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The military should teach more It's fine as is.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 The military should teach more (2)
 It's fine as is. (3)

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Conro(767) pic

Should military forces be required to teach more ethics/morality during training?

The title, essentially.

The military should teach more

Side Score: 2

It's fine as is.

Side Score: 3
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For the general infantryman i would say no. Understanding the enemy is the job of intelligence, translators, interpretors and special forces.

Side: It's fine as is.
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

Well when it comes down to it, shouldn't the soldiers be held fairly responsible for their actions? They are rewarded for valor, but rarely are they reprimanded (harshly) for following immoral orders. They are praised for following orders, essentially for being automatons. If they respond immorally to a situation, regardless of orders or no, should they not be reprimanded. After all, they serve as representatives of the country.

Side: The military should teach more
trumpeter93(998) Disputed
1 point

"An army must eat, breath, sleep and fight as a team. All that individuality stuff is a bunch of crap."- Patton.

The commander is responsible for the actions of their troops because they are the ones giving the orders.

It really depends on the situation because warfare/ and foreign policy have changed dramatically during the last century.

Side: It's fine as is.

Are you suggesting they're lacking in these things?

----------------------------------------------------------------The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

Side: It's fine as is.
Conro(767) Disputed
1 point

Well basic training is essentially (excuse my next phrase) brainwashing the soldiers to kill. They chant "kill kill kill" and other phrases to numb the soldier towards the taking of life. It becomes reflexive. Do we really want reflexive killers in society? I'm not against soldiering in concept, but reflexive soldiers, soldiers who act without thinking of consequences, frighten me.

Soldiers of Conscience
Side: The military should teach more