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RSS Spoonerism

Reward Points:831
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

I wouldn't say that technology has improved our food supply. In fact, just the opposite. Our food supply has become lethal thanks to technology.

2 points

1. "As for did I ever CHOOSE to go the heterosexual path , the answer is YES I DID." Really? What age were you when you chose to be heterosexual? Is it something you struggle with daily? Do you have to remind yourself that heterosexual is the choice you've made and you're sticking with it? What motivated you to go heterosexual when there are clearly so many damn perks to being gay?

2. "Many gay people would claim that their coming out has brought them great relief"

Duh duh duh. Of course coming out brings them relief. This has nothing to do with a perk of being gay. This is a perk of being who they are and being unashamed of it.

3. "many gays who choose a partner of their own sex claim that there are alot of advantages, such as the feelings of love are deeper and feel more real, their desire for sex with that person rather than with someone of the opposite sex is stronger and the sex more satisfying"

Go figure. Gay people prefer same sex relationships. That's your argument here. In the same way, I'm sure you would claim the feelings of love are deeper and feel more real with someone of the opposite sex, and that your desire for sex with them is stronger and more satisfying. You've just defined what being gay is, not given a perk.

4. "Also in certain fields of work, such as fashion design or interior design, the gay guy is usually assumed as going to be good before even showing any other credentials."

Really? Usually? Not to be a bitch, but prove it. My grandfather owned a flower shop for 20 years, and while gay men worked for him and were damn good floral designers, he NEVER hired on the basis of their sexuality. They were hired BECAUSE they were good.

5. "And how can someone really say they are BORN gay, when boys and girls don't really even know the difference between the sexes until they are at least 2-3"

Sexual identity develops at around 12, while sexual interest develops around the age of 7. What Developmental Psychology Says about Sexuality

4 points

Once upon a time, there were these people. And they came in many colors (Really, only about four or five). Anyway, some of these people thought that they should have separate facilities than those of darker colors. Separate schools, separate bathrooms, separate seats on the bus (Talk about a waste of taxpayer money!).

The light colored people thought it was great, but the dark colored people did not. They realized that they got what is known worldwide today as The Shaft. Separate but equal is never equal.

You either give equal rights or you don't.


I support civil unions for all marriages that occur outside the church, but let rights be entirely equal for all.

3 points

By your argument, all marriage would not fit the Categorical Imperative qualifications, so all marriage must be made illegal.

Categorical Imperative

Quoting from wikipedia here: "From this step, Kant concludes that a moral proposition that is true must be one that is not tied to any particular conditions, including the identity of the person making the moral deliberation. A moral maxim must have universality, which is to say that it must be disconnected from the particular physical details surrounding the proposition, and could be applied to any rational being. "

5 points

Civil unions is the same as being married. It just has a different name.

So...separate but equal? I'm thinking we tried that once before and it didn't work out.

3 points

However, those who choose to go with their desires and follow the gay path with all it's goods also have to accept it's bads.

Simple question: Did you ever choose to follow the heterosexual path?

Furthermore, what are the "goods" associated with the gay path, compared to the heterosexual one? From what I can see it's a much harder path to go down. I can't really fathom why someone might CHOOSE to go that way, unless of course they were BORN gay, in which case you're discriminating against a condition people have no control over.

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"I philosophize. I'm hedonistic. I will rock your face off."

Biographical Information
Name: Ashley 
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Marital Status: In a Relationship
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Education: College Grad
Via IM: imAshGashBegash007

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