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 Why are humans "better" than other animals? (11)

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Conro(767) pic

Why are humans "better" than other animals?

Just a general question. Perhaps philosophically? Or if Joe responds, probably not ;)

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2 points

Humans are better because we think that we think, therefore we think that we are, we think.

1 point

Perhaps I didn't need to single out Joe for comments that don't really need anywhere...:)

TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Joe and I are allies, what do you expect?

If you want a 'normal' example, how about this?

If humans were not superior, why are we the most prevalent species on the planet? If we were of no importance, why would we have such an effect on the entire planet? If we were not so important, why do dogs surrender to us?

I recall a quote by Sir Winston Churchill:

"I like pigs - dogs look up to us, cats look down to us - but pigs treat us as equals."

2 points

Why do humans think they are better than other animals? Power. If we can subjugate some other creature, then we think we are superior to them.

So then, here is some history and a question. Governments, in concert with religion, have a history of subjugating and controlling humans within its territory and, through warfare, people beyond its territory. For example, a doctrine of universal human rights was not developed until perhaps the 18th and 19th centuries.

The question? Why do governments act to oppress people? The answer. Because they can and because it serves their purposes.


Side: Power

Humans are better because various recepies for any given animal ;)

Side: Power
1 point

theyre not. humans do more to kill each other and make each others lives miserable than any other animal i can think of.

Side: Power

Were not. We're the only specie to destroy our own sustainence. As a specie we are fucking morons. Humans are the only specie to leave the symbiotic relationship all life shares to become parasitic. Humans are more capable in whatever trivial aspects can be mentioned but all life is specialized. Can we convert co2 to oxigen? Can we breathe underwater? Can we see protoplasmic and electromagnetic energies? If aliens exist then humans don't even have the high ground in the qualities mentioned. Humans are the most useless specie in many regards. You can all philosophize about how your philosophizing days are numbered.

Side: Power
1 point

We have evolved to be the primary species. Intelligence defines power in this case, and power defines almost everything else.

Side: Power
0 points

Humans have society, culture, and innovation. We have architecture, art, technology and government. However, we also have war, greed, pride, ignorance and discontent. All we have created we have also the means to destroy. In the end everything is eclipsed by the moon.

Side: Power
1 point

Someone must have a grudge against me because they keep downvoting me without giving an explanantion. I don't even downvote people when I disagree with them because I respect their opinion.

Side: Power