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RSS Saffron

Reward Points:94
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

Except you, like most people on this side, have failed to actually answer a single part of the premise I laid out. ;]

3 points

I can do that to, but let's rephrase a few things...

"Accept and receive Allah as your Lord and Savior = Go to Heaven

Deny or reject Him = Go to Hell

Simple as that."

Sound familiar? It can be done for just about anything.

Fact; You aren't going to win anyone over to your 'Lord' with arguments like this.

14 points

Everyone on this side continues to fail to actually answer the premise I set out...interesting.

3 points

It is your job to prove this "inbred knowledge of God" hypothesis, which is about as loony as they come, to be honest. As for the rest of your argument, sending someone to be tortured for all the rest of eternity due to ignorance and a failure on the missionaries part is 100% incompatible with a benevolent God.

5 points

You didn't answer a single part of the premise I laid out, all you did was recite the time old adage that is what I was taking issue with.

In any case, I'm not an atheist but I think you read much to far into that. Anything frightening triggers the natural (biological) fight or flight response, even if its imaginary, or digital as the case may be.

Winning Position: No, it's incompatible

About Me

"What can I say, I'm a Freshman in High School who loves to debate. I'm generally fairly progressive on most issues, but I'm not an ideologue and could be swayed if I see logic in an opposing argument. I'm a nice person in real life, but when I debate I may get a bit nasty at times. Sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean it. :]"

Biographical Information
Name: Andrew Forster
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Green Party
Country: United States
Postal Code: 12065
Religion: Agnostic
Education: High School
Websites: Green Party!
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