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 The Best Classical Composer (4)

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Conro(767) pic

The Best Classical Composer

By classical, I suppose I could open it up to modern composers. However, it must be instrumental, choral, or an opera composer. No composers of rock, metal, hip-hop, etc.

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Tchiakovsky or Bach.




1 point

I like Tchaikovsky's emotional attack on a piece. And Bach's rhythmic structure is often very exciting. Do you have any specific reason for your preference?

The Best Classical Composer

The best Classical composer is clearly Clint Mansell. Anyone who has heard Lux Aeterna will agree. The music has the capacity to make standing still seem epic. And those who disagree hate the Classical genre, don't know what they're talking about and their opinion is therefore moot.

1 point

Wow, you are right. That song in of itself is amazing. I was so inspired I found sheet music and began to learn it on the piano :).