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 Why does war still exist? (10)

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Conro(767) pic

Why does war still exist?

If we have at all advanced as a species beyond territorial rivalry, then why is the Earth constantly under a state of fear, be it the threat of nuclear war, terrorists, anti-terrorism, imperialism, economic destabilization (to name a few examples)?

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War exists because there's always a group of people pissing off the other group of people ;)

2 points

Ha there is only one word that can answer this topics question:


2 points

War still exists because we are human and humans have feelings and emotions,which cause us to overeact to one another.We also have prejudices that are hundreds to thousands of years old.They are not just going to go away.In our growing and ever changing world there will always be arguments because every mind is diffrent and every person has their own opinion which is different from another persons opinion and if they don't like your opinion or actions they get violent.And that is why we still have war,and until we all learn to accept one another for what we are there will always be war.

1 point

This has got to be the one of the best oppinions ive come accross.

Will you be my ally?

2 points

Because we have needs and desires and are in competition with others for the resources that will fulfill those wants and needs.

What we can't get by legitimate means we then try to get by violence.

Basic stuff, really.

Yeah war does still exist because look whats happening in Darfar still our government are liers because they said ever since Hitler died they would not let nothing like that happening again but look at poor Darfar if this government would man up and stop these wars or threats maybe the Earth would be a safer place shame on them for not even trying nothing, that makes me soooooo mad!!!!!!!!!

usps(365) Disputed
1 point

So the USA should go to war in darfar?

And that is why war still exist, because everyone wants to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it.

1 point

cuz ppl rn't hipy jez bein demselvz


Side: Nash equilibrium

People never get along - whether it's about land, money, power, oil, skin color, terrorism. We can never get along - it's in our nature. How else could two children, raised by fairly pacifistic parents, get into a fight?

Side: Nash equilibrium