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RSS Brycer2012

Reward Points:1002
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10 most recent arguments.
0 points

Oops...I accidentally clicked the button twice.....................................

They bring in a lot of money, but they also spend it all. They donate a lot of it and pay bills with the rest.

You should start that debate :)

Not just because it's a church, but because it's a non-profit organization. All non-profits get exemptions because they work to help other, as well.

Although you want all voters to be informed and politicians to work there up through their beliefs, what you described is democracy. The voters still choose the whereabouts of the country.

"The Constitution now has Amendments left, right and centre!"

The 27th amendment, also the last, was enacted in 1992. The one before that, 1971. If the basis for your argument is that we need a new constitution because we are getting too many new amendments, then maybe you should reconsider. The government and the people of America must not believe they need a new constitution, considering the last amendment was enacted 18 years ago.

"But all things have an expiry date, and need to be fixed as time goes on."

That is the reason why we can amend the constitution.

2 points

My school goes on a 7 point scale. That would be an F...even worse.

Although the ten commandments are good things to live by, all people don't believe in Christianity. If the schools put them up then it will open themselves up for a lot of law suits. It's just safer to not put them up.

It may be something good or bad, but we shouldn't fear it. If it is something bad we should take it as a learning experience and if it is good, that's great.

0 points

The Devil and God have an agreement. God allows him to tempt people to see how they react to the situation. If people are truly faithful then they will not let it get to them so much that they lose faith. God trusts that you don't lose faith.

You are right people do make their own decisions, whether they are the right ones or not is their choice also.

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About Me

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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