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As long as time doesn't stop then neither will history. For example look at the clock. You will see the second hand move and the second it passed is now the past. A part of history. If time stops then you can't add more to the past.

It decreases the likelihood of financial meltdown in theory. We do not know if one country is more corrupt than the next. It increases trade to the countries that share the same currency. Besides if this currency becomes too strong, what will happen to the countries who didn't sign up to snare the global currency? They will collapse because their currency will be too weak.

A global language will also never happen.

History cannot end unless time itself ends.


Before we get a global language I would first rather see a global currency. Not everybody can speak the same language because of differences in culture, but countries with similar economies would be able to have the same currency. Of course this means if one country suffers from inflation then they all will, causing a global meltdown worse than the one now.

It's not just Lil Wayne- all rappers aren't good. Rap music in general is bad and rappers do little for society.

"An army must eat, breath, sleep and fight as a team. All that individuality stuff is a bunch of crap."- Patton.

The commander is responsible for the actions of their troops because they are the ones giving the orders.

It really depends on the situation because warfare/ and foreign policy have changed dramatically during the last century.

For the general infantryman i would say no. Understanding the enemy is the job of intelligence, translators, interpretors and special forces.

Korea was not a failure because we stopped the communists from taking over the south.

Vietnam we had the right idea but implemented the idea the wrong way.

I do not view Iraq and Afghanistan as a failure because we have suffered less casualties than the enemy and in Iraq we protected our interests and in Afghanistan we are slowly winning over the villagers and getting them to help us fight the Taliban.

"History doesn't repeat itself, at best it sometimes rhymes."

Tchiakovsky or Bach.




The farming industry has several problems

First of all the food company is in control of the farmer and therefore the farmer makes a very small profit.

The way things are farmed in the US needs to change. We feed our animals corn which is not all that good for them because they aren't meant to digest it. The US also grows too much corn and the government actually has to pay the farmers to not grow it. But they can't really do that because most of our food is a bi product of corn.

The government should step in and impose new regulations on food companies. But this is very hard to do because we need large scale industrial farming to cope with our growth.

Winning Position: Make love not war

About Me

Biographical Information
Name: Chris 
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School

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