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EnigmaticMan's Reward Points: 1840

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Supermarkets should only sell food produced from within their own country rather than
2 Added Argument Why do scientists claim that Evolution is a fact when its actually a theory?
4 Added Argument Hang killers and rapists etc
5 Added Argument Why do people believe in god(s) when there is no proof?
1 Added Argument Theists what would you do if the Theroy of Evolution became the Law of Evolution?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - MKIced
1 Added Argument Were the English really that bad to the Americans before the Revolutionary war?
1 Added Argument Is it ever justified to kill in defense of property?
-1 Downvoted Argument This house supports the UN's proposed anti-blasphemy law.
2 Added Argument This house supports the UN's proposed anti-blasphemy law.
1 Added Argument DO YOU HATE MUSLIMS?
1 Added Argument SPOTLIGHT SERIES - Ricedaragh
1 Added Argument Should the U.S. get rid of the penny?
1 Added Argument Is there a liberal out there among you that can explain this apparent contradiction?
10 Added Argument Should KIDS be arrested when found to be roaming around the neighborhood late at night?
1 Added Argument What do you mean by (you don't believe in God) (Questions for athiests)
1 Added Argument DO YOU HATE MUSLIMS?
2 Added Argument 2012 Snappys - The final results are in!
1 Added Argument 2012 Snappys Winners T-Shirt Question #3 - What's on the Back?
1 Added Argument 2012 Snappys Winners T-Shirt Question #2 - Shirt Color
1 Added Argument 2012 Snappys Winners T-Shirt Question #1 - Logo
2 High Rated Argument Is the bible 100% true
1 Added Argument USA is the best nation of all time, they have contributed the most to the world.
1 Added Argument Opinions of religion. Why or why don't believe in them?

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