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1 point

The Bible does not say the earth is flat. Isaiah 40:22 (NIV)

22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,

and its people are like grasshoppers.

He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,

and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

It says "circle of the earth" but it really can't be used to say the bible says the earth is round OR flat. It simply means that when you look at the earth from above, its silhouette against space is a circle. Even when people believed the earth was flat, they thought it was a circular shape.

Once again, this neither suggests nor denies earth's roundness or flatness.

1 point

I would appreciate it if you would not disrespect me, thank you.

"Science is not a viewpoint you idiot. Science is the scientific method. An objective study of the world that does not make assumptions without evidence (like God)."

Of course its not a view point, but it is the it is a foundation in which a view point can be based, and that was what I was refering to. I figured that would look pretty apparent.

"The scientific method proves itself, yes, because through it we have cars, electricity, computers, medicine etc, whereas Religion has given us nothing."

There is a huge difference between spirituality and religion. Religion is used to control the population and yes corruption and violence have occured from religious people, however a religion itself can do no wrong as it is not a physical being. Science could be indicted in the same way as it has created nuclear bombs and has caused damage to the environment. Corrupt scientists, or misuse of scientific applications i mean. Spirituality has greatly benefited humanity. It is a scientific proven fact that meditation is very healthy. It greatly reduces stress and lowers blood pressure. Countless sums of people have felt a great peace, and have been taught love and compassion.

"Life is not amazing"

Life is a miracle. You need to look more into mathematics and probability. Even Richard Dawkins would agree that life is truly amazing. The universe has four constants. And if just one of those four constants was off by one part in a MILLION life would not be possible.

"If I say 2+2=4, my statement proves itself. Does this somehow imply that mathematics is wrong?"

That is a moot point. Because science is not always correct, it is based on limited data and many scientific laws that were once considered facts, are now regarded as errors. So science is not always correct.

1 point

As with any major institution or corporation it almost always leads to some sort of corruption, whether it be religion or science. I think science could be indicted in the same way, as it has created nuclear bombs and has caused damage to the environment.

2 points

Atheism is illogical in the sense that any denial of God whether of the weak or strong variety inherently is an appeal to ignorance. What makes atheism/science more of an authority of truth over spirituality? Because it uses the scientific method? You see the logic is circular, because the only way to prove science is an authority of truth is to use the scientific method. That is also unscientific because its a value statement. The only place it gets its validation is from itself. There is archeological evidence supporting some of the claims in the Bible and other religious books. Also there are patterns in the universe, such as Fibonacci's code. You want to talk about probability? There far too many coincidences to assume this planet didnt simply originate in some cipher, and now it aimlessly rushes nowhere. In my opinion, that is illogical. How can an elaborate organism with trillions of microscopic interactive components come as the result of an accident? Now one of you atheists here may argue something along the lines of, "3.8 billion years of self replication and genetic mutation." But there is a problem with that. You see even if you flip a coin it is bound to land heads or tails but it still had a purpose. And the big bang is just bogus, we all know giant explosions and chaos dont create order, design, and complexity. Namaste.

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