 220 years. I see no reason to change it now.

Side: No
NVYN(289) Disputed
2 points

So everything is going great? No problems with how everything is working at the moment? Is the USA truly democratic?

Side: yes
Cicero(239) Disputed
1 point

The United States was never meant to be a democracy because democracy is just as bad as monarchy.

Side: No
CfromtheSide(11) Disputed
1 point

We all know were not in the best times. But our constitution is pretty solid for what it is supposed stand for. But this form government, which many call democracy, is more of representative oligarchy, is that even makes sense. Many of us (including me) don't know most of the constitution. But I believe the founding fathers did structure an almost skeleton for the country that was going to expand inevitably and they knew their were people those who were going to get power hungry. We must search for what we want to know because nothing is ever handed, in terms of knowledge, it is acquired. Correct me if I am wrong.

Side: No
Astac(242) Clarified
1 point

The USA was never a democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic

Side: Yes

No because we have the longest standing constition and it has been proven to work our founding fathers created it so that admendments could be added and so far we only needed 27

Side: No

There is nothing wrong with the current constitution. What is so wrong with it?

Side: No

What needs to be done is that the Federal Government actually needs to follow it.

Side: No
2 points

No. The Constitution can be amended. It's inherent in the system. What would be the point of creating a new version of something that can already be, has already been, and will be changed?

Side: No
NVYN(289) Disputed
2 points

Many fundamental features should be redesigned instead of amended. Things such as the political system for example. People tend to favor gradual changes, but sometimes a radical approach is necessary.

Side: yes
2 points

This is a moot point. The constitution is almost entirely ignored. Before we decide on if we need a new one we need to decide to follow or reject the current one. Remember, the constitution says that the only powers the federal govt has is to keep a standing army, run the postal system, and negotiate trade, along with a few other VERY small things. All other laws are the jobs of the states. In other words, Health Care, welfare, social security, all of these laws are unconstitutional unless they are run by the individual states OR unless we pass a constitutional amendment granting these powers to the Federal govt. Obviously, neither of these things are going to happen, so the constitution is a dead document that we obey or ignore on a point by point basis.

Side: No
1 point

1. the already insane mad hatters of the tea party would lift their obese pasty asses out of their recliners and try to start a revolution and all die of heart attacks and strokes in the process. And as silly as all those fat white people are, I don't want to see them die.

2. amendments seem to be working fine for now.

Side: No
1 point


It's not like anyone pays an attention to it anyways.

Side: No

I have studied the Constitution and love it for what it is and can be. That being said it may surprise some to know I'm not American. There is ample evidence past present and I'm sure in the future that will demonstrate the longevity of its laws and principles for free market, human rights, protection from government interference and rights protecting private property, including ones own sovereignty in speech, religion, press and so forth. What is missing today is a severe lack of understanding amongst its own citizens concerning the founding principles. The fact that all who are free to think and do so in this forum is a testament to the original intent of the Constitution. This is more than Conservatism versus Centrist versus Liberalism ideology, it's about understanding Constitutionality (read Federalist paper # 10). If there's a discrepancy in the U.S.A. today its the need to understand Natural Law philosophy versus Positive Law philosophy, Natural Legal Law versus Jurisprudence Law (Stare Decisis). Understanding the difference would inform us all on the lack of Constitutionality of "torture" for enemy combatants, legalized abortion, federal taxation on individual citizens, pre-emptive strike rulings for international war, right to life health care or lack of it etc etc etc.

Side: No
1 point

No but it is currently hanging on a thread and the president does not follow it at all.

Side: No
1 point

When the document contains the provision for its own amendment you never need a new one, you just update the old one whenever the need arises.

If you're asking if it needs some updating, then yes... probably. I can think of a few things in it that simply no longer make sense given modern realities. The composition of the Senate for one thing... we've moved considerably beyond the days when each individual state's own internal identity was of significance importance relative to the national identity as a whole. So having a person who live in Wyoming get 70 TIMES more representation in the Senate than a person who lives in California just because they live in a lowly populated region of the country is simply unjustifiable. As things stand now 20% of the US population controls 60% of the US Senate. That's ridiculous.

Side: No

All I have to say to contribut to this debate!!


Side: No
1 point

The U.S do not need a new constitution. There is already enough rights being bestowed upon citizens and if they are given a new constitution, it wil result in many appeals filed in the courts, and already the courts are facing case backlog along with a limited budget tto function causing a delay in criminal matters and speedy trial. The present constitution is the foundation of this country upon which stands the rights of all citizens fair by law.

Side: No
1 point

No! It was set up so that it could be amended if needed..........

Side: No
1 point

We just need to follow it. If we follow the Constitution there are only 18 powers we gave to the feds, all others are left to the people and the states

Side: No

We do not need a new constitution; we need more conservatives and less liberals. Alternatively, we can ship our liberals to the E.U ;)

Side: No
casper3912(1556) Disputed
2 points

conservatives are people who think nothing should ever be tried for the first time. :P If you want to be behind in innovating go ahead.

We may not need a new constitution, the same way they didn't need chainsaws to chop wood 200 years ago.

Side: Not sure

Liberals are people who think that something has not been tried (it's 2010, it all has pretty much been tried already). Conservatives are people who know that it didn't work so they opt to stick with what's tried and true ;)

Side: yes

The liberals are criminals - do you agree? They are trying to destroy the American way of life - they should all be sent to Siberia.

Side: No

We need to send them where they will do the most damage...., to our enemies ;)

Side: No
Manastacious(22) Disputed
1 point


Just because someone does not agree with your views does not mean you or anyone has the right to ship them out of the country. That is contradicting the morals that this country was founded on. To say something like that is just like saying that we need to ship all the Mexicans out of the country, or all of the Indians. It's not racist but the views are extremely alike.

Side: yes

Liberals want the whole enchilada. We need a place free of liberals for conservatives to reside in. Since the liberals have already occupied France, and since they are always saying how great France is, I say they should go there and leave us conservatives alone here in the US. Why should they be allowed to take over the US as well?

Side: No