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RSS Republican2

Reward Points:348
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5 most recent arguments.

"There is no reason why a female of good physical health should not be treated the same as a man who is in good physical health."

Actually, there is. While it is true that with the proper training, women can be just as strong and agile as men, where the difference comes in is the time it takes. On average, women do have to train longer and harder to get the same results as men. This creates a problem during a draft because soldiers are required to complete their basic military training within a certain time period to accommodate more recruits. If women were drafted, it would slow down the process considerably. I am not trying to be sexist, I am only saying that there are physical differences that would be cumbersome when trying to train soldiers as quickly as possible.

Republicans also often believe in a strong military power to intervene in international affairs when it is in the United States' best interest. Especially ones who fall on the authoritarian end of the political spectrum.

-1 points

I, as a Republican and a Texan, support what Bush did in his time in office although I know many do not. I think the gripe most people have about him is that people voted for him thinking a republican president would help with U.S. debt, but instead he turned around and spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the war effort. Normally, I wouldn't like this either, but I've come to the conclusion that the pentagon knows things citizens don't and they would never authorize hundreds of billions of dollars on a wild goose chase. There must have been some validity to it.

3 points

I am of a neutral opinion on weather or not gay love should be accepted. Personally I think it's disgusting, that's just me. But I should point out that the term "gay marriage" is self contridictory. The dictionary defines marriage as: "the social institution under which a MAN and WOMAN establish their decision to live as HUSBAND and WIFE by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.". so what if someone wanted to marry their pet? Should we allow that too? People are really starting to lose the understanding of what marriage really means.

3 points

I'm not against the gay community in general, but there is a problem with the word "marry". By definition it implies a union between a man and a woman. a gay marriage is an oxymoron.

About Me

"I am as Republican as Republican gets and I'm proud of it!"

Biographical Information
Name: Andrew McQuiggin
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States

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