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Lil wayne haters Lil wayne fans
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Lil wayne haters (1)

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Medusa(18) pic

Little Wayne sucks.

Little Wayne is the SELF proclaimed best rapper of all time and you all belive him? Dont be decieved. Four reasons why his music is complete garbage. 1. His voice is terrible, scratchiest voice i've ever heard. Any rational fan of little wayne (if such a one exists) would even agree his voice sucks. If he auditioned for American idol he would be the first to be booted off the show. 2. His beats are horrible. Look at Dr.Dre and Tupac, two very accomplished, legitimate rappers. Little Wayne's beats are shit compared to their beats agreed? He is no where near their level as im sure most of you agree so we have already concluded he is not the greatest rapper of all time. 3.He is simply just a fake, commercialized rapper. I mean the guy has teardrops yet he has a song called Prom queen? wow how gay, sure you've murdered somebody before wayne :p 4. His word puns and word play are also horrendous. "I am so high you cant reach me with a f*cking antenna" A typical shallow minded little wayne fan would hear this and be exclaim "Dogg wayne's lyrics are da truff, this nigga's allabout da dousha!" But I guess it just goes to show today's music does not come from the heart anymore but from the wallet. People dont want to hear good music anymore. They just want to get intoxicated go to clubs and hear music that talks about getting intoxicated, and all the other materialistic bullshit of the like. I understand music is all about taste, and its all a matter of opinion but realistically deep down in your heart you cant tell me little wayne is the greatest ever.

Lil wayne haters

Side Score: 1

Lil wayne fans

Side Score: 0

It's not just Lil Wayne- all rappers aren't good. Rap music in general is bad and rappers do little for society.

Side: Lil wayne haters
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