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Debate Score:7
Total Votes:8
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indeed(72) pic

Should churches have to pay property taxes like all other organizations?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 4
1 point

yes with no doubt churhes should pay taxes becoz we very well know the the reasons which led to the french revolution and also this creates a social inequality

Side: yes

If the Churches are getting involved with politics, then they should have to pay taxes.

Side: Yes

Not just because it's a church, but because it's a non-profit organization. All non-profits get exemptions because they work to help other, as well.

Side: No
indeed(72) Disputed
1 point

Churches may be classified as "non-profit" but they certainly bring in a lot of money.

The Roman Catholic church comes to mind.

Perhaps I should start a debate that says should churches be deemed non-profit orgranizations :)

Side: yes
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

They bring in a lot of money, but they also spend it all. They donate a lot of it and pay bills with the rest.

You should start that debate :)

Side: No
KatieMarie(288) Disputed
1 point

First Church of God in Christ, Mt. Pleasant, Texas. That is were i am a member. We have a soup kitchen and we also do a lot of work in the community. The money that isn't used to pay the utility bills and pay the Reverend goes back into the community.

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
0 points

Oops...I accidentally clicked the button twice.....................................

Side: No